Awesome List Updates on Jan 01, 2023
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- Software Engineering Unlocked - Interviews about how to build reliable, maintainable and scaleable software people love.
2. Awesome Neuroscience
Programming / Python
- NiMARE - NiMARE is a Python package for neuroimaging meta-analyses
Resources / Ebooks
- Andy's Brain Book - Book companion to Andy's Brain Blog. Provides an introduction to working in a Unix environment, fMRI analysis, and commonplace neuroimaging tools and topics.
- NiPraxis - Textbook for the NiPraxis course, covers fundamental concepts in neuroimaging analysis and how they relate to the wider world of statistics, engineering and computer science. Learn how to work with data and code to get a deeper understanding of how fMRI methods work, how they can fail, how to fix them, and how to develop new methods.
Resources / Blogs
- Andy's Brain Blog - A large collection of articles, tutorials, and videos, covering many of the popular neuroimaging tools and methods.
Resources / Communities
- [email protected] - A list for discussion of neuroimaging analysis in Python. Among other things, this list is home to discussions concerning NiPy projects (including NiBabel, Nilearn, dipy, MNE-Python, and more).
Resources / Miscellaneous
- NeuroHackademy - Summer school in neuroimaging and data science, held at the University of Washington eScience Institute. Lectures are available through the institute's YouTube channel.
- SORTED (⭐13) - SORTED: a list of interesting science ideas and links (cognitive/neuro & data science)
3. Awesome Game Remakes
- MineClone2 - Stable, moddable & free/libre clone of Minecraft based on the Minetest engine. 🎴
4. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot version unknown
- Godot Recipes - A large collection of tutorials and techniques, both big and small.
5. Awesome Algorand
- Defly Wallet - Defly is an Algorand wallet with great suit of integrated DeFi features.
- Exodus - Exodus is a multi-cryptocurrency wallet that supports Algorand.
Languages / JavaScript & TypeScript
- defly-connect (⭐7) - JavaScript SDK for integrating Defly Wallet to web applications.
6. Awesome Blockchain Ai
Blockchains for AI algorithms / Blockchain, AI and Machine Learning
- Oraichain - Oraichain is the world's first intelligent and secure solution for emerging Web3, scalable Dapps, and decentralized AI.
- Prev: Jan 02, 2023
- Next: Dec 31, 2022