Awesome Web Monetization Overview
🕶️ Stuffs about Web Monetization. Packages, articles, documentation links and others tools.
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Awesome Web Monetization 
Awesome stuffs about Web Monetization. Learn more, check modules and others tools.
Web Monetization is a web service that allows you to send money directly in your browser. This is a JavaScript browser API that allows the creation of a payment stream from the user agent to the website
About Web Monetization
- Documentation
- How Web Monetization work for paying payments
- How Web Monetization work for receiving payments
- Specifications
- ILP Forum (read only)
- Grant For The Web
How to start monetize my website
If you would like to monetize your content, you must have a Wallet and Provider account. See below the platforms that allow you to use them.
More details about Wallet and Provider account
Wallets | |||
Name | New Wallet ? Create a issue ! (⭐278) |
Fees | SEPA: 1.00 EUR < 50,000 EUR Wire: $15 min ($150 max) |
Payments | |
Name | Empty. |
On your webpage, integrate your monetization
tag on meta
<link rel="monetization" href="">
and detect if monetization
is possible, then work
if (document.monetization) {
document.monetization.addEventListener("monetizationstart", () => {
"🎉 Awesome ! You use Web Monetization.\nMore information",
Any packages/modules and plugins
- monetize.js (⭐15) - An event-driven library to manage and simulate Web Monetization.
- types-wm (⭐3) - TypeScript definitions for Web Monetization
- ngx-monetization (archived) (⭐8) - Web Monetization API for Angular.
- react-hook-wm (⭐8) - React hooks for integrating with Web Monetization.
- react-monetize (⭐30) - Helpers and hooks to speed up your integration with Web Monetization API.
- ep_monetization (⭐0) - Plugin for applying payment pointer meta tag to Etherpad site.
- wp-connect-coil - Plugin for applying Coil payment pointer meta tag to WordPress site.
- xrptipbot-wordpress-widget - WordPress Widget based on XRPTIPBOT embed code to donate content creators.
- eleventy-plugin-monetization (⭐19) - An Eleventy plugin to monetize posts and site content.
- web-monetization-components (⭐9) - A collection of web components you can use on your web monetized websites.
- revshare (⭐7) - A JS library for revenue sharing.
- web-monetization-proxy (⭐3) - Simple Go proxy for injecting Web Monetization meta tags.
- gridsome-plugin-monetization (⭐15) - Web monetization for Gridsome.
- vuepress-plugin-web-monetization (⭐14) - Adds the web-monetization metatag to your VuePress website.
- jekyll-web_monetization (⭐12) - A Jekyll plugin to add Web MonetizationAPI payment pointers to your site.
- Monetization (⭐5) - A wrapper around the Web Monetization API to monetize apps.
- react-webmonetization-meta (⭐4) - A Web Monetization meta tag manager for React.
- web-monetization-electron-app (⭐4) - Project demonstrate basic setup to enable web monetization in Electron App.
- web-monetized-video (⭐15) - A web component with has play and pay policy and charges you for the amount of video watched.
- web-monetization-polyfill (⭐2) - Ensure the JavaScript Web Monetization API is available, even in environments with Content Security Policies enabled.
- web-monetization-video-ads - Linking Web Monetization with video advertising to allow a freemium business model to be implemented for Web Monetization.
- web-monetization-revenue-share - Automated redistribution of funds to a community via smart contracts.
- awesome-jsgames (⭐472) - A curated list of awesome JavaScript Games
- mediadisclosures (⭐0) - An open-source, always evolving, universal content rating system.
- web-monetization-demo (⭐2) - This is a Web Monetization Demo
- money-chat (⭐4) - Web Monetization chat app
- Getting started - Official documents from
- Exclusive content - Put exclusive content on your website.
- 'A Web Monetization Story' - An interactive, story-based Web Monetization tutorial for online creators.
- Web Monetization like I'm 5 - Monetizing the web!
- Monetizing Content in View - Paying for what you see.
- Web Components - For the Web Monetization API (serie).
- Newsletter of - Sign up for email updates.
Probabilistic Revshare Generator - Web Monetization - Probabilistic revenue sharing (revshare) is one way to share a portion of a web monetized pages earnings between multiple payment pointers.
Use this tool to define a list of payment pointers and their weights. Then, add the generated monetization link element to your site. The link will contain a unique URL hosted on If you'd prefer to not use a hosted URL, you can set up revshare by adding a script to your site.
Is web monetized (⭐4) - A very simple tool for checking if Web Monetization is enabled.
npm install is-web-monetized -g monetized
You can also test your website with the dependency.
Paytrackr (⭐0) - (Forked from wobsoriano/paytrackr) - Track and manage your micropayments into one place.
PayTrackr is the easiest and safest way to track and manage your micropayments to web monetized websites, having a web monetization provider membership.
Akita (⭐23) - A browser extension that gives you insight into your involvement with Web Monetization.
Akita presents your top visited monetized sites, how much time you're spending on them, and how much you're contributing (or could contribute) to them.
Open Monetization Wallet (⭐11) - Tools for managing your vanity Web Monetization wallet.
Open Monetization Wallet (OMW) makes it easier to accept payments with the Web Monetization API at scale. Some features:
- Custom wallet URLs: own your own "Payment Pointer", e.g. $, instead of $
- Change between wallets/providers with no downtime
- Logs of incoming payment requests
- Revenue sharing between multiple wallets, e.g. for multiple team members
- Infinitely scalable with serverless technology
- Free and open-source
Contributions welcome ! Read the contribution guidelines first. You can also contribute to share this repository and Web Monetization with your friends. 😄
If you want to add a new small icon, the height must be 16px. Put in assets/small_icons/NAME.png
. Format PNG only accepted.
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