Awesome List Updates on Aug 08, 2017
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Theravada
Videos / YouTube Channels
- Dhammanet - Inspiring and enlightening discourses by respected scholars, Buddhist monks and philosophers.
- StudentofthePath - American born Buddhist monastic's journey into homelessness.
2. Awesome Json
JSON Schema Tools
- aptos (⭐150) - A tool for validating data using JSON Schema and converting JSON Schema documents into different data-interchange formats.
3. Awesome Web Design
- Material Icons: Free to use material design icons from Google.
4. Awesome Jvm
- Linux Load Averages: Solving the Mystery - Brendan Gregg.
5. Awesome Hacking
Awesome Repositories
Repository: Reversing (⭐4k)
Description: List of awesome reverse engineering resources
Repository: Vehicle Security (⭐3k)
Description: List of resources for learning about vehicle security and car hacking
Other Useful Repositories
Repository: Free Programming Books (⭐331k)
Description: Free programming books for developers
Repository: ThreatHunter-Playbook (⭐4k)
Description: A Threat hunter's playbook to aid the development of techniques and hypothesis for hunting campaigns
6. Awesome Android
Game Development
- JustWeEngine (⭐769) - An easy open source Android Native Game FrameWork.
7. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- PyTorch (⭐81k) - Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
8. Awesome Sre
9. Awesome Smart Tv
LG webOS / Third-party remote control libraries
- lgtv2mqtt (⭐89) - Interface between LG WebOS Smart TVs and MQTT (JavaScript).
10. Tips
Push a new local branch to remote repository and track
git push -u origin <branch_name>
11. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Scott Hanselman (⭐88) - Teacher, Podcaster, OSCON Chair, Developer, Open Source C# and .NET at Microsoft.
- Jürgen Gutsch - .NET junkie, addicted to web and software development, clean coder, MVP for Visual Studio and Development Technologies.
12. Awesome Serverless
- Serverless Plugin Directory - A directory of Serverless Framework plugins.
13. Awesome Javascript
Documentation / Runner
- ESDoc (⭐2.7k) is a good documentation generator for JavaScript.
14. Awesome Swift
- UIDeviceComplete (⭐415) - UIDevice extensions that fill in the missing pieces.
15. Awesome Lockpicking
- Lock Pick Canada - Canadian retailer carrying a wide range of manufacturers, including Souber dimple lock picks, a manufacturer that only sells to other businesses.
- Prev: Aug 09, 2017
- Next: Aug 07, 2017