Awesome List Updates on Jul 07, 2023
5 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Paper Reading / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Text Visualization Browser - ISOVIS group, 2015. [Paper]. [All Versions]. A Hub of Text Visualization Techniques.
2. Awesome Groovy
Data Processing
- Nextflow - Groovy DSL for Data-driven computational pipelines
3. Awesome Micropython
Communications / WiFi
- micropython-wifi_manager (⭐61) - WiFi Manager for ESP8266 and ESP32 using MicroPython.
4. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Analytics
- Swetrix - Ultimate, open-source web analytics to satisfy all your needs. (Demo, Source Code (⭐40))
Software / Miscellaneous
- GO Feature Flag - Simple, complete, and lightweight feature flag solution (alternative to LaunchDarkly). (Source Code (⭐1.5k))
Software / Pastebins
- YABin (⭐179) - A pastebin that contains plentiful features while remaining simple. Supports optional E2E encryption, a client-side CLI app, syntax highlighting, minimalistic UI, APIs, keyboard shortcuts, and more. It can even be run in serverless environments. (Demo)
Software / Proxy
- Koblas (⭐112) - Lightweight SOCKS5 proxy server.
5. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Streaming Application
- javactrl-kafka (⭐9) [Java] - An application of a stateful stream processing for workflow as Java code (microservices orchestration, business process automation, and more).
- Prev: Jul 08, 2023
- Next: Jul 06, 2023