Awesome List Updates on Nov 07, 2019

13 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Parasite


Reporting Systems

2. Awesome Actions

Static Analysis / Security

3. Awesome Emails

Self-Hosted Services / Misc

4. Awesome Audio Visualization


Libraries Audio


5. Awesome React Components


6. Awesome Ember

Packages / Videos

7. Awesome Cli Apps

Utilities / Theming and Customization

Data Manipulation / JSON

8. Awesome Waves


The Ride programming language

Client libraries / C/C++

Client libraries / C#

Client libraries / Java/Kotlin

Client libraries / Python

Client libraries / Swift

Blockchain utils / Swift

9. Awesome No Login Web Apps

Privacy, Security and Cryptography / Others

Programming Editors and IDEs / Others

Search Engines / Others

Study and Education / Others

10. Awesome Phalcon


11. Awesome Dart

Dependency Injection


12. Awesome Machine Learning

Python / Data Analysis / Data Visualization

Python / Reinforcement Learning

13. Awesome WSL

WSL Tools / Terminals