Awesome List Updates on Apr 18 - Apr 24, 2016
35 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Android
Crash monitoring / Field Validation
- HockeyApp - Distribution, Crash Reports, Feedback and Analytics
Networking / Field Validation
- RESTMock (⭐751) - HTTP Web server for mocking API responses in Android Instrumentation tests.
2. Awesome Wicket
- wicket-modelfactory - Wicket-modelfactory is an API to create Wicket PropertyModels in a typesafe and refactoring-safe way.
Libraries / WicketStuff
- Autocomplete TagIt (⭐335) - TagIt integration with Wicket.
- BrowserId (⭐335) - Mozilla Persona integration with Wicket.
- DataTables (⭐335) - DataTables jQuery Plugin Integration.
- Eidogo (⭐335) - SGF viewer and editor for GO game (also called baduk, igo or weiqi).
- Fast Serializer (⭐335) - Wicket Serializer using the Fast 1.x (FST) library.
- Fast Serializer 2 (⭐335) - Wicket Serializer using the Fast 2.x (FST) library.
- MBeanView (⭐335) - JMX panel, to view and operate the applications mbeans.
- WiQuery (⭐6) - Wicket integration with jQuery and jQuery UI.
Web Frameworks / WicketStuff
- Nocket (⭐9) - Naked Object based framework for wicket.
- Wicketopia (⭐18) - Rapid Application Development (RAD) library for the Wicket.
3. Awesome Microservices
PHP / Scala
- API Platform - API-first web framework on top of Symfony with JSON-LD, and Hydra support.
- Phalcon - Full-stack PHP framework delivered as a C-extension.
API Gateways / Edge Services / Scala
- Neutrino (⭐312) - Extensible software load balancer.
Data Formats / Scala
- JSON-LD - JSON for Linking Data.
Vocabularies / Scala
- - Collaborative, community activity with a mission to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond.
4. Awesome Book Authoring
Royalties, Advances, and Other Money Stuff
- Writing A Technical Book: Is It Worthwhile? - The benefits for writing a technical book, and the basics of how book advances work.
5. Rbooks
Data Science
Data Manipulation with R, Second Edition [Packt]

This book starts with the installation of R and how to go about using R and its libraries. We then discuss the mode of R objects and its classes and then highlight different R data types with their basic operations.
The primary focus on group-wise data manipulation with the split-apply-combine strategy has been explained with specific examples. The book also contains coverage of some specific libraries such as lubridate, reshape2, plyr, dplyr, stringr, and sqldf. You will not only learn about group-wise data manipulation, but also learn how to efficiently handle date, string, and factor variables along with different layouts of datasets using the reshape2 package.
By the end of this book, you will have learned about text manipulation using stringr, how to extract data from twitter using twitteR library, how to clean raw data, and how to structure your raw data for data mining.
6. Nlp with Ruby
Segmentation / On-line APIs
- nlp-pure (⭐19) - Natural language processing algorithms implemented in pure Ruby with minimal dependencies.
Machine Learning Libraries / Constituency Parsing
- weka (⭐67) - JRuby bindings for Weka, different ML algorithms implemented through Weka.
7. Awesome Vorpal
Extensions / Toolbox
- comment (⭐5) - Bash-like comment support.
8. Awesome Emails
Resources / Misc
- Email toolbox - Hand-picked resources for email marketers and designers.
9. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Templating
- Pug (⭐22k) - High-performance template engine heavily influenced by Haml.
10. Awesome Npm
- Why npm scripts? - An introduction to npm scripts with common packages and scripts, as well as a boilerplate project.
- npm-upgrade (⭐341) - Update outdated npm dependencies interactively.
11. Awesome Ruby
- Firehose (⭐726) - Build realtime Ruby web applications.
12. Awesome Sketch
Videos / Tutorial-only
- Sketch 3 Tutorials (25 awesome lessons for beginners)
Other / Nice-to-have 👍
13. Awesome Broadcasting
- CCExtractor - A tool that analyzes video files and produces stand-alone subtitle files.
14. Awesome Dotnet
- Mobius: C# API for Spark (⭐938) - Mobius adds C# language binding to Apache Spark, enabling the implementation of Spark driver code and data processing operations in C#.
15. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: Larasocial (⭐271)
Description: A Social Network Application
Name: Aimeos (⭐6.3k)
Description: Ecommerce package for high performance online shops
Name: Copycopter (⭐681)
Description: A service for editing the copy text of a Rails application.
16. Awesome Polymer
17. Awesome Vulkan
- CodeXL (⭐998) - CodeXL goes open source. [MIT]
18. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Caching
- Microsoft Caching (⭐478) - Libraries for in-memory caching and distributed caching.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Web Framework
- ReactJS.NET (⭐2.3k) - .NET library for JSX compilation and server-side rendering of React components.
19. Awesome Elixir
- exldap (⭐59) - A module for working with LDAP from Elixir.
- phone (⭐105) - A parser to get useful info from telephone numbers.
- setup_tag (⭐2) - Easily mix and match functions marked with tags to setup your test context.
Third Party APIs
- pay (⭐27) - An Elixir Lib to deal with Paypal and other payment solutions.
20. Awesome Bigdata
Data Visualization
- chartd - responsive, retina-compatible charts with just an img tag.
21. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Data Structure and Storage
- JsonMapper (⭐1.6k) - A library that maps nested JSON structures onto PHP classes.
22. Awesome Devenv
Orchestration / Extensions
- azk (⭐906) - a lightweight open source engine to orchestrate development environments
23. Awesome Swift
Auto Layout / Barcode
- EasyPeasy (⭐1.9k) - Auto Layout made easy.
Video / Barcode
- PlayerView (⭐133) - Easy to use video player using a UIView, manage rate of reproduction, screenshots and callbacks-delegate for player state.
24. Awesome R
Data Manipulation
- fuzzyjoin (⭐671) - Join tables together on inexact matching.
Other Interpreters
- CXXR - Refactorising R into C++.
- pqR - a "pretty quick" implementation of R
- renjin - a JVM-based interpreter for R.
- rho (⭐133) - Refactor the interpreter of the R language into a fully-compatible, efficient, VM for R.
- TERR - TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R.
25. Awesome Neo4j
REST API / Other
- GraphStory - Neo4j enterprise cloud provider
- GraphAware Neo4j Elasticsearch Integration (⭐258) - GraphAware Framework Module for Integrating Neo4j with Elasticsearch.
- GraphAware Graph-Aided Search (⭐154) - Elasticsearch plugin offering Neo4j integration for Personalized Search.
- GraphAware Neo4j Expire (⭐30) - GraphAware Expire is a simple library that automatically deletes nodes and relationships from the database when they've reached their expiration date or time-to-live (TTL).
- Apoc : Awesome Procedures on Cypher (⭐1.5k) - Collection of useful procedures for Neo4j 3.x
- Graphgen (⭐8) - Neo4j procedure for generating test data easily with Cypher
26. Awesome Cyclejs
Learn / Slides
- Intro to Cycle.js - by Arye Lukashevki
Learn / Example Applications
- grozen/trends-cycle ★3 (⭐3) - Slack trend searching written in Cycle.js
- MarcCloud/magic-cart ★6 (⭐6) - Simple shopping cart of a magic creatures store.
- kibin/cycle-example-who-to-follow ★16 (⭐15) - Small example partly implements twitter’s who to follow box using github api.
Libraries / Utilities
- cgeorg/sinject ★10 (⭐10) - a dependency injection tool supporting Cycle's circular dependencies
- madcapjake/earlhyperscript ★2 (⭐2) - A helper function and macro for using Earl Grey's document-building syntax with Cycle.js.
Libraries / Components
- mciparelli/cyclejs-gravatar ★0 (⭐0) - Cycle.js component for rendering a gravatar profile image.
27. Awesome Salesforce
Javascript Libraries for Salesforce / Open Source Projects Repositories from Salesforce
- Formulon (⭐55) - Formula parser completely implemented in ES6. See Demo
28. Awesome Tensorflow
- Neural Turing Machine in TensorFlow (⭐1k) - implementation of Neural Turing Machine
- TensorFlow Guide 1 - A guide to installation and use
- TensorFlow Basic Usage - A guide going over basic usage
- TensorFlow Udacity Deep Learning - Basic steps to install TensorFlow for free on the Cloud 9 online service with 1Gb of data
29. Awesome Elm
Articles / Outdated articles (Not relevant for current Elm architecture)
- Elm & Components - A blog post describing a possible approach to reducing TEA boilerplate. Useful for component libraries and anyone interested in seeing the amazing things you can do with function types.
30. Awesome Audio Visualization
- Adventure Machine - Campaign for Madeon's "Adventure" album.
- BBNG - WebGL Visualizer for "Confessions" (feat. Leland Whitty) by BADBADNOTGOOD.
- DENNIS - An interactive and audio responsive music video for "Dennis" by popcorn_10's.
- Fluctus - Experimental 3D Audio Visualizer by Jordan Machado.
- George & Jonathan III - Campaign for George & Jonathan's "III" album.
- Lantern - WebGL Visualizer for "Lantern" by SBTRKT.
- Lines - Visualising Joy Division album cover as a music spectrum by Silvio Paganini.
- Nero - WebGL Visualizer for "In The Way" by Nero.
- Pareidolia - WebGL Visualizer for "Szerencsétlen" by Venetian Snares.
- Yume - Campaign for Helios' "Yume" album.
- Silk - 3D Audio Visualizer by Matt DesLauriers.
- Wave - 3D Audio Visualizer by Matt DesLauriers.
- Binaural - Experiment using Binaural and Reverb audio effects by Matt DesLauriers.
- Word Problems - WebGL Visualizer for "Word Problems" by Harmonic 313.
- Glitch - An algorithmic synthesizer to make music from math.
- 105 Birthday Clara Rockmore - A Doodle for the Birthday of Clara Rockmore.
- Fireworks with WebGL - Sound driven fireworks by Ondřej Žára.
- Scrollsound - Scrolling as a method of interaction with audio on the web by Ehsan Ziya.
- Experiment #8 - Music Experiment by Bruno Imbrizi.
- Draw and Music - Campaign for Rugs new album by Sam Greens.
- Moogfest Substrate - Experimental site to Moogfest.
- 3D Grid - Audio visualizer built with HTML5 web audio API by rickycodes.
- obsidian - 3D Audio Visualization made by the creator of Three.js.
Experiments on Codepen
- SVG Animated Drum Kit - Play an amazing Drum made with SVG and realistic sounds by @iamjoshellis.
- SVG Animated Guitar - Play an amazing Guitar made with SVG and realistic sounds by @iamjoshellis.
- Audio Visualizer - Abstract Audio Visualizer using Three.js by Francesco Trillini
- Awesome Audio Player - Radial Audio Player constructed by lines of frequency and amplitude by Alex Permyakov
- Wireframes - Wireframe WebGL Animation with Three.js by Patrick Heng
- Soundcloud Vinyl Search - An amazing experiment creating a realistic Vinyl player using DrawSVG and GSAP by Chris Gannon.
- Gooey Effect Audio - Upload your mp3 and visualize the song with this crazy effect by Jeremy Karlsson.
- CSS Audio Visualizer - Using audio frequency data from a hidden video to apply CSS scaling by Neil McCallion.
- Storytelling with Html5 + CSS3 - A great example of how to use music to create a Storytelling by Rachel Nabors.
- Step sequencer - Create music with this sequencer by Joe Harry.
- WebGL Soundcloud Visualizer using Three.js - ThreeJS/WebGL Soundcloud player/visualizer based on HTML5 AudioContext API by Luigi Mannoni.
- Oscilator - Testing the oscillator node from HTML5 audio API by Anej Gorkič.
- Cubes Audio Visualizer - 10th contribution for codevember 2015 by Patrick Heng.
Libraries Audio
- Beeplay.js - Write a song In JavaScript.
Libraries Visualization
- The Force (⭐251) - Live coded shader editing with audio input.
- Hylogen (⭐472) - Purely functional language embedded in Haskell for expressive live coding of fragment shaders (with audio input).
People to Follow
- Joshua Davis - An American designer, technologist, author and artist in new media.
- Robert Hodgin - A creative coder living in Brooklyn. Co-creator of the Cinder C++.
- Seb Lee-Delisle - An award-winning digital artist and speaker.
- Raven Kwok - A visual artist, animator and creative programmer.
- Chris Wilson - Open Web Guy, formerly of Microsoft and now working as a Developer Advocate at Google.
- Jason Sigal - Creative Coder in residence at NYU's and creator of web audio library for p5.js.
- Shawn Lawson - An experiential media artist creating the computational sublime.
- Matt DesLauriers - Creative coder at Jam 3.
- Patrick Heng - Creative front-end developer. Studied at Hetic and Gobelins and works at Grouek.
31. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Featured
- WebTorrent (⭐9.6k) - Streaming torrent client.
- Visual Studio Code (⭐161k) - Cross-platform IDE.
Open Source / Other
- Git-it (⭐4.6k) - Teaches you Git and GitHub.
- Caprine (⭐7k) - Unofficial Facebook Messenger app.
- Simplenote (⭐4.7k) - Note keeper.
- Abricotine (⭐2.6k) - Markdown editor with inline preview.
- Medis (⭐12k) - Redis database management.
- SmartMirror (⭐2.8k) - Voice controlled smart mirror.
- Google Play Music Desktop Player (⭐8.3k) - Unofficial Google Play Music app.
- Ansel (⭐415) - Image organizer.
Closed Source / Other
- GitKraken - Git client.
- 1Clipboard - Universal clipboard manager.
- Postman - Create and send HTTP requests.
For Electron / Other
- electron-is-dev (⭐425) - Check if Electron is running in development.
- electron-localshortcut (⭐417) - Add keyboard shortcuts locally to a window.
- electron-dl (⭐1.1k) - Simplified file downloads.
- electron-release-server (⭐2.1k) - Self-hosted release server with front-end & auto-updater support.
- electron-download (⭐336) - Download the Electron release zip from GitHub.
- ember-electron (⭐806) - Build, test, and package Ember apps.
Using Electron / Other
- nativefier (⭐35k) - Create an app of any website.
- electron-pdf (⭐1.2k) - Generate PDF from URL, HTML, or Markdown files on the command-line.
Components / Other
- chrome-tabs (⭐1.7k) - Chrome like tabs.
Videos / Other
32. Awesome Fp Js
- fn-curry (⭐5) – A simple function to curry a function.
- date-fp (⭐121) – A functional utility library for working with JavaScript dates. All functions in date-fp are pure, autocurried and will not mutate the date objects they are applied to.
33. Awesome Sre
Monitoring & Observability & Alerting
Service Level Agreement
34. Engineering Blogs
Individuals/Group Contributors / R individuals
- Rachel Kroll
35. Awesome Network Analysis
Books / Dissemination
- Nexus. Small Worlds and the Groundbreaking Theory of Networks, by Mark Buchanan (2003).
- Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age, by Duncan J. Watts (2003).
Books / General Overviews
- Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, edited by Reda Alhajj and Jon Rokne (2014).
Books / Method-specific
- Generalized Blockmodeling. Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences, by Patrick Doreian, Vladimir Batagelj and Anuška Ferligoj (2004).
- Handbuch Historische Netzwerkforschung. Grundlagen und Anwendungen, edited by Marten Düring et al., in German (2016).
- An Introduction to Exponential Random Graph Modeling, by Jenine K. Harris (2014).
- Knoten und Kanten. Soziale Netzwerkanalyse in Wirtschafts- und Migrationsforschung, edited by Markus Gamper and Linda Reschke, in German (2010).
- Knoten und Kanten 2.0. Soziale Netzwerkanalyse in Medienforschung und Kulturanthropologie, edited by Markus Gamper, Linda Reschke and Michael Schönhuth, in German (2012).
- Knoten und Kanten III. Soziale Netzwerkanalyse in Geschichts- und Politikforschung, edited by Markus Gamper, Linda Reschke and Marten Düring, in German and English (2015).
- Multivariate Network Visualization, edited by Andreas Kerren, Helen C. Purchase and Matthew O. Ward (2014).
Books / Software-specific
- Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek, by Wouter de Nooy, Andrej Mrvar and Vladimir Batagelj (2011; also in Japanese and in Chinese).
- Gephi Cookbook (2015).
- Graph Drawing Software (covering many programs), edited by Michael Jünger and Petra Mutzel (2004).
- Mastering Gephi Network Visualization, by Ken Cherven (2015).
- Network Graph Analysis and Visualization with Gephi, by Ken Cherven (2013).
Books / Topic-specific
- Comparing Policy Networks. Labor Politics in the U.S., Germany, and Japan, by David Knoke et al. (1996).
- The Connected Past. Challenges to Network Studies in Archaeology and History edited by Tom Brughmans, Anna Collar and Fiona Coward (2016; companion website).
- The Development of Social Network Analysis: A Study in the Sociology of Science, by Linton C. Freeman, in English and several other languages (2004; follow-up paper, 2011).
- Inside Criminal Networks, by Carlo Morselli (2009).
- Networks in Social Policy Problems, edited by Balázs Vedres and Marco Scotti (2012).
- The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Networks, edited by Yann Bramoullé, Andrea Galeotti and Brian Rogers (2016).
- Policy Debates as Dynamic Networks: German Pension Politics and Privatization Discourse, by Philip Leifeld (2016).
- Theories of Communication Networks, by Peter Monge and Nosh Contractor (2003).
- Die Verbundenheit der Dinge. Eine Kulturgeschichte der Netze und Netzwerke [The Connectedness of Things. A Cultural History of Nets and Networks], by Sebastian Gießmann, in German (2014).
- Verdeckte soziale Netzwerke im Nationalsozialismus. Die Entstehung und Arbeitsweise von Berliner Hilfsnetzwerken für verfolgte Juden [Hidden Social Networks in National Socialism: The origins and working methods of Berlin assistance networks for persecuted Jews], by Marten Düring, in German (2015; related publications and video presentation in English).
Conferences / Topic-specific
- Sunbelt - Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis - Organized by the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA).
Courses / Topic-specific
- Graph Theory (Mathematics), by Christopher Griffin - Full lecture notes (Penn State University, 2012).
- Network Science (Computer Science), by Constantine Dovrolis - Mostly open access readings (Georgia Tech, 2015).
- Social Network Analysis with Pajek, by Andrej Mrvar (University of Ljubljana, 2016).
Datasets / Topic-specific
- Bill Cosponsorship Networks in European Parliaments (⭐17) - Legislative cosponsorship networks, in R format.
- KONECT - The Koblenz Network Collection - Includes, among other things, networks of collaboration in DBpedia and Wikipedia, GitHub (companion handbook).
- Linton Freeman’s Network Data - Over 300 datasets of all sorts, in UCINET format.
- Mangal - Online platform to analyze, archive and share ecological network data (preprint, Python package (⭐2), R package (⭐14)).
- Norwegian Interlocking Directorate, 2002-2011 - Two-mode and one-mode data on gender representation in Norwegian firms.
- tnet Datasets - Weighted network data.
Professional Groups / Topic-specific
- NetSci - Network Science Society. Twitter: @netscisociety.
Professional Groups / Research Groups (USA)
- Channing Division of Network Medicine - Research division within the Department of Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Professional Groups / Research Groups (Other)
- Complex Networks - Research group based in Paris.
- Forschungscluster der Universitäten Trier und Mainz “Gesellschaftliche Abhängigkeiten und soziale Netzwerke”, in German.
- Netzwerkerei - Historical research project on the connections between Jewish intellectuals.
- Redes-Sociales, in Spanish - Information network based at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
- Topographies of Entanglements. Mapping Medieval Networks - Research platform based at the Austrian Academy of Sciences that focuses on applying network theory and visualisation to medieval history.
- Virtual Observatory for the Study of Online Networks (VOSON) - Research and software development project located at the Australian National University.
Review Articles / Archeological and Historical Networks
- Formale Methoden der Netzwerkanalyse in den Geschichtswissenschaften: Warum und Wie? [Formal Network Methods in History: Why and How?], in German (preprint in English; Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 2012).
- The Roots and Shoots of Archaeological Network Analysis: A Citation Analysis and Review of the Archaeological Use of Formal Network Methods (Archaeological Review from Cambridge, 2014).
Review Articles / Network Modeling
- A Survey of Statistical Network Models - Book-length review (preprint; Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, 2010).
Review Articles / Network Visualization
- Graphical Techniques for Exploring Social Network Data (Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis, 2005).
- Methods of Social Network Visualization (Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, 2009; poster version).
- Social Networks (Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization, 2013).
Selected Papers / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Birds of a Feather, Or Friend of a Friend? Using Exponential Random Graph Models to Investigate Adolescent Social Networks, by Steven M. Goodreau, James A. Kitts and Martina Morris - Accessible introduction to the logic and application of exponential random graph modeling (Demography, 2001).
- Chains of Affection: The Structure of Adolescent Romantic and Sexual Networks, by Peter S. Bearman, James Moody and Katherine Stovel - Classic example of topological network analysis applied to a network of affective and sexual ties (American Journal of Sociology, 2004).
- The Convergence of Social and Technological Networks, by Jon Kleinberg - Discusses small-world effects and social contagion within the context of the Internet and social media (Communications of the ACM, 2008).
- Homophily and Contagion Are Generically Confounded in Observational Social Network Studies, by Cosma R. Shalizi and Andrew C. Thomas - Makes a very important point for the analysis of network diffusion and influence (Sociological Methods and Research, 2011).
- Network Theory, Plot Analysis, by Franco Moretti - Example applications of (fictional) network analysis in literary studies (New Left Review, 2011).
- Social Networks and Causal Inference, by Tyler J. VanderWeele and Weihua An - Reviews the different ways in which network analysis can produce meaningful causal statements, as well as the inherent limits of network analysis for doing so (Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research, 2013).
- Robust Action and the Rise of the Medici, 1400-1434, by John F. Padgett and Christopher K. Ansell - Classic analysis of power relations in the Renaissance Florentine state (American Journal of Sociology, 1993).
- The Strength of Weak Ties, by Mark Granovetter - Arch-classic example of applying network analysis to a social issue: jobseeking (American Journal of Sociology, 1973).
- The Ties that Divide: A Network Analysis of the International Monetary System, 1890–1910 (The Journal of Economic History, 2005) and The Empirics of International Currencies: Network Externalities, History and Persistence (The Economic Journal, 2009), both by Marc Flandreau and Clemens Jobst - Network analysis of the foreign exchange system in the late 19th century (data).
Software / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- CFinder - Cross-platform Java program to identify clusters and communities through the Clique Percolation Method (CPM).
- Circos - Cross-platform program to produce circular layouts of network data, written in Perl.
- E-Net - Windows program for ego network analysis.
- easyN - Online tool aimed at representing and sharing gene interaction networks as well as Petri net models.
- PNet - Simulation and estimation of (one-mode and multilevel) exponential random graph models (ERGMs), written in Java for Windows.
- SoNIA - Social Network Image Animator - Tool to visualize dynamic or longitudinal network data. Formerly a Java program (example movies), now developed as the ndtv R package.
- SPaTo Visual Explorer - Cross-platform program for the visualization and exploration of complex networks.
- StOCNET - Several Windows programs developed by the same team as Siena.
Software / Algorithms
- OSLOM2 - Order Statistics Local Optimization Method - Clustering algorithm.
Software / MATLAB
- CONTEST - Random network toolbox that implements nine network models.
- Generalized Louvain - Variant of the Louvain community detection algorithm.
Software / Python
- npartite (⭐12) - Python algorithms for community detection in n-partite networks.
- TQ (Temporal Quantities) - Python 3 library for temporal network analysis.
Software / R
- CCAS (⭐5) - Statistical model for communication networks.
- concoR (⭐9) - Implementation of the CONCOR network blockmodeling algorithm (blog post).
- ContentStructure (⭐6) - Implements an extension to the Topic-Partitioned Multinetwork Embeddings (TPME) model.
- lpNet - Linear programming model aimed at infering biological (signalling, gene) networks.
- spectralGOF - Computes the spectral goodness of fit (SGOF), a measure of how well a network model explains the structure of an observed network.
Software / Syntaxes
- GraphML - Comprehensive and easy-to-use file format for graphs (handbook chapter).
- TLP - Tulip Software Graph Format - Graph syntax used by the Tulip software framework.
Software / Tutorials
- Interactive and Dynamic Network Visualization in R and JavaScript libraries (2016).
- Nodegoat and Palladio: Introductory Workshop - Aimed at humanists (2015).
Varia / Tutorials
- Computer Technologies for the Historical Research of Intellectual Networks - Series of videos by historians, featuring Marten Düring and Scott Weingart.
- David Knoke on Network Analysis - 20-minute interview that discusses the uses and benefits of network analysis, drawing upon Knoke’s research on terrorist networks.
- Linton C. Freeman’s Social Network Research Publications, spanning from 1955 to today.
- Mapping the Republic of Letters - Research project on early-modern scholarship (underlying software).
- NetSciEd - Network Science in Education - International initiative aimed at improving network literacy.
- The Networks Network - Mailing-list (mostly historians from the HNR network).
- Social Network Analysis in DBpedia - Highly didactic Master’s dissertation, showing how to use SPARQL and Pajek.
- SNA-DE Mailing-List, in German.
- SPARQL for R Tutorial - Hollywood Social Network Analysis - Also uses Gephi.
- A Sociology Citation Network and A Co-citation Network for Philosophy - Examples of scientific co-citation networks.
- Visual Complexity. An Exploration on Mapping Complex Networks - Tons of beautiful network and tree visualizations (book, also in Chinese and French).
Varia / Blog Series
- Blog posts about networks on R-Bloggers, an aggregator of R blogs:
Varia / Fictional Networks
- Network Analysis of Shakespeare’s Macbeth (using Python).
- The Network and Trajectories of Transitions among Sentential Co-Occurrences of Characters of Arthur Conan Doyle’s A Study in Scarlet (using Python; code (⭐6)).
- Star Wars Social Networks: The Force Awakens - Also an example of a social network analysis written in F#.
Varia / Two-Mode Networks
- Prev: Apr 25 - May 01, 2016
- Next: Apr 11 - Apr 17, 2016