Awesome List Updates on Jan 21 - Jan 27, 2019

48 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Jamstack

Static Site Generators

2. Awesome Remote Job

Articles & Posts

Others / Others

3. Awesome Speakers

Asia / India 🇮🇳


Mohit Rajput
Topics: Android, Java, Kotlin, Flutter, Blockchain

4. Free for Dev

APIs, Data, and ML

5. Awesome Rust

Development tools / Build system

6. Awesome Fp Js

Resources / Articles

Community / Related Lists

7. Awesome Mongodb

Resources / Tutorials

8. Machine Learning with Ruby

Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / Vector search

9. Awesome Linux Containers


10. Awesome Html5

Books / WebRTC

11. Awesome Plotters

Plotter Art For Sale / Patents

12. Awesome Testing

Software / Make your life easier

13. Awesome Transit

Native Apps (open source)

14. Awesome Flutter


Templates / Preferences

Presentation material / Game Engine resources

15. Awesome Educational Games


16. Awesome Homematic

Community Ressources (mostly german language)

17. Awesome Swift

Third party Guides


Payment / Barcode

18. Awesome Clojure

Editor Plugins

19. Nlp with Ruby

Spelling and Error Correction / Constituency Parsing

Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / Constituency Parsing

Related Resources / Constituency Parsing

20. Awesome Mac

Developer Tools / Developer Utilities

Utilities / System Related Tools

21. Awesome WSL

Supported Distributions / Fedora Remix for WSL

Supported Distributions / Pengwin Enterprise

22. Awesome Software Patreons

Open Source Projects

Open Source Projects / Messaging and social media

Open Source Projects / Libraries

Open Source Projects / Operating Systems

Open Source Projects / Games

Open Source Projects / Open Source Art

Open Source Projects / Hardware related

People Doing Open Source Work / Hardware related

Other kinds of content / Articles and Tutorials

Other kinds of content / Podcasts

23. Awesome Linux

X Desktop Environments / Other Desktop Environments

X Windows Managers / Other Desktop Environments

GUI-based Applications / Not based on any desktop environment

GUI-based Applications / Package management and creation tools

Console-based Applications and Tools / Package management and creation tools

24. Awesome Cpp


25. Awesome Android

Kotlin / Custom Dialog

26. Awesome Pokemon

Development Projects / Miscellaneous

27. Awesome Deno

Articles / XML

Resources in Other Languages / Chinese

28. Progressive Enhancement Resources

Testing Methods

29. Awesome Osint

Social Media Tools / Reddit

Email Search / Email Check / Telegram

Domain and IP Research / Telegram

Image Search / Telegram

Academic Resources and Grey Literature / Telegram

Fact Checking / Telegram

Web Monitoring / Telegram

30. Awesome Regression Testing

Blog posts

31. Open Source Flutter Apps

Contents / Communication

Contents / Finance

Contents / Games

Contents / Lifestyle

Contents / Media

Contents / News and Magazine

Contents / Productivity

Contents / Social Network

Contents / Tools

32. Awesome Cl

Date and time / Third-party APIs

33. Awesome React Native

Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos

34. Awesome List

Front-End Development

Content Management Systems

35. Awesome Umbraco



Developer tools / SEO Tools

36. Awesome Nextjs


37. Awesome Hbase

Integrations / Transactions

38. Awesome Piracy

Trackers / Private Trackers

Spotify / Third Party Hosts

39. Awesome Gbdev

ASM / Syntax highlighting packages

40. Awesome

Articles / Local Dev

41. Awesome Appium

Become an Appium Pro

42. Awesome Ada

News and Resources

43. Awesome Dotnet

Algorithms and Data structures

Application Frameworks

Compilers, Transpilers and Languages


Event aggregator and messenger





44. Awesome Interview Questions

Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / PHP

Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Rust

45. Awesome Jupyter



46. Awesome D3

Miscellaneous / Third Party

47. Awesome Keycloak

Community Extensions

48. Awesome Hadoop


Realtime Data Processing

Machine learning and Big Data analytics