Awesome List Updates on Oct 31, 2019

18 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Pentest

Online Resources / Other Lists Online

2. Awesome Incident Response

IR Tools Collection / Other Lists

3. Awesome Vue

Resources / Tutorials

4. Awesome Python Typing

Backports and improvements

5. Awesome Ember

Packages / Data validation

Packages / Security

Packages / Examples

6. Awesome Sre

Misc Articles

7. Public Apis

Currency Exchange

8. Awesome Machine Learning

Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning

Tools / Misc

9. Awesome Actions

Utility / Docker Container Actions

10. Awesome Malware Analysis

Detection and Classification / Other Resources

11. Awesome Dataviz

Other tools / Misc

Podcasts / Misc

12. Awesome Deep Learning

Table of Contents / Courses

13. Awesome Dart

Server Frameworks

Game Development



IDEs, Editors, and Plugins

14. Awesome Calculators

Calculator apps: / Cross-Platform

15. Awesome Pinned Gists

External Services

16. Awesome Libgdx

Resources / User Interface

17. Free for Dev

APIs, Data, and ML

Code Quality


CDN and Protection


Tunneling, WebRTC, Web Socket Servers and Other Routers

Issue Tracking and Project Management

Visitor Session Recording

18. Awesome Ios

Dependency Injection

Dependency / Package Manager


Other Awesome Lists

Project setup

Reactive Programming


Style Guides

Tag / Collection View Layout

TextField & TextView / Collection View Layout

UIPageControl / Collection View Layout

Utility / Collection View Layout

VR / Collection View Layout

Walkthrough / Intro / Tutorial / Collection View Layout

WebSocket / Collection View Layout

Tools / Collection View Layout

Tutorials and Keynotes / Collection View Layout

Extensions / Collection View Layout

Other Xcode / Collection View Layout