Awesome List Updates on May 28 - Jun 03, 2018

43 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Pixel Art

Inspiration / Videos

Community / Hubs

2. Awesome Neuroscience

Resources / Miscellaneous

3. Awesome Python


4. Awesome Preact

Contents / Libraries

5. Awesome Jamstack

Tutorials / Articles / Automation

6. Awesome Malware Analysis

Detection and Classification / Other Resources

7. Awesome Roslyn

Open Source Analyzers, Code Fixes, and Refactorings

8. Awesome Radio

General / Links

9. Awesome Serverless


10. Awesome Gbdev

ASM / Boilerplates and libraries

C / Syntax highlighting packages

11. Awesome Math


Probability and Statistics / Stochastic processes

12. Awesome Static Website Services

Payments / Provided by the Host

13. Awesome Java

Bean Mapping


Bytecode Manipulation


Cluster Management / Text-Based User Interfaces

Code Analysis / Text-Based User Interfaces

Code Generators / Text-Based User Interfaces

Configuration / Text-Based User Interfaces

Constraint Satisfaction Problem Solver / Text-Based User Interfaces

CSV / Text-Based User Interfaces

Database / Text-Based User Interfaces

Date and Time / Text-Based User Interfaces

Dependency Injection / Text-Based User Interfaces

Development / Text-Based User Interfaces

Distributed Applications / Text-Based User Interfaces

Distributed Transactions / Text-Based User Interfaces

Distribution / Text-Based User Interfaces

Formal Verification / Text-Based User Interfaces

Functional Programming / Text-Based User Interfaces

Game Development / Text-Based User Interfaces

Geospatial / Text-Based User Interfaces

High Performance / Text-Based User Interfaces

HTTP Clients / Text-Based User Interfaces

Hypermedia Types / Text-Based User Interfaces

IDE / Text-Based User Interfaces

Imagery / Text-Based User Interfaces

JSON / Text-Based User Interfaces

Logging / Text-Based User Interfaces

Machine Learning / Text-Based User Interfaces

Messaging / Text-Based User Interfaces

Miscellaneous / Text-Based User Interfaces

Monitoring / Text-Based User Interfaces

Native / Text-Based User Interfaces

Natural Language Processing / Text-Based User Interfaces

Networking / Text-Based User Interfaces

ORM / Text-Based User Interfaces

PaaS / Text-Based User Interfaces

PDF / Text-Based User Interfaces

Performance analysis / Text-Based User Interfaces

Reactive libraries / Other

REST Frameworks / Other

Science / Other

Search / Other

Security / Other

Serialization / Other

Server / Other

Template Engine / Other

Testing / Asynchronous

Testing / BDD

Testing / Fixtures

Testing / Frameworks

Testing / Matchers

Testing / Miscellaneous

Testing / Mocking

Utility / Mocking

Version Managers / Mocking

Web Crawling / Mocking

Web Frameworks / Mocking

Related Awesome Lists / Mocking

Frontends / Mocking

Influential Books / Mocking

Podcasts and Screencasts / Mocking

People / Twitter

Websites / Other

14. Awesome Web Security

Remote Code Execution

Miscellaneous / Server-Side Request Forgery

15. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

C / Non-X86

FreeBSD / Phoenix

Java / Bootstrap

Linux / TeX

16. Awesome IoT Hybrid

IoT / Resources-websites-projects

17. Awesome Sre



18. Awesome Hacking

Web / Other

19. Awesome Erlang


20. Awesome Cordova


21. Awesome React Native

Text & Rich Content / Navigation Demos

Training & tutorials / Navigation Demos

22. Awesome Crystal

Data Formats

23. Awesome Influxdb

Miscellaneous / Hooks

24. Awesome Ember

Packages / Articles

Packages / Blogs

Packages / Tutorials

25. Awesome Dart


26. Awesome Nosql Guides

Graph Databases

27. Awesome Vue

Resources / Tutorials

Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source

Projects Using Vue.js / A11y

Components & Libraries / Frameworks

28. Awesome Nextjs


29. Awesome Opensource Apps


30. Awesome Android

GUI / Inputs

Chat & Messaging / ORM

Resources / Custom Dialog

31. Awesome Swift

Utility / Barcode

32. Awesome4girls

Events/Meetups / Java

Events/Meetups / Javascript

Events/Meetups / Python

Initiatives/Programs / Academy/Camp

33. Awesome Cheminformatics

Resources / Books

34. Awesome Css Learning

Layout / Grid

35. Awesome Machine Learning

Scala / General-Purpose Machine Learning

36. Awesome Free Software

Software / Operating Systems

37. Awesome Embedded Rust

Books, blogs, and training materials / Free and public materials

38. Awesome Db Tools


39. Awesome Laravel

Codebases for Reference / Videos

40. Awesome Asyncio


41. Awesome Dotnet Core

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Frameworks

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / SDKs

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Template Engine

42. Awesome Framer


43. Awesome Vapor
