Awesome List Updates on Sep 24, 2021

8 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Tailwindcss

Starters & Themes

2. Awesome Lit

Starter Templates


Component Libraries

3. Awesome Vue

Components & Libraries / Utilities

4. Awesome Django

Third-Party Packages / Editors

Third-Party Packages / Forms

Resources / Community

5. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Make / PicoLisp

6. Awesome Cpp


7. Awesome Vite

Templates / Vue 3

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations

8. Quick Look Plugins


Peek 💰

Peek allows you to copy and find text, jump to line numbers, render Github-flavored Markdown with a generated table of contents, restore scroll positions, highlight syntax, & more in the Quick Look previews of over 300 file extensions.

Purchase on the Mac App Store