Awesome List Updates on May 07, 2019
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Cli Apps
Development / Npm
- updates (⭐99) - Flexible npm dependency update tool.
2. Awesome Pentest
Network Vulnerability Scanners / Wireless Network Tools
- celerystalk (⭐399) - Asynchronous enumeration and vulnerability scanner that "runs all the tools on all the hosts" in a configurable manner.
3. Awesome React Hooks
- Advanced React Hooks Workshop (⭐1.8k) - Kent C. Dodds.
4. Awesome Mqtt
- mainflux - device management, data aggregation, data management, data analytics,connectivity and message routing and event management. Supported by Linux Software Foundation. Core analytics
- thingsboard - Device management, data collection, processing, event management, and visualization for your IoT projects.
- gmqtt (⭐301) - Python MQTT v5.0 client (asyncio-based).
- luamqtt (⭐119) - Pure-lua MQTT v3.1.1 and v5.0 client.
- MIMIC MQTT Simulator - Simulate up to 100,000 MQTT clients per server for development/testing/deployment of IoT applications.
5. Awesome Ember
Packages / Gists
6. Awesome Json
- Exchange Rate API - A simple and free API for currency exchange rate data.
7. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / API
- Flurl (⭐4.1k) - Fluent URL builder and testable HTTP for .NET
8. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Markdown Tools
- Marp - Markdown presentation writer with cross-platform support.
9. Awesome Markdown
Tools / Editors
- TOAST UI Editor - Extensible GFM Markdown WYSIWYG Editor
10. Awesome Fp Js
Resources / Examples and Exercises
- Holdem Evaluator - Yet another Holdem Evaluator with Ramda functional style
11. Awesome Ios Books
- Prev: May 08, 2019
- Next: May 06, 2019