Awesome List Updates on Jun 01, 2021

19 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome

Official Links

Videos / Nitro

Official Case Studies / Tutorials

2. Urban and Regional Planning Resources

Platforms and Software Resources / Urban Design Tools and Platforms

3. Awesome Symfony


4. Awesome Stock Resources

Photography / Unspecified License

5. Awesome Meteor



Social / Community Newsletters

Work Opportunities / Community Newsletters

6. Awesome Quant

Python / Calendars

7. Awesome Eosio


Interactive learning, labs

8. Awesome Electron

Articles / Other

9. Awesome Incident Response

IR Tools Collection / Books

IR Tools Collection / Log Analysis Tools

IR Tools Collection / Memory Analysis Tools

IR Tools Collection / Playbooks

IR Tools Collection / Timeline Tools

10. Awesome Competitive Programming

Sites for Practice / Books for Mathematics

11. Awesome Transit

Native Apps (open source)

12. Awesome Machine Learning

Python / Reinforcement Learning

13. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Linux / TeX

14. Awesome Cl

CLOS extensions

15. Awesome Vue

Components & Libraries / UI Components

16. Awesome Nodejs

Resources / Books

17. Awesome Privacy


18. Android Security Awesome

Tools / Dynamic Analysis Tools

Tools / Reverse Engineering

Tools / Market Crawlers

19. Awesome Aws

SDKs and Samples / iOS SDK