Awesome List Updates on Nov 12, 2018
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Web Design
Blog & News
- Google design: Youtube channel featuring videos for designers about Google design.
2. Awesome Blockchain Ai
Recommended reading / Blockchain, AI and Machine Learning
- How to Actually Combine AI and Blockchain in One Platform - Hacker Noon, June 7, 2018.
3. Awesome Ant Design
Components / Themes
- antd-password-input-strength (⭐86) - AntD Input component with password-strength indicator.
4. Awesome Idris
Contents / Books
- Software Foundations - Repo is here (⭐423).
5. Awesome Mental Health
- Mental Health Knowledge Base - GitHub-based project and website that encourages a diversity of views regarding mental health.
- Emotional Intelligence And Ethics In Tech - By April Wensel in the Happy Porch podcast.
6. Awesome Sre
7. Awesome Swift
Alert / Barcode
- ALRT (⭐96) - An easier constructor for UIAlertController. Present an alert from anywhere.
Transition / Barcode
- Jelly (⭐2.4k) - Jelly provides custom view controller transitions with just a few lines of code.
UICollectionView / Barcode
- Gliding Collection (⭐1.5k) - Gliding Collection is a smooth, flowing, customizable decision for a UICollectionView Controller.
8. Awesome Cyclejs
Learn / Example Applications
- perjerz3434/ ★1 (⭐2) - RSVP visualization around the world using CycleJS
9. Awesome Mastodon
- Tootle (⭐396) - Simple Mastodon client designed for elementary OS.
10. Awesome Ember
Packages / AST
- dyfactor (⭐8) - A platform for running codemods based on runtime information.
Packages / Videos
11. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Modular Genealogy (⭐204) - Genealogy / family tree management system using Laravel 5.7, Vue.js 2.5 and various components. Work in progress.
- Prev: Nov 13, 2018
- Next: Nov 11, 2018