Awesome Qlik Overview
A curated list of awesome Qlik extensions and resources for Qlik Sense and QlikView
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Awesome Qlik

Curated list of awesome Qlik guides, blogs, extensions, and other resources.
Qlik is a leading business intelligence platform delivering solutions for data visualisation, analytics, and reporting. Running on the same engine, its main products are QlikView (for guided analytics) and Qlik Sense (for self-service BI).
Official Resources and Documentation
Community Resources and Blogs
- Living QlikView - Aaron Couron's blog with in-depth articles, technical tips and tricks, and reviews of third-party applications and resources that help to progress with QlikView and Qlik Sense.
- Qlik Community - Qlik Community: product forums, resources, services, events, groups, and blogs on the Qlik platform.
- QlikCentral - A blog where Richard Pearce shares insight and technical examples he develops in QlikView and Qlik Sense.
- QlikFix - A blog dedicated to QlikView and Qlik Sense tips, tricks and tutorials from Barry Harmsen.
- QlikView Cookbook - A technical 'how-to' blog for QlikView developers, by Rob Wunderlich.
- Qlik Tips - An all-things-Qlik blog by Stephen Redmond.
- Quick Intelligence - A blog where a skilled team of Qlik developers lead by Steve Dark, providing tips on working in Qlik Sense and QlikView.
- Reddit subreddits:
- /r/Qlik - Subreddit about Qlik.
- /r/QlikSense - Subreddit about Qlik Sense.
- /r/QlikView - Subreddit about QlikView.
About Qlik Sense
- Learning Qlik Sense: The Official Guide - By Christopher Ilacqua, Henric Cronström et al.
- Qlik Sense Cookbook - By Pablo Labbe, Philip Hand et al.
- Qlik Sense for Beginners - By Mark O'Donovan.
- Qlik Sense: Advanced Data Visualization for Your Organization - By Dr. Christopher Ilacqua et al.
- Predictive Analytics Using Rattle and Qlik Sense - By Ferran Garcia Pagans.
- Mastering Qlik Sense - By Martin Mahler and Juan Ignacio Vitantonio.
- Implementing Qlik Sense - By Ganapati Hegde and Kaushik Solanki.
About QlikView
- QlikView Essentials - By Chandraish Sinha.
- Creating Stunning Dashboards with QlikView - By Julián Villafuerte.
- QlikView for Finance - By B. Diane Blackwood.
- QlikView Unlocked - By Roger Stone and Andrew Dove.
- Practical QlikView - By Mark O'Donovan.
- QlikView 11 for Developers - By Miguel García and Barry Harmsen.
- QlikView Scripting - By Matt Floyd.
- QlikView Server and Publisher - By Stephen Redmond.
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