Awesome List Updates on Mar 18, 2017

10 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Ssh

Apps / .ssh/config

Apps / Servers

Apps / Network

Apps / Multiplexers

Apps / SSH keys / Authentication

Apps / SSH agent

Apps / Automation

Apps / Web

Apps / Testing / Honeypots

Apps / Alternatives to SSH

Libraries / Alternatives to SSH

Resources / Security

2. Awesome Talks

Functional Programming

3. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Erlang / Phoenix

Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)

4. Awesome Opengl






Related lists

5. Awesome Haskell

Web / Frameworks

6. Awesome Markdown

Libraries / Python

Resources / Documentation

7. Awesome Ddd

Conferences / Ruby

8. Awesome Non Financial Blockchain

Identity Applications / Public Blockchain Identity

Identity Applications / Blockchain as a collateral

Identity Applications / Unclear

Identity Applications / Guidance

Internet of Things Applications / Guidance

Energy Applications / Guidance

9. Awesome R

Podcasts / Book/monograph Lists and Reviews

10. Awesome Vue

Resources / Tutorials