Awesome List Updates on Jul 03, 2020
16 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Discord Communities

The V Language & Apps
Notable Channels: #v-development
, #v-chat
, #help
, #bugs
, #syntax
, #ideas-and-suggestions
, #documentation
, #js-backend
, #x64-backend
, #v-ui
, #volt
, #gitly
, #vid
, so much more
Language: English, Deutsch, français, 中文, español, 日本語, dansk, 한국어, português, polski, русский, tiếng-việt, italiano
2. Awesome Typescript
Validation / Playground
- zod (⭐35k) - TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference
- runtypes (⭐2.6k) - Runtime validation for static types
- ow (⭐3.8k) - Function argument validation for humans
- superstruct (⭐7.1k) - A simple and composable way to validate data
3. Awesome Web Monetization
Resources / Packages
- monetize.js (⭐15) - An event-driven library to manage and simulate Web Monetization.
- types-wm (⭐3) - TypeScript definitions for Web Monetization
- react-hook-wm (⭐8) - React hooks for integrating with Web Monetization.
- react-monetize (⭐30) - Helpers and hooks to speed up your integration with Web Monetization API.
- ep_monetization (⭐0) - Plugin for applying payment pointer meta tag to Etherpad site.
- wp-connect-coil - Plugin for applying Coil payment pointer meta tag to WordPress site.
- xrptipbot-wordpress-widget - WordPress Widget based on XRPTIPBOT embed code to donate content creators.
- eleventy-plugin-monetization (⭐19) - An Eleventy plugin to monetize posts and site content.
- web-monetization-components (⭐9) - A collection of web components you can use on your web monetized websites.
- revshare (⭐7) - A JS library for revenue sharing.
- web-monetization-proxy (⭐3) - Simple Go proxy for injecting Web Monetization meta tags.
- gridsome-plugin-monetization (⭐15) - Web monetization for Gridsome.
- vuepress-plugin-web-monetization (⭐14) - Adds the web-monetization metatag to your VuePress website.
- jekyll-web_monetization (⭐12) - A Jekyll plugin to add Web MonetizationAPI payment pointers to your site.
Resources / Articles
- Monetizing Content in View - Paying for what you see.
- Web Components - For the Web Monetization API (serie).
Resources / Newsletters
- Newsletter of - Sign up for email updates.
Resources / Tools
Is web monetized (⭐4) - A very simple tool for checking if Web Monetization is enabled.
npm install is-web-monetized -g monetized
You can also test your website with the dependency.
4. Awesome List
Back-End Development
- FastAPI (⭐8.8k) - Python web app framework.
- DevSecOps (⭐1.4k) - Integration of security practices into DevOps.
5. Awesome Flutter
- Flutter Neumorphic (⭐2.1k) - Ready to use Neumorphic kit for Flutter with 🕶️ dark mode.
6. Awesome Fp Js
- rocket-pipes (⭐25) - Powerful pipes, that chain Promise and ADT like Maybe or Either from popular FP libraries. +TS
7. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Personal Dashboards
- Hiccup - A beautiful static homepage to get to your links and services quickly. It has built-in search, editing, PWA support and localstorage caching to easily organize your start page. (Source Code (⭐158))
8. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- Drago - Flexible configuration manager for Wireguard networks that is perfect for establishing secure overlays spanning multiple Raspberry Pis.
9. Awesome Blazor
- Blazor-WASM-AzureAD-gRPC (⭐18) -
Blazor WASM, Azure AD, REST & gRPC.
2D/3D Rendering engines / API
- Head Element Helper (⭐160) -
components for changing the document titile and meta elements, with server-side prerendering support for SEO/OGP. (Demo).
Tools & Utilities / Others
- Blazor.SpeechSynthesis (⭐91) -
A library to provide Speech Synthesis API access for Blazor.
- BlazorState.Redux (⭐29) -
Develop Blazor apps with Redux.
- Howler.Blazor (⭐31) -
A Blazor JSInterop wrapper for Howler.js, an audio library.
- jsMind.Blazor (⭐19) -
A Blazor JSInterop wrapper for jsMind, a MindMapping tool.
10. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- vue-concurrency (⭐351) - library for encapsulating asynchronous operations and managing concurrency for Vue and Composition API.
11. Awesome Design Patterns
Serverless Architecture
- serverless-reference-architectures - serverless microservice patterns with deployment scripts.
12. Awesome Ros2
Companies / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)
- Roboception GmbH - Real-Time Perception for Your Robot.
13. Awesome Icons
- (⭐9.7k) - Pure CSS, SVG & Figma UI Icons Available in SVG Sprite, styled-components, NPM & API. (Website)
- Heroicons (⭐22k) - A set of free high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects. (Website)
14. ALL About RSS
Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
specifically from (a certain platform) / Telegram
RSS2SLACK / Docsify
Tech or IT / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
😣 Services that have stopped supporting RSS / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
🦾 Others / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- Amazon Author Page: (An Instance) 697
Podcast apps that will work with your custom RSS link / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Turn Podcast/MP3 into Video via Podcast Feed / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
15. Awesome Video
Players / MPEG
- videolan/libvlcsharp (⭐1.5k) - Cross-platform .NET/Mono bindings for LibVLC
Community / Dolby
- Community events of the VideoLAN non-profit organization - VideoLAN events
16. Awesome Mac
Utilities / General Tools
- Ultra TabSaver (⭐269) - The Open Source Tab Manager for Safari
- Prev: Jul 04, 2020
- Next: Jul 02, 2020