Awesome List Updates on Aug 08, 2024
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Elixir
- Learn With Me: Elixir - A series where I learn Elixir and you can learn along with me.
2. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- samharju/serene.nvim (⭐15) - A soothing and dark tree-sitter/LSP-supported theme for relaxing your eyes after using more vibrant colorschemes.
3. Awesome Developer First
- ZenRows - Web scraping API with built-in proxies and rotating IPs to avoid detection.
4. Awesome Azure Openai Llm
LlamaIndex (formerly GPT Index) is a data framework for LLM applications to ingest, structure, and access private or domain-specific data. The high-level API allows users to ingest and query their data in a few lines of code. High-Level Concept: ref / doc:ref / blog:ref / git (⭐35k) [Nov 2022]
Fun fact this core idea was the initial inspiration for GPT Index (the former name of LlamaIndex) 11/8/2022 - almost a year ago!. cite / Walking Down the Memory Maze: Beyond Context Limit through Interactive Reading
- Build a data structure (memory tree)
- Transverse it via LLM prompting
Microsoft Azure OpenAI relevant LLM Framework / Lucene based search engine with OpenAI Embedding
- Semantic Workbench (⭐37): Intelligent agents Development tool ref [Aug 2024]
Section 4 : LangChain Features, Usage, and Comparisons / DSPy optimizer
- LangChain is a framework for developing applications powered by language models. (1) Be data-aware: connect a language model to other sources of data. (2) Be agentic: Allow a language model to interact with its environment. doc:ref / blog:ref / git (⭐91k)
LangChain Feature Matrix & Cheetsheet / DSPy optimizer
- Awesome LangChain (⭐7.3k): Curated list of tools and projects using LangChain.
- DeepLearning.AI short course: LangChain for LLM Application Development ref / LangChain: Chat with Your Data ref
LangChain features and related libraries / DSPy optimizer
- LangChain/cache: Reducing the number of API calls
- LangChain/context-aware-splitting: Splits a file into chunks while keeping metadata
- LangChain Template (⭐91k): LangChain Reference architectures and samples. e.g.,
RAG Conversation Template
[Oct 2023]
5. Awesome Zig
Web / Messaging
- zon-dev/zinc (⭐4) - Zinc is a framework focusing on high performance, usability, security, and extensibility.
6. Awesome Circuitpython
- Tod Kurt's CircuitPython
Tips and Tricks (⭐60) - More tips and tricks from Tod Kurt about CircuitPython'ssynthio
- The Bootloader - hosted by CircuitPython community members Paul Cutler and Tod Kurt, this podcast often covers CircuitPython topics.
- Connecting Old to New with CircuitPython: Retrocomputer input devices on modern PCs - Jeff Epler at PyCon 2024
7. Awesome Capacitor
Other plugins
- Capacitor Calendar (⭐21) - A plugin for interacting with calendar and reminders.
8. Awesome Gnome
System and Customization
- Embellish - Application to install and manage Nerd Fonts on the system.
Development and Design
- Exhibit - 3D model previewer based on the F3D library that supports many formats.
9. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 4.2+
- Dialogue Engine (⭐30) - Minimalistic dialogue engine that fits into your GUI nodes and automatically graphs the branching dialogues for easy debugging.
10. Awesome Angular
GraphQL / Google Developer Experts
- hasura (⭐1.2k) - Real world GraphQL tutorials for frontend developers with deadlines!
- tailcall - This comprehensive guide dives into five powerful approaches for integrating GraphQL into your Angular applications.
Tables / Google Developer Experts
- angular-slickgrid (⭐392) - A wrapper of the lightning fast & customizable SlickGrid (⭐6.8k) datagrid. It also includes multiple styling themes.
11. Awesome Machine Learning
C++ / Reinforcement Learning
- RLtools (⭐168) - The fastest deep reinforcement learning library for continuous control, implemented header-only in pure, dependency-free C++ (Python bindings available as well).
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Okrolearn (⭐3): A python machine learning library created to combine powefull data analasys feautures with tensors and machine learning components, while mantaining support for other libraries.
- Prev: Aug 09, 2024
- Next: Aug 07, 2024