Awesome List Updates on Feb 11, 2020

14 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Embedded Rust

Driver crates / Other

2. Awesome WSL

Related Projects / Miscellaneous Tools

3. Awesome D3

Maps / Third Party

4. Awesome Appium

Become an Appium Pro

5. Awesome Stacks

React Native with Expo and Hasura / Resources

6. Awesome Naming

Data Structures and Algorithms

Design Patterns and Anti Patterns

7. Awesome Asyncio


8. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)


Groovy / Gradle

.NET Framework / PicoLisp

Scala / Sinatra

9. Awesome Cheminformatics

Applications / Virtual Machine

10. Awesome Pixel Art

Tools / Editors

11. Awesome Cl

C, C++


12. Awesome Firebase


13. Awesome Hacking Locations

Netherlands 🇳🇱 / Delft

Public Space

Across the river from Amsterdam Central. Great food, great coffee, remote worker friendly.


Wifi Power Address Open Hours
Bercylaan 301, 1031 KP Amsterdam, Netherlands Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00, Sun 10:00-17:00

14. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems