Awesome Influxdb Overview

A curated list of awesome projects, libraries, tools, etc. related to InfluxDB

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awesome-influxdb Awesome

A curated list of awesome projects, libraries, tools, etc. related to InfluxDB. This list focuses on libraries, tools, etc. supporting InfluxDB version 1.0 and up.

Want to make this list better? Take a look at our page on contributing and then open a pull request!

Reference material

If you know of any particularly useful blog posts, talks, slides, etc. that belong in this list, please open a pull request!

Client libraries



Collecting data into InfluxDB



Tools whose primary or sole purpose is to feed data into InfluxDB.


Tools that generate data that feed into multiple backends, InfluxDB included.


Libraries to collect data and feed into InfluxDB.


Hooks for other logging libraries to output to InfluxDB.


Plugins to allow other standalone tools to send their data into InfluxDB.

Import tools

Tools to import a fixed set of data into InfluxDB.

Consuming data from InfluxDB

Dashboards and visualization

Other tools

Provisioning InfluxDB

Tools, libraries, etc. to help you get InfluxDB running without installing it by hand.


Hosting of InfluxDB / SaaS


Projects that don't seem to fit in any other category.

Other awesome lists

Lists of awesome lists that include awesome-influxdb



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