Awesome List Updates on Sep 16 - Sep 22, 2019

51 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Bitcoin

Blockchain API and Web services

2. Awesome Python Data Science

Statistics / NLP

3. Awesome Coins

☤ Coin Exchanges / Physical Coin Wallets

4. Awesome Web Security

DNS Rebinding

DNS Rebinding / Server-Side Request Forgery

5. Alternative Internet


6. Awesome Embedded Rust

Peripheral Access Crates / GigaDevice

7. Awesome Aws

Open Source Repos / Lambda

8. Awesome Dash


9. Awesome Gbdev

Tools / Graphics utilities

10. Awesome Job Boards

Remote / TypeScript

11. Progressive Enhancement Resources

Support Tables

12. Awesome Talks

Software Design

13. Awesome Security

Web / Scanning / Pentesting

14. Engineering Blogs

Companies / D companies

Companies / P companies

15. Awesome Ssh

Apps / Tools

16. Awesome Software Patreons

Open Source Projects / Operating Systems

17. Awesome Crystal

Queues and Messaging

18. Awesome Jamstack

Tutorials / Articles / Automation

19. Awesome Pentest

Network Tools / Intentionally Vulnerable Systems as Docker Containers

20. Awesome Nix

Deployment Tools / Discovery

21. Awesome React Components



22. Awesome Jquery

Validation / Paid Books

23. Awesome Blockchain Ai

Blockchains for AI algorithms / Blockchain projects for AI algorithms

Blockchains for AI in medicine / Blockchain projects for AI algorithms

24. Awesome Artificial Intelligence


25. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Java / Bootstrap

Scala / Sinatra

26. Awesome Xamarin


27. Awesome Sre


28. Awesome Vue

Resources / Examples

29. Awesome Wagtail

Apps / Media

30. Awesome Typescript

Back-end API / Playground

31. Awesome Bitcoin Payment Processors

Self-Hosted Bitcoin Payment Processors

32. Awesome Keycloak



33. Awesome Actions

GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions

Collection of Actions / Docker Container Actions

Utility / Docker Container Actions

Static Analysis / Linting

GitHub Pages / Code Coverage

Notifications and Messages / Code Coverage

Deployment / Code Coverage

External Services / Terraform

34. Awesome Splunk


Premium Apps / Enterprise Security

Premium Apps / IT Service Intelligence

Visualisations / IT Service Intelligence

Conferences, Meet-Ups and Socialising / IT Service Intelligence

35. Awesome Remote Job

Job boards


Companies with "remote DNA"

36. Awesome Laravel

Popular Packages / Developer Tools

37. Awesome Phalcon

CMS & Blogs


Conferences / Communities

Websites / Communities

38. Awesome IoT Hybrid

IoT / OS

IoT / Frameworks-Tools

39. Awesome Ads

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Concepts and Fundamentals

Ad Managers / Ad Servers / Platforms

Google Ad Manager

GAM Libraries / Tools

Facebook / Instagram


Header Bidding (HB)


Prebid Libraries / Tools


40. Awesome Cpp


41. Awesome Piracy

Courses and Tutorials / Third Party Hosts

42. Papers We Love

Info / Other Good Places to Find Papers

43. Awesome Mac

Developer Tools / Command Line Tools

Design and Product / Prototyping and Mind-Mapping Tools

44. Awesome Frc





Repositories / Java/Kotlin

Repositories / Python

Repositories / JavaScript

45. Awesome Swift

Key Value Store

Images / Barcode

Phone Numbers / Barcode

46. Awesome Ada

Web / Apache License

47. Awesome Code Review


48. Awesome Bigdata

Machine Learning

Business Intelligence

49. Awesome Clojure

Code Analysis and Linter

50. Awesome Qa

ACL 2019

51. Game Datasets

Artificial Intelligence

Miscellaneous / Related