Awesome List Updates on Jan 25 - Jan 31, 2016
40 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Robotics
2. Awesome Postgres
Contents / Language bindings
- Java: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver
3. Awesome Elm
Learning Guides / Outdated Tutorials and books (Elm 0.18 or earlier)
- Writing native (⭐356) - Learn how to create native JavaScript modules for Elm.
4. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Android
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / AngularJS
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / BackboneJS
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / C++
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / C
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / C#
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / .NET
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Clojure
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / CSS
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Django
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / EmberJS
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Golang
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / HTML
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / iOS
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Java
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / JavaScript
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / KnockoutJS
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Lisp
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Python
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Ruby on Rails
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / ReactJS
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Ruby
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Scala
Database technologies / MongoDB
Database technologies / MySQL
Database technologies / Postgres
Database technologies / SQL
OS / Linux
OS / Windows
Algorithms / Windows
Coding exercises / Windows
Comprehensive lists / Windows
Security / Windows
5. Awesome Composer
- Composer Installers (⭐1.4k) - Composer installers for multiple frameworks.
Support / Stack Overflow
- You might use the following tags:
6. Codeface
The Gallery
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Iosevka Slab
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Kawkab Mono
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Liberation Mono
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Linux Libertine Mono
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Luxi Mono
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Meslo LG M DZ
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M+ 1m
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M+ 1mn
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M+ 2m
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Office Code Pro
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Oxygen Mono
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Panic Sans
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PT Mono
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Roboto Mono
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Source Code Pro
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TeX Gyre Cursor
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Ubuntu Mono
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Verily Serif Mono
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7. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Proton (⭐161) - Markdown editor with live preview.
8. Tips
List all the alias and configs.
git config --list
Make git case sensitive.
git config --global core.ignorecase false
Auto correct typos.
git config --global help.autocorrect 1
9. Awesome Dataviz
Python tools / Misc
- glumpy (⭐1.1k) - OpenGL scientific visualizations library.
10. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Micro Framework Extras
- Slim Skeleton (⭐1.6k) - A skeleton for Slim.
Table of Contents / Imagery
- Color Extractor (⭐1.3k) - A library for extracting colours from images.
Table of Contents / Debugging and Profiling
- PHPBench (⭐1.9k) - A benchmarking Framework.
Table of Contents / Asset Management
- JShrink (⭐752) - A JavaScript minifier library.
Table of Contents / Geolocation
- GeoTools (⭐1.4k) - A library of geo-related tools.
Table of Contents / Office
- PHPPowerPoint (⭐1.3k) - A library for working with Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations.
Table of Contents / Caching and Locking
- Stash (⭐962) - Another library for caching.
Table of Contents / Data Structure and Storage
- Fractal (⭐3.5k) - A library for converting complex data structures to JSON output.
Configuration / PHP Installation
- PHP Brew (⭐5.4k) - A PHP version manager and installer.
Configuration / Virtual Machines
- HHVM (⭐18k) - A Virtual Machine, Runtime and JIT for PHP by Facebook.
Configuration / Web Applications
- 3V4L - An online PHP & HHVM shell.
- phpMyAdmin (⭐7.3k) - A web interface for MySQL/MariaDB.
11. Awesome Stock Resources
Aggregated Content / Icons Packages and Collections
- The Stocks - The best royalty free stock photos in one place.
12. Awesome Phalcon
- phalcon-boundmodels (⭐4) - Automatically get models based on dispatcher parameters within the Phalcon framework
13. Awesome Backbone
- Mastering Backbone.js by Abiee Echamea
14. Awesome Geojson
- rgeo-geojson (⭐184): serialize geojson to/from ruby RGeo datatypes
15. Awesome Icons
16. Awesome Jquery
Images, Maps and Charts / Paid Books
- Unite Gallery (⭐530) - Responsive jQuery image and video gallery plugin.
- Viewer (⭐1k) - A simple jQuery image viewing plugin.
17. Es6 Tools
Boilerplates / Brunch Plugins
- es6-jspm-gulp-boilerplate (⭐137) - Tooling to allow the community to use es6 now via babel in conjunction jspm, with source maps, concatenation, minification, compression, and unit testing in real browsers using es6.
18. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Papers
19. Awesome Marionette
20. Awesome R
Natural Language Processing
- SnowballC - Snowball stemmers based on the C libstemmer UTF-8 library.
- minqa - Derivative-free optimization algorithms by quadratic approximation.
- nloptr - NLopt is a free/open-source library for nonlinear optimization.
Other Tools
- git2r (⭐215) - Gives you programmatic access to Git repositories from R.
21. Awesome Salesforce
UX Libraries for Salesforce / Open Source Projects Repositories from Salesforce
- Salesforce ReactJS SPA Starter (⭐16) - A template project to create ReactJS-based single page application on Salesforce, with automatic build script (Gulp.js)
- ForceSpinner (⭐8) - Loaders/Spinner collections to leverage powerful User Experience for Salesforce Projects
22. Awesome D
- LDC Developers - LDC releated projects.
GUI Libs / XML
- DLangUI (⭐804) - Cross Platform GUI for D programming language. My personal favorate, because it is written in D(not a binding), and is cross platform. DLangUI also has a good showcase in the IDE DLangIDE (⭐447).
- DWT (⭐141) - A library for creating cross-platform GUI applications. GWT is a port of the Java SWT library to D. DWT was promoted as a semi-standard GUI library for D, but unfortunately didn't catch up popularity yet.
- dqml (⭐42) - Qt Qml bindings for the D programming language.
Games / XML
- Dtanks (⭐11) - Robot Tank Battle Game.
23. Awesome Okr
- Basic of OKR (⭐1.4k): Basic concepts about OKRs.
- Worksheet OKR template (⭐1.4k): A worksheet for starting the planning of OKRs
- Use a weekly status email (⭐1.4k): How to set a weekly status email towards your OKRs.
- How to set OKRs (⭐1.4k): A quick list for how to set OKRs in your company.
- Monday's and Friday's: The commitment square (⭐1.4k): The commitment square used to analyze progresses and roadblocks againsts the OKRs.
- Fundamentals of OKR: Great article describing the fundamental of OKR with real examples from Uber and Youtube.
- OKR: A guide: What are OKRs and what's in it for me?
- The Basics of OKR: Nice presentation presenting basic concepts of OKR.
- Organizing and engineering Team on Asana: How Asana uses Key Results in their engineering team
- Executioner's tale: The slides from the talk "Executioner's tale" by Christina Wodtke.
- How to implement OKRs to drive company performance: Learn how to implement the OKRs goal-setting process to drive company performance
- The 6 major benefits of OKR: A description of the major benefits when using OKRs in your company
- OKR - Objectives and Key Results: A great overview about OKRs by WeekDone
- Power your business with OKR: An overview about OKR and how to power your business by Wrike
- The Guide to Objectives and Key Results: A light-weight and informative overview of OKR by Benchify
- How to define good OKRs: Great slides describing how to set good OKRs
- From Intel to Google: How to achieve your targets with the methodology invented at Intel and used by Google
- How google sets goals objectives and Key results: The most famous video on OKR by Rick Klau@Google
- The Executioner's Tale: The Executioner's tale by Christina Wodtke
- Warm Gun Talk: Another talk about OKR by Christina Wodtke
- John Doerr on success using OKR: Keys to OKR Success: A Q&A with the Man Who Introduced OKRs to Google, John Doerr
- How Google Grew from 40 to 40,000 Employees: How OKR helped a company like Google to grow from 40 to 40,000 employees
- Implementation and challanges at Pusher: Implementation, challenges and results at Pusher
- How we make OKRs work at Pusher: A great article regarding alignment and trasparency of OKR and how it helped at Pusher
- How to Easily Set Quarterly Team Objectives with OKRs at Pusher: Another article by Pusher regarding how they set quarterly team objectives
- How we set goals at Upstart: How Upstart set OKRs and set goals for the entire company
- Manager OKRs, Maker OKRs: How I’d Change Google’s Goal Setting Process: How Sasha Lubomirsky envisions the future of OKRs
- Are You a C.E.O. of Something?: An interview with Mark Pincus and how OKR helped at Zynga
- How to set & achieve meaningful OKRs: This article describes how to set & achieve meaningful OKRs
- How to Make OKRs Actually Work at Your Startup: A story about how OKRs helped at Swipely
- OKR Mistakes: This is an important article that descrives the most common mistakes while writing OKRs and how to fix them.
- ORK Worksheet: A great worksheet for getting started with OKRs
- List of companies that use OKRs: A list of the top companies using OKRs
- How Google grades employees, and how you can use the same system at your company: How Google grades employees, and how you can use the same system at your company.
- What are OKRs?: Basics about what OKRs are.
- 15 great insights from the Google OKR video: Great insights from the most famous video about OKR
- Full Transcription of Google OKR Video – How Google Sets Goals Using OKRs: The full transcript from the most famous video about OKRs
- How to Use KPIs with OKRs: How to connect KPI and OKRs together.
- What Twitter’s CEO Learned from Google: An interview with Dick Costolo about OKRs at Twitter
- OKRs: The New Solution to Managing Your Freelancers: How to hire and align freelancers using OKRs
- Google Releases a New Guide to Setting Goals with OKRs: Great insights from the new Google's guide about OKRs
- The biggest pitfalls of OKRs and how to avoid them: Some common issues while adopting OKRs
- This Is The Internal Grading System Google Uses For Its Employees — And You Should Use It Too: Another article from Business Insider regarding OKR and great insights from the Kris Klau talk at Google
- We are starting to implement OKRs in our company for the first time. Do any of you have experience in terms of problems or issues encountered?: Interesting discussion in Quora about how people implement OKRs.
- What's a use case where a company uses both OKR and KPI?: How to connect OKRs and KPIs.
- How does the process of developing and prioritizing OKRs (objectives and key results) work at companies like Google and Zynga?: Some interesting answers about how companies like Google are prioritizing their OKRs.
- Set goals with OKRs by Google: Official guide about OKR by Google
- Definitive guide to OKRs (Ebook) by Atiim: Ebook describing how to set OKRs
- How to Set OKR Goals like Google: Top 10 Tips by Atiim: 10 tips about how to set OKRs like Google
- The Smart Way to Set OKR: Simple checklist about how to set OKRs
- The Determinants of Goal Commitment: The concept and measurement of commitment to goals, a key aspect of goal-setting theory, are discussed. The strength of the relationship between commitment and performance is asserted to depend on the amount of variance in commitment.
- OKR report document example by WeekDone: A word template for setting your OKRs.
- OKR report document template by WeekDone: An example of OKRs using the word template above.
- Startup OKRs Template: A word template describing how to set OKRs
- OKR Scorecard by Google: The OKR Scorecard from the re:Work site a Google.
- OKR report spreadsheet example by WeekDone: An example of OKRs using the excel template above.
- OKR Template for your startup: A public excel template for setting OKRs.
- Uber (⭐1.4k): A case study of OKRs for Uber.
- Sample Company (⭐1.4k): An example of OKRs for an imaginary company.
- Photo Editing App (⭐1.4k): A case study of OKRs for an a fake company creating a photo editing mobile app and using OKRs to reach their goals.
24. Awesome Cpp
- FastFormat - Fast, Safe C++ Formatting inspired by log4j and Pantheios. [Simplified BSD]
25. Awesome Influxdb
Projects / Dedicated
- tesla-streamer (⭐16) - Streams data from Tesla Model S to InfluxDB (rake task (⭐16))
26. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Seth Alexander (⭐0) - Free Code Camper, Burgeoning Dev, all things JavaScript.
Ask these organizations anything!
- From the Front (⭐0) - Nonprofit organization behind the "From the Front" conference series in Italy.
27. Awesome Javascript
Editors / Runner
- Trumbowyg (⭐4k) - A lightweight and amazing WYSIWYG JavaScript editor.
Documentation / Runner
- styledocco generates documentation and style guide documents from your stylesheets.
- Ronn (⭐1.4k) builds manuals. It converts simple, human readable textfiles to roff for terminal display, and also to HTML for the web.
- jsdox (⭐212) is a JSDoc3 to Markdown documentation generator.
- documentation.js - API documentation generator with support for ES2015+ and flow annotation.
Benchmark / Runner
- benchmark.js (⭐5.5k) - A benchmarking library. As used on
- matcha (⭐562) - A caffeine driven, simplistic approach to benchmarking.
28. Awesome Android
Tracking / ORM
- Countly - Open source mobile & web analytics, push notifications and crash reporting platform, based on Node.js, MongoDB and Linux.
Utility / ORM
- LeakCanary (⭐28k) - Catch memory leaks as they occur.
Other / Custom Dialog
- AboutLibraries (⭐3.1k) - Automatically generates an About this app section, with a list of used libraries.
29. Awesome Rxjava
- RxJava's repeatWhen and retryWhen, explained -
are fairly baffling at first glance. Dan Lew explains the operators in depth.
30. Awesome Swift
- ReactiveCocoa (⭐20k) - ReactiveCocoa (RAC) is a Cocoa framework inspired by Functional Reactive Programming. It provides APIs for composing and transforming streams of values over time.
Images / Barcode
- AlamofireImage (⭐4k) - AlamofireImage is an image component library for Alamofire.
UI / Barcode
- LiquidLoader (⭐1.3k) - Spinner loader components with liquid animation.
- MantleModal (⭐90) - A simple modal resource that uses a UIScrollView to allow the user to close the modal by dragging it down.
Form / Barcode
- SwiftyFORM (⭐1.1k) - Forms that can be validated.
31. Awesome Vorpal
A brief introduction to Vorpal by the author of
- Raptor - Performance testing CLI for Firefox developers.
- iTunes-remote (⭐421) - Control iTunes on the CLI.
- trelew (⭐87) - Access Trello on the CLI.
- wat (⭐464) - Community-built docs for every language, platform and library.
- metronome (⭐9) - A live metronome on the CLI.
- fastack (⭐24) - A zero-config tool that makes developing client-side apps easy.
- cbcluster - CLI for Couchbase Server Clusters.
- quotr (⭐66) - View stock exchange quotes.
- Vantage (⭐3.5k) -
for your live Node app.
Extensions / Development tools
- tour (⭐19) - Build an interactive tour for your Vorpal app.
- watch (⭐3) - Updates your live Vorpal extensions in realtime.
- log (⭐11) - Advanced logging utility.
- set-or-print (⭐4) - Easily set / get arguments with commands.
32. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Filesystem
- pkg-dir (⭐237) - Find the root directory of an npm package.
Packages / Date
- tz-format (⭐10) - Format a date with timezone:
33. Awesome Flexbox
Cross Browser / Articles
Tools / Slides and Notes
34. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- slugify (⭐298) - Command that converts filenames and directories to a web friendly format
Applications / Directory Navigation
- fanyi (⭐1.3k) - Translate English to Chinese in terminal
- hn-cli (⭐459) - Browse Hacker News from the comfort of your Terminal
- whereami (⭐162) - Get your geolocation information from the CLI
35. Awesome Math
Probability and Statistics / Statistics
- 📝 Glossary of Data Modeling - AI Access
36. Motion Ui Design
Guidelines / SVG
37. Awesome Text Editing
Rich-text editors using contenteditable
- Squire (⭐4.4k) - HTML5 rich text editor
- wysihtml - Made by Voog
- TinyMCE - Used by much of the wordpress and drupal community
38. Awesome Elixir
Algorithms and Data structures
- combination (⭐34) - Elixir library to generate combinations and permutations from Enumerable collection.
- minmaxlist (⭐4) - Elixir library extending
to return a list of results instead of just one.
- paratize (⭐28) - Elixir library providing some handy parallel processing (execution) facilities that support configuring number of workers and timeout.
Files and Directories
- eye_drops (⭐53) - Configurable mix task to watch file changes and run the corresponding command.
Framework Components
- params (⭐365) - Use Ecto to enforce/validate parameters structure, akin to Rails' strong parameters.
- revision_plate_ex (⭐4) - Plug application and middleware that serves endpoint returns application's REVISION.
- enm (⭐120) - enm is an Erlang port driver that wraps the nanomsg C library.
- ex_unit_fixtures (⭐13) - A library for defining modular dependencies for ExUnit tests.
Text and Numbers
- monetized (⭐46) - A lightweight solution for handling and storing money.
Translations and Internationalizations
- exromaji (⭐8) - A Elixir library for translating between hiragana, katakana and romaji.
39. Awesome Ruby
Coding Style Guides
- Best-Ruby (⭐2.4k) - Ruby Tricks, Idiomatic Ruby, Refactoring & Best Practices.
Core Extensions
- Hanami::Utils (⭐172) - Lightweight, non-monkey-patch class utilities for Hanami and Ruby app.
- Hanami::Model (⭐441) - A lean Repository-pattern based ORM framework for Hanami and modern Ruby applications.
- prerender_rails (⭐358) - Rails middleware gem for prerendering javascript-rendered pages on the fly for SEO.
Web Frameworks
- Hanami - It aims to bring back Object Oriented Programming to web development, leveraging on a stable API, a minimal DSL, and plain objects.
40. Awesome Npm
- john (⭐42) - Make npm3's flat dependencies easier to find and sort.
- Prev: Feb 01 - Feb 07, 2016
- Next: Jan 18 - Jan 24, 2016