Awesome List Updates on Nov 11, 2021
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / ReactJS
2. Awesome Db Tools
- DbGate (⭐5.7k) - Database manager for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, SQLite and others. Runs under Windows, Linux, Mac or as web application.
3. Awesome V
Command line interface (CLI) / Terminal / Shell
- vesseract (⭐17) - V wrapper for Tesseract-OCR (optical character recognition).
Game development
- engine (⭐45) - WIP Vulkan in V.
4. Awesome Micropython
Communications / GPS
- Asynchronous GPS driver (⭐761) - Receive and parse GPS data as a uasyncio task.
Communications / IoT
- micropython-iot (⭐93) - An approach to designing IoT applications using ESP8266, ESP32 or Pyboard D endpoints.
Display / Fonts
- writer (⭐401) - A simple way to render above Python fonts to displays whose driver is subclassed from
Display / GUI
- micropython-nano-gui (⭐529) - A tiny display-only GUI with a limited set of GUI objects (widgets) for displays whose display driver is subclassed from the
class. With drivers for TFT, ePaper and OLED displays.
- micro-gui (⭐278) - Derived from nano-gui and supporting the same displays and hosts, this provides for user input via push buttons or a navigation joystick and an optional rotary encoder.
IO / Rotary Encoder
- encoders (⭐482) - Short document explaining issues around encoder technology.
- asynchronous encoder driver (⭐761) - Interface an encoder to uasyncio code.
Mathematics / Waveform Generator
- Filters (⭐67) - FIR filters using ARM Thumb assembler. Using an online utility you can go from a graph of required frequency response to a filter implementation.
Sensors / Temperature Digital
- HTU21D (⭐761) - Asynchronous driver for HTU21D temperature and humidity sensor.
Storage / EEPROM
- micropython_eeprom (⭐79) - Cross-platform MicroPython device drivers for memory chips (EEPROM, FRAM, Flash, PSRAM).
Debugging / SRAM
- micropython-aiosentry (⭐11) - Asynchronous micro client for MicroPython.
- Asynchronous monitor (⭐33) - Use a Raspberry Pico and a logic analyser or scope to monitor asynchronous code.
5. Awesome Keycloak
Community Extensions
6. Free Programming Books (English, By Subjects)
Algorithms & Data Structures
- Purely Functional Data Structures (1996) - Chris Okasaki (PDF) (🗃️ archived)
Machine Learning
- A First Encounter with Machine Learning - Max Welling (PDF) (🗃️ archived)
- Free and Open Machine Learning - Maikel Mardjan (HTML)
- Computational Mathematics with SageMath - Paul Zimmermann, Alexandre Casamayou, Nathann Cohen, Guillaume Connan, et al. (PDF)
- Lecture Notes on Linear Algebra - Dr. Arbind K Lal, Sukant Pati (PDF) (🚧 in process)
Mathematics For Computer Science
- Exploring Math for Programmers and Data Scientists - Paul Orland
- Foundations of Programming - Karl Seguin (PDF)
- Information Technology and the Networked Economy - Patrick McKeown (PDF) (🗃️ archived)
- Small Memory Software - Charles Weir, James Noble (HTML)
Software Architecture
- Microservices AntiPatterns and Pitfalls - Mark Richards (PDF) (🗃️ archived)
- Microservices vs. Service-Oriented Architecture - Mark Richards (HTML)
7. Awesome Acg
- kalidoface (⭐48) - Face and Body Tracking for Live2D / 3D models on the web. [English]
8. Tools
Tools collection
9. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- vue-stripe-js (⭐153) - Vue 3 components for Stripe.js
- Prev: Nov 12, 2021
- Next: Nov 10, 2021