Awesome List Updates on Oct 22, 2020

16 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Mind Expanding Books

Philosophy And Psychology

2. Awesome Ada

Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License

3. Awesome Engineering Team Management

Roles / Executives

Roles / CTO & VP of Engineering

Roles / Engineers

Recruitment / Interview

Motivation / Happiness

Culture / Procrastination

Cognitive Tools / Collections

Team Dynamics / Behavioral

Engineering / Technology

Engineering / Engineering Practices

Remote Work / Technical Debt

Product Management / Product Strategy

Project Management / Product Marketing

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) / Tickets

Communication / Writing

Communication / Presentations

Career / Promotion

Compensation / Equity

Health / Holidays

Health / Stress

Health / Burnout

Setbacks and Failures / Burnout

4. Awesome Keycloak


Commercial Offerings

5. Free for Dev


Code Quality

6. Awesome Canvas

Libraries / To draw using canvas

7. Awesome Rest

Mocking / Symfony2

8. Machine Learning with Ruby

Related Resources / Vector search

9. Awesome Earth



10. Awesome Typescript

Libraries / Chrome Extensions

11. Awesome Cl


HTML generators and templates / Isomorphic web frameworks

Utils / Third-party APIs

REPLs / Third-party APIs

Apps / Third-party APIs

Compression / decompression / Third-party APIs

Developer utilities / Third-party APIs

12. Awesome React Native

Libraries / Navigation Demos

13. Awesome Calculators

Calculator apps: / Web

Resources / Videos

14. Awesome Home Assistant

Dashboards / Custom Cards

15. Awesome Veganism


16. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

C++ / Non-X86

Java / Bootstrap

Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)