Awesome List Updates on Jan 26 - Feb 01, 2015
18 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Ruby
- Fat Free CRM (⭐3.6k) - An open source Ruby on Rails based customer relationship management platform.
2. Awesome Canvas
Resources / Websites and Tutorials
3. Awesome IoT Hybrid
Hybrid Desktop / Resources-websites-projects
4. Awesome Ciandcd
- SGE Grid Engine is typically used on a computer farm or high-performance computing (HPC) cluster and is responsible for accepting, scheduling, dispatching, and managing the remote and distributed execution of large numbers of standalone, parallel or interactive user jobs. It also manages and schedules the allocation of distributed resources such as processors, memory, disk space, and software licenses
Web Server
- HAProxy - Software based load Balancing, SSL offloading and performance optimization, compression, and general web routing.
Other Awesome Lists
5. Awesome Javascript
Data Visualization / Runner
- BabylonJS (⭐23k) - A framework for building 3D games with HTML 5 and WebGL.
Editors / Runner
- TinyMCE (⭐15k) - The JavaScript Rich Text editor.
6. Awesome R
- pipeR (⭐169) - Multi-paradigm Pipeline Implementation.
- lambda.r (⭐216) - Functional programming and simple pattern matching in R.
Data Manipulation
- rlist (⭐204) - A toolbox for non-tabular data manipulation with lists.
Database Management
- rmongodb (⭐53) - R driver for MongoDB.
7. Awesome Talks
Functional Programming
- Functional Programming Design Patterns by Scott Wlaschin [1:49:10]
Test-Driven Development
- The Transformation Priority Premise by Robert C. Martin [53:43]
- Demanding Professionalism in Software Development by Robert C. Martin [45:03]
8. Awesome Projects Boilerplates
- Vim Template (⭐365) Simple Vim Templates plugin.
9. Awesome Elixir
Date and Time
- repeatex (⭐53) - Natural language parsing for repeating dates.
- ex2ms (⭐197) - Translates Elixir functions to match specifications for use with
- ex_rated (⭐455) - Simple and flexible rate-limiting for API's or anything.
Text and Numbers
- base58check (⭐16) - Base58Check encoding/decoding for Bitcoin.
- vim-elixir (⭐1.3k) - Vim configuration files for Elixir.
10. Awesome Android Ui
List / Grid
Name: RecyclerView-FlexibleDivider (⭐2.4k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: android-pathview (⭐2.9k)
License: Apache License V2
11. Scalable Css Reading List
Workflow Overviews
- How we do CSS at Ghost, by Paul Davis (11/4/14)
12. Awesome Lua
Resources / Command-line Utilities
- argparse (⭐205) - A feature-rich command line parser inspired by argparse for Python.
Resources / Cryptography
- LuaCrypto (⭐86) - Lua bindings to OpenSSL.
- lua-lockbox (⭐325) - A collection of cryptographic primitives written in pure Lua.
13. Github Cheat Sheet
Emojis / Compare Branches across Forked Repositories
14. Awesome Ripple
Gateways / Bridges
15. Awesome Perl
- Data::Validator - Rule based validator on type constraint system.
Benchmarks / DSP
- Parallel::Benchmark - Benchmark in multiprocesses
- App::Cmd - Write command line apps with less suffering.
- Getopt::Long - Extended processing of command line options.
Data Format / DSP
- Data::Dumper::Simple - Reduce and faster Data::Dumper and eval() equivalent
Database Drivers / Relational Databases
- DBD::Pg - PostgreSQL driver for DBI.
Database Drivers / NoSQL Databases
- Mango - Pure-Perl non-blocking I/O MongoDB driver
- Redis::Fast - Perl wrapper around hiredis driver
Exception Handling / NoSQL Databases
- TryCatch - first class try catch semantics for Perl, without source filters
Form Frameworks / NoSQL Databases
- WWW::Form - Simple and extendable module that allows developers to handle HTML form input validation and display flexibly and consistently.
Module Development / NoSQL Databases
Queueing / NoSQL Databases
Science/Numerics / NoSQL Databases
REST Frameworks / NoSQL Databases
- Dancer::Plugin::REST - A plugin for writing RESTful apps with Dancer
Testing / Testing Frameworks
- Test::Base - A Data Driven Testing Framework
- Test::Base::Less - Limited version of Test::Base
- Test::BDD::Cucumber - Implementation of the popular Cucumber framework in Perl
- Test::Class - Class-based testing. Support "setup" and "teardown".
- Test::Deep - Test deep and complex data structures with great flexibility.
- Test::Kantan - simple, flexible, fun "Testing framework"
Testing / Test Double
- Test::Fatal - Simple module for verifying exceptions.
- Test::Mock::Guard - Mocking package subroutines.
- Test::TCP - Launch temporary TCP Server
- Test::Time - Simple module for faking system time.
Testing / Coverage
- Devel::Cover::Report::Coveralls Report to Coveralls
Tools / Coverage
- Daiku - Make for Perl.
- Riji - Static site generator using markdown and git mainly for blogging.
16. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Command-line utilities
- cfonts (⭐1.6k) - Sexy ASCII fonts for the console.
17. Awesome Gametalks
GDC Talks / Table of Contents
- [2014] TwitchPlayedPokemon: An Analysis of the Experimental Interactive Phenomenon: Alex Leavitt (USC)
- [2014, Europe] Super Time Force: Solving the Time Travel Paradox: Kenneth Yeung (Capy Games)
- [2014] Enhancing Sportsmanship in Online Games: Jeffrey Lin (Riot Games)
- [2014] The Art of The Witness: Luis Antonio (Thekla Inc)
- [2012] How I Got My Mom to Play Through Plants vs. Zombies: George Fan (PopCap)
Other Talks / TED Talks
- [2013, IGDA Seattle] Game Design Tools (I Wish I learned About Sooner): Daniel Cook (Spry Fox)
- [2013, Georgia Tech] Facilitating Stories in Journey: John Nesky (thatgamecompany)
- [2012, G.A.N.G Summit] Music Design in Games: Rich Vreeland (Disasterpeace)
- [2012, George Mason University] Lecture Series: Todd Howard (Bethesda)
18. Awesome Computer Vision
- Linear Algebra and Its Applications - Gilbert Strang 1995
Conference papers on the web
Survey Papers
Computer Vision
- The Future of Image Search - Jitendra Malik (UC Berkeley) 2008
- Should I do a PhD in Computer Vision? - Fatih Porikli (Australian National University)
- Graduate Summer School 2013: Computer Vision - IPAM, 2013
Recent Conference Talks
- ECCV 2014 - Sep 2014
- CVPR 2014 - Jun 2014
- ICCV 2013 - Dec 2013
- CVPR 2013 - Jun 2013
- ECCV 2012 - Oct 2012
- CVPR 2012 - Jun 2012
3D Computer Vision
- Reconstructing the World from Photos on the Internet - Steve Seitz (University of Washington) 2013
Machine Learning
- Bayesian or Frequentist, Which Are You? - Michael I. Jordan (UC Berkeley)
- Continuous Optimization in Computer Vision - Andrew Fitzgibbon (Microsoft Research)
- Beyond stochastic gradient descent for large-scale machine learning - Francis Bach (INRIA)
- Variational Methods for Computer Vision - Daniel Cremers (Technische Universität München) (lecture 18 missing from playlist)
Deep Learning
- Deep Learning for Computer Vision - Rob Fergus (NYU/Facebook Research)
- High-dimensional learning with deep network contractions - Stéphane Mallat (Ecole Normale Superieure)
External Resource Links
- Computer Vision Resources - Jia-Bin Huang (UIUC)
- Computer Vision Algorithm Implementations - CVPapers
- Source Code Collection for Reproducible Research - Xin Li (West Virginia University)
General Purpose Computer Vision Library
Multiple-view Computer Vision
Feature Detection and Extraction
- David G. Lowe, "Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints," International Journal of Computer Vision, 60, 2 (2004), pp. 91-110.
- Stefan Leutenegger, Margarita Chli and Roland Siegwart, "BRISK: Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints", ICCV 2011
- Herbert Bay, Andreas Ess, Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc Van Gool, "SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features", Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), Vol. 110, No. 3, pp. 346--359, 2008
- A. Alahi, R. Ortiz, and P. Vandergheynst, "FREAK: Fast Retina Keypoint", CVPR 2012
- Pablo F. Alcantarilla, Adrien Bartoli and Andrew J. Davison, "KAZE Features", ECCV 2012
Low-level Vision / Stereo Vision
Low-level Vision / Optical Flow
- Coarse2Fine Optical Flow - Ce Liu (MIT)
Low-level Vision / Image Deblurring
Low-level Vision / Alpha Matting
Low-level Vision / Image Pyramid
Contour Detection and Image Segmentation / Edge-preserving image processing
Interactive Image Segmentation / Edge-preserving image processing
Video Segmentation / Edge-preserving image processing
Simultaneous localization and mapping / SLAM community:
Simultaneous localization and mapping / Localization & Mapping:
Single-view Spatial Understanding / Localization & Mapping:
- Geometric Context - Derek Hoiem (CMU)
- Recovering Spatial Layout - Varsha Hedau (UIUC)
- Geometric Reasoning - David C. Lee (CMU)
- RGBD2Full3D (⭐23) - Ruiqi Guo (UIUC)
Object Detection / Localization & Mapping:
Nearest Neighbor Search / General purpose nearest neighbor search
Nearest Neighbor Search / Nearest Neighbor Field Estimation
Visual Tracking / Image Super-resolutions
External Dataset Link Collection / Nearest Neighbor Field Estimation
- CV Datasets on the web - CVPapers
- Are we there yet? - Which paper provides the best results on standard dataset X?
Low-level Vision / Image Super-resolutions
Intrinsic Images / Image Super-resolutions
Material Recognition / Image Super-resolutions
Multi-view Reconsturction / Image Super-resolutions
Visual Surveillance / Image Super-resolutions
Change detection / Image Super-resolutions
Visual Recognition / Object Detection
Visual Recognition / Image Classification
Visual Recognition / Scene Recognition
Image Captioning / Image Deblurring
Visual Recognition / Semantic labeling
Visual Recognition / Multi-view Object Detection
Visual Recognition / Fine-grained Visual Recognition
Visual Recognition / Pedestrian Detection
Action Recognition / Video-based
Action Recognition / Image Deblurring
Resource link collection / Image Deblurring
- Resources for students - Frédo Durand (MIT)
- Advice for Graduate Students - Aaron Hertzmann (Adobe Research)
- Graduate Skills Seminars - Yashar Ganjali, Aaron Hertzmann (University of Toronto)
- Research Skills - Simon Peyton Jones (Microsoft Research)
Writing / Image Deblurring
- Write Good Papers - Frédo Durand (MIT)
- Notes on writing - Frédo Durand (MIT)
- How to Write a Bad Article - Frédo Durand (MIT)
- How to write a good CVPR submission - William T. Freeman (MIT)
- How to write a great research paper - Simon Peyton Jones (Microsoft Research)
- How to write a SIGGRAPH paper - SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 Course
- Writing Research Papers - Aaron Hertzmann (Adobe Research)
- How to Write a Paper for SIGGRAPH - Jim Blinn
- How to Get Your SIGGRAPH Paper Rejected - Jim Kajiya (Microsoft Research)
- How to write a SIGGRAPH paper - Li-Yi Wei (The University of Hong Kong)
- How to Write a Great Paper - Martin Martin Hering Hering--Bertram (Hochschule Bremen University of Applied Sciences)
- How to have a paper get into SIGGRAPH? - Takeo Igarashi (The University of Tokyo)
- Good Writing - Marc H. Raibert (Boston Dynamics, Inc.)
- How to Write a Computer Vision Paper - Derek Hoiem (UIUC)
Presentation / Image Deblurring
- Giving a Research Talk - Frédo Durand (MIT)
- How to give a good talk - David Fleet (University of Toronto) and Aaron Hertzmann (Adobe Research)
- Designing conference posters - Colin Purrington
Research / Image Deblurring
- How to do research - William T. Freeman (MIT)
- You and Your Research - Richard Hamming
- Warning Signs of Bogus Progress in Research in an Age of Rich Computation and Information - Yi Ma (UIUC)
- Seven Warning Signs of Bogus Science - Robert L. Park
- Five Principles for Choosing Research Problems in Computer Graphics - Thomas Funkhouser (Cornell University)
- How To Do Research In the MIT AI Lab - David Chapman (MIT)
- Recent Advances in Computer Vision - Ming-Hsuan Yang (UC Merced)
- How to Come Up with Research Ideas in Computer Vision? - Jia-Bin Huang (UIUC)
- How to Read Academic Papers - Jia-Bin Huang (UIUC)
Time Management / Image Deblurring
- Time Management - Randy Pausch (CMU)
Links / Image Deblurring
- The Computer Vision Industry - David Lowe
- Prev: Feb 02 - Feb 08, 2015
- Next: Jan 19 - Jan 25, 2015