Awesome List Updates on Jan 20, 2020

17 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Chip 8

Emulator/interpreter development

2. Awesome Actions

Pull Requests / Code Coverage

3. Awesome Flutter

Device / Bluetooth / NFC / Beacon

4. Awesome Maintainers

5. Awesome Web Performance Budget

Build Tools to set up performance budget

Bundle Analyzers

6. Awesome Esolangs


7. Public Apis

Currency Exchange

8. Awesome Piracy

Miscellaneous / Third Party Hosts

9. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language) / Phoenix

Hadoop / Spock Framework

Haskell / Spock Framework

HTML and CSS / Spock Framework

10. Awesome Connectivity Info

Regional Connectivity Reports and Data

11. Awesome Security

Web / Development

12. Awesome Software Patreons

Open Source Projects

13. Awesome React Components

Form Components / Input Types

CSS / Style / Mouse Events

14. Awesome Rust


Libraries / Text search

15. Terminals Are Sexy


16. Awesome Wardley Maps

Workshops / ChatGPT

17. Awesome Embedded Rust

no-std crates / WIP