Awesome List Updates on Apr 11, 2017

10 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Fp Js

Resources / Articles

2. Nlp with Ruby

Machine Learning Libraries / Constituency Parsing

Full Text Search, Information Retrieval, Indexing / Constituency Parsing

Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / Constituency Parsing

Projects and Code Examples / Constituency Parsing

Needs your Help! / Constituency Parsing

3. Computer Science

Congratulations / Advanced math

4. Awesome Preact

Contents / Articles

5. Awesome Aws

Open Source Repos / Elastic MapReduce

6. Awesome Sass

Articles / Miscellaneous

7. Awesome Shell

Shell Script Development / Directory Navigation

8. Awesome Tensorflow



9. Awesome Vue

Resources / Tutorials

10. Awesome Healthcare

Contents / Frameworks