Awesome List Updates on Sep 26, 2023
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Zuplo - Free API Management platform to design, build, and deploy APIs to the Edge. Add API Key authentication, rate limiting, developer documentation and Monetization to any API in minutes. OpenAPI-native and fully-programmable with web standard apis & Typescript. The free plan offers up to 10 projects, unlimited production edge environments, 250 API keys, 100K monthly requests, and 1GB egress.
2. Awesome Nextjs
- next-google-tag-manager (⭐48) – Easily add Google Tag Manager to Next 13 and up.
- next-api-decorators (⭐420) - Decorators to create typed Next.js API routes, with easy request validation and transformation.
Projects(Beginner level)
- Full Stack E-Commerce + Dashboard & CMS: Next.js 13 App Router, React, Tailwind, Prisma, MySQL, 2023
3. Web Development Resources
CSS Games:
Website: Flexbox froggy
Description: Flexbox Froggy is an interactive game that helps users learn and practice the CSS Flexbox layout.
Website: Knights of the Flexbox Table
Description: Set of challenges where we must use Flexbox properties to position and align elements on the screen to complete a medieval-themed game layout.
Website: Grid garden
Description: A Grid Garden is an interactive game that helps users learn and practice the CSS Grid layout.
Website: Grid attack
Description: Learn and practice the CSS Grid layout
Website: CSS Diner
Description: Fun and interactive way to learn how to select elements on a web page using CSS.
Website: Guess CSS
Description: Another Fun and interactive way to learn CSS.
Website: CSS Speedrun
Description: A CSS speedrun is a challenge to see how quickly a developer can complete a task using only CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
4. Static Analysis
Programming Languages / Other
- CakeFuzzer — Web application security testing tool for CakePHP-based web applications. CakeFuzzer employs a predefined set of attacks that are randomly modified before execution. Leveraging its deep understanding of the Cake PHP framework, Cake Fuzzer launches attacks on all potential application entry points.
5. Awesome Langchain
Other LLM Frameworks / Videos Playlists
- AgentVerse (⭐4.3k) Provides a flexible framework that simplifies the process of building custom multi-agent environments for LLMs
6. Awesome Plotters
Hardware / Accessories and Adapters
- PlotAdapter (⭐23) - "Serial-GPIB converter for HP Plotters", uses an Arduino microcontroller to convert serial HPGL to the GPIB/HP-IB expected by some older HP plotters.
Inspiration, Instruction, and Research / Fonts
- Tech Tangents: Gold Standard Plotter - HP 7475A - Video with some HPGL and plotter history, plus operating an HP 7475A from an IBM 5160 microcomputer.
- HP 7475A Plotter - A great collection of info, ephemera, plot files, three YouTube videos, and a 3d-printable replacement part for the HP 7475A.
- Prev: Sep 27, 2023
- Next: Sep 25, 2023