Awesome List Updates on Aug 08, 2018
18 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Cryptography
Other lists / Hash functions
- Awesome HE (⭐978) – A curated list of homomorphic encryption libraries, software and resources.
2. Awesome WSL
7. Details
- Windows Subsystem for Linux Overview at MSDN.
- WSL File System Support at MSDN.
- WSL System Calls at MSDN.
- Windows and Ubuntu Interoperability at MSDN.
- WSL Release Notes from
- Windows Subsystem for Linux Documentation from
- Windows Subsystem for Linux - Update from Microsoft Developer YouTube channel.
- Windows for Linux Nerds from Microsoft developer Jessie Frazelle.
8. Installation
- Windows-Subsystem-For-Linux-Setup (⭐618) - A basic guide for how to get setup with the WSL feature that is included with Windows 10.
Using WSL / The WSL Shell
- The Unix Workbench - A book for anyone to get started with Unix/Linux environments.
- The Art of Command Line (⭐151k) - Master the command line in one page.
Using WSL / Programming on WSL
- Setting Up a Programming Environment via Windows 10 Bash - From the computer science department at Old Dominion University.
- WSL as a Development Environment (⭐169) - From the computer science department at University of Utah.
- Using WSL and MobaXterm to Create a Linux Dev Environment on Windows - Another developer's approach using the third-party terminal MobaXterm.
- ubuntu-win-boostrap (⭐26) - A very simple bootstrap script to install some development basic tools on Debian/Ubuntu on WSL.
Using WSL / Web Development on WSL
- We put Linux in your Windows - YouTube talk by Windows kernel team member Sarah Cooley on WSL for Windows.
Using WSL / Other WSL Uses
- Learning programming, computer science, and system administration generally.
- Building applications for Azure, Microsoft's cloud platform.
- Leveraging the power of the shell and scripting to automate your personal workflow, like OCRing and sorting PDFs into folders using Python.
- Replacing Windows shell with Xfce, Gnome, KDE, or i3. (⭐782).
- Managing your companies' CentOS servers using Ansible.
Supported Distributions / Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Server Guide from Ubuntu.
- Because Ubuntu is based on Debian, many Debian tutorials also apply to Ubuntu.
Supported Distributions / Debian
- Windows Store Link for Debian Stretch.
- Debian Reference post-installation guide for Debian users with a focus on the command line from Debian.
- Package Management guide to using apt from Debian.
- WSL Wiki page from Debian.
Supported Distributions / Kali Linux
Unofficial Distributions / AlmaLinux OS
- miniwsl (⭐71) - A mini Linux distribution for WSL powered by busybox.
- ArchWSL (⭐6.5k) - ArchLinux in WSL.
- AlpineWSL (⭐515) - Alpine in WSL.
- windows-subsystem-linux-fedora - Fedora in WSL.
- WSL-Distribution-Switcher (⭐1.7k) - Scripts to replace the distribution behind WSL with any other Linux distribution published on Docker Hub. Includes alpine, CentOS, Fedora, Clear, and others.
- acme-wsl (⭐44) - Install acme / plan9port on Debian, Ubuntu, or Kali Linux distributions on WSL.
WSL Tools / Miscellaneous Tools
- WSLInstall (⭐251) - Install any Linux distribution userspace in WSL with compressed RootFS tarballs (tar.gz) or with Docker containers or with ISO files.
- BootShellCredentialProvider (⭐782) - BSCP lets you boot Windows directly into a Linux desktop experience such as xfce4 using Windows native login and a combination of Xming & WSL upon login.
- wsl-dotfiles (⭐261) - Configuration files and scripts for creating an i3-based environment inside WSL.
- EnumWSL (⭐6) - Enumerates installed WSL packages.
- WSL-DistroLauncher (⭐1.7k) - Reference launcher app for developing your own WSL distribution Microsoft Store package.
- WSL_Reverse (⭐82) - Reveal hidden COM interface between WSL and Lxss Manager Service.
- wslbridge (⭐355) - wslbridge is a Cygwin program that allows connecting to the WSL command-line environment over TCP sockets, as with ssh, but without the overhead of configuring an SSH server.
- cmd-colors-solarized (⭐1.1k) - This is a solarized color scheme for the Windows command prompt that works in WSL.
WSL Tools / Terminals
- wsltty (⭐3.1k) - Mintty as a terminal for WSL.
- wsl-terminal (⭐3.1k) - A terminal emulator for WSL, based on mintty, fatty and wslbridge.
- ConEmu - ConEmu aims to be handy, comprehensive, fast and reliable terminal where you may host any console application for the Windows command line, PowerShell, or WSL.
- MobaXterm - Enhanced terminal for Windows with X11 server, tabbed SSH client, network tools and much more.
- extraterm (⭐2.5k) - Open source project to build a terminal emulator and expand it with new features to support modern workflows.
WSL Tools / For Managing WSL Installations
- LxRunOffline (⭐4.1k) - A full-featured utility for managing WSL.
WSL Tools / WSL Utilities
- wslgit (⭐1.2k) - Use git installed on WSL from Visual Studio Code on Windows.
- wsl-proxy (⭐141) - A collection of 'proxy' batch files that can be used to route requests to the WSL version of a command.
- wslpath (⭐105) - Easily convert Windows to WSL path names and vice-versa.
- wsl-open (⭐481) - Open files with xdg-open in WSL from Windows applications.
WSL Tools / WSL-Specific Development Tools
- ghc - A version of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler built and optimized for WSL and hosted in a PPA for Debian and Ubuntu-based WSL distros.
Additional Resources / Miscellaneous Tools
- Microsoft WSL Blog
- Microsoft Console Blog
- WSL-Programs (⭐1.1k) - A community powered list of programs that work on the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
- /r/bashonubuntuonwindows - Reddit subreddit.
- #debian-wsl - IRC channel on
- WSL on GitHub (⭐17k) - For reporting issues with WSL.
- Microsoft Developer Feedback - For developers to send Microsoft feeback on WSL.
- Stack Overflow: WSL - Programming question and answer site.
Related Projects / Miscellaneous Tools
- Bash - Bash is the GNU Project's shell. Bash is the Bourne Again SHell. Bash is an sh-compatible shell that incorporates useful features from the Korn shell (ksh) and C shell (csh).
- Cygwin - Cygwin is a Unix-like environment and command-line interface for Microsoft Windows.
- PuTTY - PuTTY is an SSH and telnet client, developed originally by Simon Tatham for the Windows platform.
- Visual Studio Code - Visual Studio Code ("vscode") is a source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux, and macOS. It includes support for debugging, embedded Git control, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, and code refactoring.
- Visual Studio 2017 - Visual Studio is an IDE from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs, as well as web sites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Store, and Microsoft Silverlight.
- Windows Services for UNIX - SFU is a discontinued software package produced by Microsoft which provided a Unix environment on Windows NT and some of its immediate successor operating-systems. TechNet documentation.
More Awesome / Miscellaneous Tools
Thanks / Miscellaneous Tools
- Canonical, Debian, SUSE, and Offensive Software.
- The Awesome community on GitHub.
Intellectual Property Notices / Miscellaneous Tools
- Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and/or other countries. *
- Windows®, Windows Server®, Windows 10®, Microsoft®, Microsoft Virtual Academy®, Visual Studio®, Azure®, PowerShell®, and MSDN® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. * **
- EdX® is a registered trademark of edX Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
- SUSE® and SUSE Linux Enterprise® are registered trademarks of SUSE in the United States and/or other countries. *
- Red Hat®, CentOS®, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. *
- UNIX® is a trademark of The Open Group. Use of The Open Group trademarks are authorized by The Open Group Trademark Guidelines as "Editorial or Articles, but not Advertising" and/or permitted by trademark fair use under United States law. *
- Debian® is a registered trademark of Software in the Public Interest, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. *
- Kali Linux® and Offensive Security® are registered trademarks of OffSec Services, Ltd. *
- YouTube® is a registered trademark of Google, LLC. *
- macOS® is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc. *
- GitHub® and githublogo are a registered trademarks of GitHub, Inc. *
- Oracle and Oracle Linux are trademarks or registered tracemarks of Oracle, Inc. *
3. Awesome Appium
Become an Appium Pro
4. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
- Introduction to Machine Learning - Introductory level machine learning crash course
5. Awesome Flutter
Monetization / Preferences
- Inapp Purchase (⭐548) - Features set of 'in app purchase' derived from react-native-iap (⭐2.7k) by dooboolab
6. Awesome Influxdb
Projects / Non-dedicated
- Centreon (⭐576) - A network, system, applicative supervision and monitoring tool
- OpenHAB - A universal integration platform for all things around home automation
Plugins / Hooks
- metrics-influxdb (⭐264) - A reporter for dropwizard metrics which announces measurements to an InfluxDB server
- sidekiq-influxdb (⭐18) - A Sidekiq middleware to send job execution metrics to InfluxDB
7. Awesome Crystal
- totem (⭐66) - Load and parse a configuration in JSON, YAML, dotenv formats
8. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Tools
- midi2pico (⭐64) - A MIDI to PICO-8 converter.
9. Awesome Swift
- TopicEventBus (⭐55) - Publish–subscribe design pattern implementation framework, with ability to publish events by topic.
Switch / Barcode
- MJMaterialSwitch (⭐69) - A Customizable Switch UI for iOS, Inspired from Google's Material Design.
10. Awesome Fuse
- CityU Minerals - A mobile virtual museum (iOS) (Android).
- CityU Mobile - City University of Hong Kong official portal app (iOS) (Android).
11. Awesome Jupyter
- docker-stacks (⭐7.8k) - Hierarchical stacks of ready-to-run Jupyter applications in Docker.
- Hydrogen (⭐3.9k) - Run code inline in Atom using Jupyter kernels.
- Jupyter Notebook (⭐11k) - Main Jupyter notebook runtime.
- JupyterHub (⭐7.6k) - Multi-user server for Jupyter.
- JupyterLab (⭐14k) - JupyterLab is the next generation user interface for Jupyter.
- kaggle/docker-python (⭐2.4k) - Kaggle Python docker image that includes datasets and packages.
- nteract (⭐6.2k) - Native desktop notebook frontend.
- Stencila (⭐781) - Native desktop notebook frontend.
- callgraph (⭐74) - Magic to display a function call graph.
- jupyter-drive (⭐417) - Google drive for Jupyter.
- LTI Launch JupyterHub Authenticator (⭐66) - Authentication via Edx.
- nbautoeval (⭐19) - Create auto-evaluated exercises.
- nbgrader (⭐1.3k) - Assigning and grading of Jupyter notebooks.
- nbtutor (⭐452) - Visualize Python code execution (line-by-line).
- Altair (⭐9.1k) - Declarative visualization library for Python, based on Vega and Vega-Lite (⭐4.6k).
- Bokeh - Interactive visualization library that targets modern web browsers for presentation.
- bqplot (⭐3.6k) - Grammar of Graphics-based interactive plotting framework for Jupyter.
- pythreejs (⭐934) - Python / ThreeJS bridge utilizing the Jupyter widget infrastructure.
- Qgrid (⭐3k) - Interactive grid for sorting, filtering, and editing DataFrames in Jupyter.
- Binder - Turn a GitHub repo into a collection of interactive notebooks.
- Bookbook (⭐98) - Bookbook converts a set of notebooks in a directory to HTML or PDF, preserving cross references within and between notebooks.
- nbscan (⭐24) - Search for and print cells contents of Jupyter notebooks.
- Nikola - Static Site Generator that converts notebooks into websites.
- notedown (⭐852) - Convert Jupyter notebooks to markdown (and back).
- Papermill (⭐5.7k) - Tool for parameterizing, executing, and analyzing Jupyter notebooks.
- pynb (⭐247) - Jupyter Notebooks as plain Python code with embedded Markdown text.
- RISE (⭐3.7k) - Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow.
- nbval (⭐436) - Py.test plugin for validating Jupyter notebooks.
- nosebook (⭐79) - Nose plugin for finding and running IPython notebooks as nose tests.
Domain-Specific Projects
- GenePattern Notebook - Integrating Genomic Analysis with Interactive Notebooks.
- GeoNotebook (⭐1.1k) - Extension for exploratory geospatial analysis.
- lolviz (⭐821) - Data-structure visualization tool for lists of lists, lists, dictionaries.
- Quantopian Notebooks - Jupyter-based platform for financial research.
- vpython-jupyter (⭐64) - VPython 3D engine running in a Jupyter notebook.
Hosted Notebook Solutions
- Anaconda Enterprise - Multi-user collaboration and one-click deployment of models, notebooks, and dashboards.
- Azure Notebooks - Jupyter notebooks running in the cloud on Microsoft Azure.
- CoCalc - Notebooks with 17 supported kernel types, course management, LaTeX document authoring, simultaneous document editing and integration with the SageMath computer algebra system.
- Domino Data Lab - Data science platform with integrated collaboration tools, environment management and compute grid.
- PAWS - Jupyter notebook deployment customized for interacting with Wikimedia wikis.
Official Resources and Documentation
- Jupyter kernels (⭐15k) - List of all programming languages available as Jupyter kernels.
- Try Jupyter - Try Jupyter in your browser.
Community Resources
- Conference Talks -, JupyterCon
- Reddit - Subreddits: r/IPython, r/Jupyter/
- Exploratory computing with Python - Collection of notebooks covering scientific computing.
- pytudes (⭐23k) - List of Jupyter Notebooks by Peter Norvig.
- Zero to JupyterHub - Tutorial to help install and manage JupyterHub.
12. Awesome Haskell
- Deiko-config - small typesafe library that uses HOCON (⭐5.8k) config format
- Configurator - A configuration management library which supports automatic, dynamic reloading in response to modifications to configuration files.
13. Awesome Dotnet Core
Starter Kits / Workflow
- Arch - The collection of .NET Core libraries that are created by software architects who embrace all the new stuff in .NET Core.
- AutoHistory (⭐774) - A plugin for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore to support automatically recording data changes history.
14. Awesome Sass
Articles / Miscellaneous
15. Awesome Npm
- npms - Superb package search with deep analysis of package quality using a myriad of metrics.
Standalone version of a package / pre
and post
16. Awesome Tap
Producers / JavaScript
- AVA (⭐20k) - Futuristic test runner (
$ ava --tap
- Mocha - Feature-rich test framework for Node.js and browsers (
$ mocha reporter=tap
- mos (⭐108) - Markdown file generator and tester (
$ mos test --tap
17. Awesome Observables
- Introducing the Observable - lesson.
18. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Mark Text (⭐46k) - Real-time preview Markdown editor.
Boilerplates / Other
- electron-boilerplate (⭐1.6k) - Boilerplate to kickstart creating an app - by sindresorhus.
- electron-boilerplate (⭐3.1k) - Comprehensive boilerplate which even generates installers - by szwacz.
- Prev: Aug 09, 2018
- Next: Aug 07, 2018