Awesome List Updates on Dec 28 - Jan 03, 2015
26 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Command-line apps
- mobicon (⭐112) - Mobile app icon generator.
2. Awesome Jvm
Virtual Machines
- Avian (⭐1.2k) - Lightweight highly portable JVM with an option for AOT compilation.
- J2ObjC (⭐5.9k) - Translator from Java source to Objective-C code. Keeps shared code between iOS native apps and Android native apps.
- ParparVM (⭐1.3k) - An Open Source Java bytecode to C translator for iOS native development. Designed as a part of the Codename One WORA for mobile project.
3. Awesome Crystal
Database Drivers/Clients
- crystal-redis (⭐377) - Full featured Redis client
- (⭐48) - Emoji library
- (⭐145) - Library for unit tests and assertions
4. Awesome Static Website Services
Surveys / Provided by the Host
- Typeform - Really beautiful forms.
- Google Forms - You can use Google forms for surveys or for forms on your site.
- SurveyMonkey - Easy to use and free surveys.
- Qualaroo - Embed surveys anywhere on your website that comes up from the bottom right side of the screen.
Newsletters / Provided by the Host
- MailChimp - Free email marketing. You can pay to add more features.
- MailerLite - Free email marketing. You can pay for more subscribers.
Social Media / Provided by the Host
- Pinterest - Pin It Button.
- Twitter - Embedded tweets.
- Facebook - Facebook embedded plugins.
- ShareThis - Sharing buttons for multiple social networks.
E-Commerce / Provided by the Host
- FoxyCart - Add a shopping cart with basic html code.
Search / Provided by the Host
- lunr.js - Simple full-text search in your browser.
- Google Custom Search Engine - Search your site with a custom Google Search.
5. Creative Commons Media
- Audio Archive - Internet Archive's Audio Archive
- Bandcamp - Creative Commons tag on Bandcamp
- Free Music Archive - The Free Music Archive offers free downloads under Creative Commons and other licenses.
- Pixabay - Photos, cliparts and artwork on CC0 licence. Requires login.
Open Data
- Geonames - The GeoNames geographical database covers all countries and contains over eight million placenames that are available for download free of charge.
Open Journals
- DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
- PLOS - Open access research articles
Open courseware
- P2PU - Peer to peer university - all under CC BY-SA 4.0 license
- Skills Commons - Open Career training resources
3d Printing
- Thingiverse - from MakerBot
- Europeana - Explore 48,427,731 artworks, artefacts, books, videos and sounds from across Europe.
- Jurispedia - The shared law
- Wikipedia - All under CC BY-SA license
6. Awesome Projects Boilerplates
- gae-init Google App Engine based on Flask, RESTful, Bootstrap and tons of other cool features.
7. Awesome Speaking
- Callback Women - Sharing CFPs via Twitter.
8. Tips
Clean the files from .gitignore
git clean -X -f
Restore deleted file.
git checkout <deleting_commit> -- <file_path>
9. Engineering Blogs
Companies / T companies
- Target
10. Awesome Cli Apps
Development / Mobile Development
- mobicon-cli (⭐112) - Mobile app icon generator.
11. Awesome Relay
- Unofficial Relay FAQ - Common questions answered! Relay resources are scarce at the moment, so this is very helpful if you get stuck.
- Facebook Relay talk - Lunch and Learn session - Walkthrough of building a simple app, and demonstration of GraphiQL (⭐14k).
- F8 2015 - React Native & Relay: Bringing Modern Web Techniques to Mobile - Overview of Relay, some about the philosophy.
- Relay - Daniel Dembach - Hamburg React.js Meetup - A good general overview of Relay, some discussion of alternatives. Common questions are covered in Q&A at the end.
- React with Relay and GraphQL with Andrew Smith - High level overview of Relay and GraphQL, with some useful discussion from the audience. Some discussion of other front-end frameworks, as well.
- Relay for Visual Learners - Very clear set of diagrams laying out how the different parts of Relay relate to each other.
- Cartoon Intro to Facebook's Relay - An overview of how Relay works, complete with illustrations.
Example Implementations
- Relay TODO MVC (⭐162) - The classic TODO example app, written with Relay.
- Relay with routing and pagination.
- "TODO" app withkoa-graphql
- React/Relay TodoMVC app, driven by a Golang GraphQL backend.
- Go Relay (⭐397) - A Go/Golang library to help construct a graphql-go server supporting react-relay.
- Simplifies creating a JS GraphQL server forreact-relay
- Babel Relay Plugin - Use Relay the latest ES6+ syntax.
- Use a local schema; no need for a remote GraphQL server.
Libraries & Packages
- Simply syntax for Relay containers with ES7 decorators (@
- Ease composition of Relay containers by currying and providing the component after the container.
- Use Relay with React Native.- May be supported out of the box (⭐17k) in the future.
- Use Relay to fetch and store data outside of a React component.
Starter Kits
- Simple Relay Starter (⭐156) - A Browserify version of the Relay Starter Kit (⭐1k).
- A library to help construct agraphql-py
server supportingreact-relay
- Relay helpers for GraphQL & Ruby.
Scala / Rails
- Relay support for Sangria.
12. Awesome Laravel
Podcasts / Videos
13. Awesome Clojurescript
Awesome ClojureScript / Document Object Model
- Dominator (⭐73) – Virtual-Dom in ClojureScript.
- Enfocus – A DOM manipulation and templating library for ClojureScript inspired by Enlive.
- Freactive (⭐394) – A high-performance, pure Clojurescript, declarative DOM library inspired by reagent, om, reflex and hiccup.
- json-html (⭐158) – Provide JSON and get a DOM node with a human representation of that JSON.
14. Awesome Elixir
- power_assert (⭐215) - Power Assert in Elixir. Shows evaluation results each expression.
- Learning Elixir - A blog about a Professional Software Engineer learning Elixir.
15. Awesome Flexbox
Cross Browser / Preprocessors in action
Tools / Slides and Notes
Featured Projects / Slides and Notes
- Flexbox Patterns - Examples and source code that will teach you how to build UI components with CSS flexbox! What’s flexbox?
16. Typography
Web Fonts & Web Performance
17. Awesome Electron
Closed Source / Other
- Stremio - Media center.
- Pingendo - Bootstrap prototyping.
- MockingBot - Prototyping tool for designing apps.
- Caret - Markdown editor.
Boilerplates / Other
- electron-react-boilerplate (⭐23k) - Boilerplate based on React and webpack.
Videos / Other
18. Awesome Rxjava
- Rx glitches aren't actually a problem - Glitches are temporary inconsistencies emitted by Observables. André Staltz looks at why it's not really a problem.
19. Awesome Talks
Software Development
- Simplify Challenging Software Problems with Rocket Science by Bradley Grzesiak [23:07]
20. Awesome Cpp
- benchmark (⭐9.2k) - Google provided small microbenchmark support library. [Apache2]
- Google Mock (⭐35k) - A library for writing and using C++ mock classes. [BSD]
- Google Test (⭐35k) - Google C++ Testing Framework. [BSD]
Build Systems
- MesonBuild - An open source build system meant to be both extremely fast, and, even more importantly, as user friendly as possible.
21. Awesome Slack
22. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- boilr (⭐1.7k) - A blazingly fast CLI tool for creating projects from boilerplate templates.
23. Awesome Purescript
- purescript-batteries (⭐30) - A PureScript prelude with more features.
- purescript-test-unit (⭐86) - An asynchronous unit test runner for PureScript.
24. Awesome Laravel Education
Make a difference
25. Codeface
The Gallery
[ License ]
§ The End
26. Awesome Cross Platform Nodejs
- Microsoft Node.js Guidelines (⭐2.4k) - Tips, tricks, and resources for working with Node.js on Microsoft platforms.
Applications / Virtualization
- VirtualBox - General purpose software for running x86 virtual machines.
Libraries / OS identification
- is-windows (⭐47) - Detect whether the current platform is Windows.
Libraries / Shell
- execa (⭐4.9k) - Cross-platform implementation of
- log-symbols (⭐682) - Colored symbols for various log levels with Windows fallbacks.
- figures (⭐537) - Unicode symbols with Windows fallbacks.
Libraries / Filesystem
- cpy (⭐380) - Copy files. Cross-platform.
- chokidar (⭐9.4k) - Improved cross-platform file watching.
- Prev: Jan 04 - Jan 10, 2016
- Next: Dec 21 - Dec 27, 2015