Awesome List Updates on Nov 13 - Nov 19, 2017
45 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Diversity
- Wonder Women Tech - Organization that produces year-round programming and national and international conferences that highlight, educate, and celebrate women and diversity in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math), innovation and entrepreneurialism.
2. Awesome Mqtt
Home Entertainment / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- mopidy-mqtt (⭐21) - MQTT features for Mopidy.
3. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Kinesis
- kinesis-storm-spout 🔥 (⭐107) - Spout for Storm.
4. Awesome Ciandcd
- citrixserver XenServer is the best server virtualization platform for public and private clouds, powering 4 of the 5 largest hosting provider clouds. Built with scale, security and multi-tenancy in mind, XenServer allows for even greater flexibility and cost efficiency
5. Awesome Productivity
Tools and Apps / Habit Trackers
- Loop Habit Tracker (⭐6.2k) - An Android app for creating and maintaining good habits.
6. Vertx Awesome
- VxRifa - Utility library for Vert.X that allows using strong-typed interfaces in communication through EventBus.
7. Awesome Mac
Audio and Video Tools / File Sharing
- Elmedia Player - This media player is a super versatile app for any file format you probably may think of: FLV, MP4, AVI, MOV, DAT, MKV, MP3, FLAC, M4V are all supported as well as many others.
8. Awesome4girls
Other Initiatives / Jobs
Lane is a hiring and job search platform created by Women 2.0. The focus is on women in tech and encouraging workplaces that care about making their companies more successful through inclusion.
9. Awesome Homematic
Misc Software
- occu-test (⭐3) - Automated System Tests of ReGaHss - the HomeMatic (O)CCU "Logic Layer".
10. Awesome Math
Probability and Statistics / Stochastic processes
- 📝 Lectures on Stochastic Processes - K. Ito (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay)
- 📝 Probability and Stochastic Processes with Applications - Oliver Knill (Harvard University)
- 📝 Stochastic Processes - Amir Dembo (Stanford University)
- 📝 Lecture Notes on Stochastic Processes - Frank Noé, Bettina Keller and Jan-Hendrik Prinz (Freie Universität Berlin)
- 📝 Introduction to Stochastic Processes - Lecture Notes - Gordan Žitković (University of Texas)
- 📝 Applied Stochastic Processes in science and engineering - Matt Scott (University of Waterloo)
- 📝 An Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Continuous Time - Flora Spieksma (Leiden University)
- 📝 Markov Chains and Mixing Times - David A. Levin, Yuval Peres, Elizabeth L. Wilmer
Signal processing / Stochastic processes
- 📝 Introduction to Signal Processing - Sophocles J. Orfanidis (Rutgers University)
- 📝 Foundations of Signal Processing - Martin Vetterli, Jelena Kovacevic, Vivek K Goyal
- 📝 An Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing - Robert M. Gray, Lee D. Davisson
- 📝 Linear algebra, signal processing, and wavelets. A unified approach. - Øyvind Ryan (University of Oslo)
11. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / HTTP
- cacheable-request - Wrap native HTTP requests with RFC compliant cache support.
12. Awesome Readme
Get Feedback
- - Free README standardization and feedback, if you click on 'Book an audit'.
13. Awesome Beacon
Stackoverflow Q&A
14. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Buttercup Desktop (⭐4.3k) - Password manager.
15. Awesome Cpp
- TCLAP - A mature, stable and feature-rich library for defining and accessing command line arguments in ANSI C++. [MIT]
- BeeCrypt - A portable and fast cryptography library. [LGPLv2.1+]
Game Engine
- KlayGE (⭐2.1k) - a cross-platform open source game engine with plugin-based architecture. [GPLv2] website
- HTTP Parser (⭐6.4k) ⚡ - A http request/response parser for C. [MIT]
- libquic (⭐1.8k) - A QUIC protocol library extracted from Chromium's QUIC Implementation. [BSD]
- libwebsockets (⭐4.9k) - A lightweight pure C WebSocket implementation that provides both client and server libraries. [LGPL2.1 + static link exception] website
Regular Expression
- CppVerbalExpressions (⭐384) - C++ regular expressions made easy. [MIT]
- PCRE - A regular expression C library inspired by the regular expression capabilities in Perl. [BSD]
- RE2 (⭐9.1k) - A software library for regular expressions via a finite-state machine using automata theory. [BSD-3-Clause]
- SLRE (⭐536) - Super Light Regexp engine for C/C++. [GPLv2/Proprietary]
16. Awesome Dart
Client Web App Frameworks
- OverReact - A library for building statically-typed React UI components.
17. Awesome Opensource Apps
React Native
Name: Standard Notes (⭐836)
Description: A simple and private notes app
Link: App on Play Store
18. Awesome Malware Analysis
Online Scanners and Sandboxes / Other Resources
- Intezer - Detect, analyze, and categorize malware by identifying code reuse and code similarities.
19. Awesome Gbdev
ASM / Music drivers and trackers
- Super Game Boy development - Step by step tutorial to implement Super Game Boy features (frame and palettes).
20. Awesome Bigdata
Business Intelligence
- SparklineData SNAP - modern B.I platform powered by Apache Spark.
Books / Streaming
- Kafka in Action - Kafka in Action is a fast-paced introduction to every aspect of working with Kafka you need to really reap its benefits.
- Reactive Data Handling - Reactive Data Handling is a collection of five hand-picked chapters, selected by Manuel Bernhardt, that introduce you to building reactive applications capable of handling real-time processing with large data loads--free eBook!
21. Awesome Codepoints
Record Holders and Extremes / Breaking and Gluing other characters
- U+10FFFF (non-character) - last code point. The whole rest of its plane apart from U+10FFFE, the code points in the 0x10000-0x10FFFD range, are private use characters, guaranteed to be never filled by a future Unicode standard.
22. Awesome Magento2
- pt_BR (⭐71) 🇧🇷 - Portuguese Brazil Language Package.
23. Awesome Rails
External Resources / Other external resources
24. Awesome Inspectit
- Integration of inspectIT into a Sping Boot or Java application - Tutorial on integrating an inspectIT agent into a Spring (Boot) or Java application.
25. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Honza Bittner (⭐1) - Student at FIT CTU, Dart lover.
26. Awesome Cryptography
Rust / Git
- proteus (⭐421) - Axolotl protocol implementation, without header keys, in Rust.
27. Awesome Swift
- ReCaptcha (⭐268) - [In]visible ReCaptcha for iOS.
- CheatyXML (⭐24) - A powerful framework designed to manage XML easily.
Network / Barcode
- Conduit (⭐52) - Robust networking for web APIs.
Socket / Barcode
- RxWebSocket (⭐55) - Reactive WebSockets.
UI / Barcode
- Mandoline (⭐894) - An iOS picker view to serve all your 'picking' needs.
Menu / Barcode
- FlowingMenu (⭐974) - Interactive view transition to display menus with flowing and bouncing effects.
- HHFloatingView (⭐95) - An easy to use and setup floating view for your app.
UICollectionView / Barcode
- CardsLayout (⭐855) - Nice card-designed custom CollectionView layout.
28. Awesome Hacking Locations
Houndstooth Coffee
Unassuming place with pretty outstanding coffee and the space to get things done. Plus it's in the Frost Bank Building, the most evil looking building in Austin!
Wifi | Power | Climatization | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | ❄️/♨️ | 401 CONGRESS AVE STE 100C AUSTIN, TX 78701 | MON – FRI: 6:30 AM – 7 PM SAT & SUN: 8:00 AM – 5 PM |
29. Awesome Influxdb
Projects / Dedicated
- snmpcollector (⭐259) - A full featured Generic SNMP data collector with Web Administration Interface for InfluxDB
30. Awesome Ctf
- W3Challs - A penetration testing training platform, which offers various computer challenges, in various categories.
31. Awesome Steam
Python / General
- Steam-Trade (⭐18) - An asynchronous, event-based trade library.
32. Bots
- Microsoft Bot Framework - Node.js/.NET library for building, connecting, testing, and deploying powerful and intelligent bots.
Bot Stores / Go
- Slack Store - The official Slack bot store.
- Telegram Store - The unofficial Telegram bot store.
- Discord Bot List - An unofficial list of discord bots.
- Telegram Botlist - A bot list for Telegram.
Communities / Go
- BotList Chat - Telegram group.
- Bot Development - Telegram group.
33. Awesome Choo
Contents / Projects using choo
- Robotopia (⭐502) - Introducing kids to coding with tiny virtual robots!
34. Awesome Testing
Others / Useful References
- Software Testing Conferences - A list of software testing conferences and workshops.
35. Awesome Sass
Libraries and Mixins / Miscellaneous
- Sass Accoutrement - Accoutrement modules are Sass toolkits that work together to form the central configuration of a project. The tools can be used individually, or integrated for extra power.
36. Awesome Creative Coding
- Intro to WebGL Slides Video - Intro to WebGL with three.js.
Articles • Tutorials / Shaders • OpenGL • WebGL
- OpenGL/GLSL Shader Programing - Deck on OpenGL/GLSL shader programing.
37. Awesome Deep Learning Resources
Posts and Articles
- Estimating an Optimal Learning Rate For a Deep Neural Network - Clever trick to estimate an optimal learning rate prior any single full training.
38. Awesome Katas
39. Awesome Speakers
Europe / Germany 🇩🇪
Ally Long
Topics: CSS, Performance
Artem Sapegin
Topics: Styleguides, UI, CSS
Charlie Owen
Topics: CSS, Accessibility
Hernán Magrini
Topics: Web Performance, Service Workers
Kitty Giraudel
Topics: Accessibility, Diversity, Inclusivity
Lu Yu
Topics: Graphic Design, Typography, Branding, User Experience
Manuel Bieh
Topics: React, JavaScript, Code Quality, Clean Code, Leadership, Developer Experience
Natalie Pistunovich
Topics: Mobile Apps, Go
Oleg Slobodskoi
Topics: CSS in JS, React
Robin Pokorny
Topics: Jest, React, AMP, Elm
Sara Vieira
Topics: Styleguides, React, CSS, Preact, CSS-in-JS
Srushtika Neelakantam
Topics: WebVR, A-Frame, Realtime Web, JavaScript Frameworks
Tejas Kumar
Topics: JavaScript, React, WebAssembly, Community, Teams, Humanities
Yoshua Wuyts
Topics: Frameworks, Simplicity, Standards, Libraries
Europe / Poland 🇵🇱
Anna Migas
Topics: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Animations, Web Performance
Kacper Sokołowski
Topics: JavaScript, Security, Service Workers

Konrad Dzwinel
Topics: Developer Tools, JavaScript
Europe / Spain 🇪🇸
Vincenzo Chianese
Topics: WebAPI, Microservices, JavaScript
40. Awesome Tensorflow
Blog posts
- Coca-Cola's Image Recognition App Coca-Cola's product code image recognizing neural network with user input feedback loop.
41. Awesome Vscode
Python / Smarty Template Support
- Python - Linting, Debugging (multi threaded, web apps), Intellisense, auto-completion, code formatting, snippets, unit testing, and more.
42. Awesome Electronics
PCB Batching Services / Altium
- Aisler - Affordable quality circuit boards made in and shipped from Europe (Germany).
43. Awesome Jvm
Garbage collectors
- Epsilon GC - Completely passive GC implementation with bounded allocation limit, and lowest runtime performance overhead possible.
Memory and concurrency
- Eclipse Collections (⭐2.1k) - Collections framework for Java.
- failsafe (⭐3.8k) - A lightweight, zero-dependency library for handling failures.
- injector (⭐59) - A new Executor for Java.
- java-concurrent-hash-trie-map (⭐146) - Java port of a concurrent trie hash map implementation from Scala collections.
- java-hll (⭐294) - Java library for the HyperLogLog algorithm.
- JavaFastPFOR (⭐478) - Library to compress and uncompress arrays of integers very fast.
- grappa (⭐62) - Java fork of Parboiled. Write grammars with no preprocessing phase.
44. Awesome R
Reproducible Research
- brew - Pre-compute data to enhance your report templates. Can be combined with knitr.
High Performance
- compiler - speeding up your R code using the JIT
Machine Learning
- FSelector - A feature selection framework, based on subset-search or feature ranking approches.
R Development
- RStudio Addins (⭐845) - List of RStudio addins.
45. Js Must Watch
- Prev: Nov 20 - Nov 26, 2017
- Next: Nov 06 - Nov 12, 2017