Awesome List Updates on Nov 27, 2019

13 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Software Patreons

People Doing Open Source Work / Hardware related

2. Awesome Ios

UI Testing

3. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Snap / Play Scala

4. Awesome Github

Tips, tricks, tools, and add-ons for GitHub power users

5. Public Apis

Art & Design

6. Awesome Actions

Frontend Tools / Terraform

7. Awesome Elm

Conference Videos / Playlists

Inspired by Elm / Games

8. Awesome Robotic Tooling

Electronics and Mechanics / Version Control

9. Awesome Electron

Closed Source / Other

10. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Resource Planning

11. Free for Dev


Web Hosting

12. Awesome Dotnet Core

Sample Projects / Workflow

13. Awesome Wordpress Gatsby

Written Tutorials / Other helpful Plugins

Video Tutorials / Other helpful Plugins