Awesome List Updates on Apr 05, 2017

14 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Asyncio

Database Drivers

2. Awesome Sass

Libraries and Mixins / Miscellaneous

3. Awesome Ssh

Apps / SSH keys / Authentication

Apps / Tools

Apps / Web

4. Awesome Php

Table of Contents / Routers

Table of Contents / Dependency Injection

Table of Contents / Database

Table of Contents / Command Line

Table of Contents / Authentication and Authorization

Table of Contents / Filtering and Validation

Table of Contents / Internationalisation and Localisation

Configuration / PHP Websites

Configuration / PHP Books

5. Awesome Npm Scripts

Miscellaneous / Utility Packs

6. Nlp with Ruby

Multipurpose Engines / On-line APIs

Lexical Processing / Filtering Stop Words

Sentiment Analysis / Constituency Parsing

7. Awesome Perl

Devices / NoSQL Databases

8. Awesome Javascript

Testing Frameworks / Frameworks

9. Awesome Spark

Resources / Papers

10. Awesome Android

Logger / Field Validation

Other / Custom Dialog

11. Awesome Neuroscience

Programming / Python

Programming / Matlab

12. Awesome Npm


13. Awesome Mac

Translation Tools / Audio Record and Process

14. Awesome Geek Podcasts

In English