Awesome List Updates on Jan 16, 2020

20 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Ros2

Working Groups / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)

2. Awesome Pentest

Collaboration Tools / Malware Analysis Books

3. Awesome Audio Visualization


Libraries Visualization

4. Awesome Devenv

Misc / Extensions

5. Awesome Smart Tv

Samsung Tizen / Third-party remote control libraries

6. Awesome Vue

Components & Libraries / UI Components

7. Awesome Naming

Design Patterns and Anti Patterns

8. Awesome Flutter

🇪🇸 Spain / Misc

9. Free for Dev

Managed Data Services

10. Awesome Ios Books


11. Awesome Rails

Jobs / Other external resources

12. Awesome Icons


13. Awesome Ocaml

Machine Learning

14. Awesome Php

Table of Contents / Markup and CSS

15. Awesome Java

Financial / Text-Based User Interfaces

16. Awesome Chip 8



Emulator/interpreter development

Emulators/interpreters / Testing

Software development / Tools

Software development / Guides and snippets

Software development / Postmortems

Games / Postmortems

17. Awesome Stock Resources

Illustration / Unspecified License

18. Awesome Quantified Self

Websites and Resources

19. Awesome React Components




Form Components / Input Types

Form Components / Sortable List

Form Components / Rich Text Editor

Form Components / Image Editing

Form Components / Form Component Collections

Form Components / Syntax Highlight

UI Layout / Syntax Highlight

UI Animation / Syntax Highlight

Responsive / Syntax Highlight

Responsive / Material Design

Mobile / Material Design

Component Collections / Material Design

20. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Java / Bootstrap

Scala / Sinatra

Windows 8 / Vulkan