Awesome List Updates on Jun 19 - Jun 25, 2017

43 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Amas

Ask these people anything!

2. Awesome Leading and Managing

Contents / Quotes That Capture the General Spirit of this List's Contents

3. Awesome Selenium

Tools / Java

4. Awesome Design Principles

Principles within bigger Design Systems

5. Awesome Microservices

Coordination & Governance / Scala

Logging / Scala

Monitoring & Debugging / Scala

Reactivity / Scala

Resilience / Scala

Security / Scala

6. Awesome Deep Learning

Table of Contents / Tutorials

7. Awesome Machine Learning

Ruby / Natural Language Processing

8. Awesome Serverless

Literature / Education

9. ElixirBooks

Web Development / Programming Phoenix LiveView

10. Awesome Standard

usage stats

packages used by standard

automatic code formatters

editor plugins

code/project generators

11. Awesome Electron

For Electron / Other

12. Awesome Broadcasting

Media Players

Multimedia content processing

13. Awesome Android

Lua / Custom Dialog

14. Awesome Crystal

CLI Utils

15. Awesome Sdn


16. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

C# / Non-X86

17. Awesome ad Free

Alternatives / Communication

Resources / Ad Blockers

18. Awesome Eslint

Plugins / Misc

19. Awesome Typescript

Web / Playground

20. Awesome Math

Foundations of Mathematics / Surreal Numbers

21. Jquery Tips Everyone Should Know

Disable Right-Click

If you want to disable right-click, you can do it for an entire page...

$(document).ready(function () {
  $(document).bind('contextmenu', function (e) {
    return false;

...and you can also do the same for a specific element:

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('#submit').bind('contextmenu', function (e) {
    return false;

back to table of contents

Current versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge, and IE11.

back to table of contents

back to table of contents

22. Awesome Javascript Learning

Articles & Tutorials / Overall Topics

23. Awesome Laravel

Popular Packages / Authentication & Authorization

24. Awesome Aws

SDKs and Samples / Java SDK

25. Awesome Network Analysis

Software / Python

26. Awesome Web Archiving

Tools & Software / Utilities

27. Machine Learning with Ruby

Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / Vector search

28. Awesome Python Scientific Audio

Audio Related Packages / Feature extraction

Audio Related Packages / Read-Write

Audio Related Packages / Transformations - General DSP

Audio Related Packages / Speech Processing

Audio Related Packages / Music Information Retrieval

Audio Related Packages / Realtime applications

Audio Related Packages / Audio Dataset and Dataloaders

Audio Related Packages / Wrappers for Audio Plugins

Tutorials / Wrappers for Audio Plugins

Books / Wrappers for Audio Plugins

Scientific Papers / Wrappers for Audio Plugins

Other Resources / Wrappers for Audio Plugins

29. Awesome Lockpicking


30. Awesome Vue

Resources / Podcasts

Components & Libraries / UI Utilities

31. Awesome Tensorflow



32. Awesome Free Software

Software / Communication

Software / Web Applications

Resources / Organizations

33. Awesome Computer History

Videos / Documentaries

34. Awesome Draft Js

Blog Posts & Articles

35. Awesome Creative Coding

Online Books

Visual Programming Languages




Articles • Tutorials / Shaders • OpenGL • WebGL

Subreddits / Other

Other / Other

Math / Other

Events / Other

Schools • Workshops / Other

Blogs • Websites / Other

36. Awesome Web Design


Slack Teams

37. Awesome Neuroscience

Resources / Ebooks

Resources / Miscellaneous

38. Awesome Chess


39. Awesome Dotnet Core

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / API

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Frameworks

40. Awesome Bigdata

Key-value Data Model

41. Awesome Actionscript3

Development Tools / Asset Creators

Frameworks / UI Frameworks

Frameworks / Game Frameworks

Frameworks / Animation

Multimedia / Augmented Reality

Multimedia / Data Visualization

Multimedia / Sound

File Formats / CSS

File Formats / MP3

AIR Native Extensions / Audio ANE

AIR Native Extensions / Multimedia ANE

AIR Native Extensions / Networking ANE

AIR Native Extensions / Hardware ANE

42. Awesome Swift




Images / Barcode

Auto Layout / Barcode

Logging / Barcode

Text / Barcode

Button / Barcode

Calendar / Barcode

Menu / Barcode

Template / Barcode

TextField / Barcode

Version Manager / Barcode

43. Awesome Uncopyright

