Track Awesome Engineering Team Management Updates Daily

👔 How to transition from software development to engineering management

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[ Daily / Weekly / Overview ]

Jul 24, 2024

Exits / Burnout

May 15, 2024

Cognitive Tools / Behavioral

Feb 02, 2024

Engineering / Technology

Feb 01, 2024

Team Dynamics / Behavioral

Compensation / Salary

Politics / Equity

Sep 03, 2023

Engineering / Technology

Jun 16, 2023

Project Management / Estimations

Agile / Tickets

Communication / Writing

Jun 14, 2023

Recruitment / Interview

Culture / Procrastination

Facilities / Standups

Communication / Writing

Politics / Equity

Setbacks and Failures / Burnout

Jun 11, 2023

Engineering to Management Transition

Roles / Executives

Recruitment / Coding Challenge

Recruitment / Negotiation

Motivation / Happiness

Cognitive Tools / Behavioral

Team Dynamics / Behavioral

Engineering / Systems Complexity

Engineering / Engineering Practices

Engineering / Technical Debt

Meetings / Standups

Product Management / Product Strategy

Product Management / User-Centered Design

Project Management / Specifications

Project Management / Estimations

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) / Tickets

Communication / Reading

Communication / Style

Communication / Presentations

Politics / Equity

Health / Burnout

Dec 20, 2022

Engineering to Management Transition

Nov 16, 2022

Agile / Tickets

Nov 01, 2022

Cognitive Tools / Collections

Product Management / Standups

Agile / Tickets

Communication / Style

Apr 28, 2022

Onboarding / Negotiation

Meetings / Technical Debt

Apr 27, 2022

Meetings / Technical Debt

Meetings / Standups

Project Management / Estimations

Agile / Tickets

Mar 30, 2022

Roles / Engineers

Motivation / Negotiation

Engineering / Technical Debt

Product Management / Product-Market Fit

Product Management / Product Strategy

Agile / Tickets

Career / Performance Reviews

Compensation / Salary

Politics / Equity

Feb 25, 2022

Career / Promotion

Politics / Equity

Jan 12, 2022

Roles / Engineering Managers

Product Management / Product Strategy

Oct 16, 2021

Agile / Tickets

Oct 08, 2021

Recruitment / Interview

Cognitive Tools / Collections

Sep 27, 2021

Engineering / Systems Complexity

Re-organizations / Team-level

Sep 07, 2021

Engineering / Engineering Practices

Politics / Equity

Re-organizations / Team-level

Re-organizations / Company-level

Jul 03, 2021

Engineering to Management Transition

Roles / CTO & VP of Engineering

Roles / Engineers

Roles / Consultants

Recruitment / Interview

Cognitive Tools / Collections

Engineering / The Technical Engineering Manager

Project Management / Product Marketing

Re-organizations / Company-level

Jun 27, 2021

Health / Burnout

May 20, 2021

Recruitment / Negotiation

Project Management / Estimations

Jan 09, 2021

Product Management / Standups

Jan 06, 2021

Roles / Engineering Managers

Politics / Equity

Dec 07, 2020

Motivation / Happiness

Engineering / Technical Debt

Politics / Equity

Re-organizations / Acquisition

Nov 23, 2020

Project Management / Estimations

Nov 13, 2020

Recruitment / Hiring Process

Nov 11, 2020

Roles / Engineers

Nov 09, 2020

Exits / Burnout

Oct 23, 2020

Engineering to Management Transition

Roles / Engineers

Motivation / Procrastination

Cognitive Tools / Explaining

Project Management / Tickets

Communication / Style

Setbacks and Failures / Burnout

Exits / Burnout

Oct 22, 2020

Roles / Executives

Roles / CTO & VP of Engineering

Roles / Engineers

Recruitment / Interview

Motivation / Happiness

Culture / Procrastination

Cognitive Tools / Collections

Team Dynamics / Behavioral

Engineering / Technology

Engineering / Engineering Practices

Remote Work / Technical Debt

Product Management / Product Strategy

Project Management / Product Marketing

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) / Tickets

Communication / Writing

Communication / Presentations

Career / Promotion

Compensation / Equity

Health / Holidays

Health / Stress

Health / Burnout

Setbacks and Failures / Burnout

Oct 17, 2020

Roles / Engineering Managers

Engineering / The Technical Engineering Manager

Career / Presentations

Health / Acquisition

Sep 30, 2020

Roles / Engineers

Sep 29, 2020

Engineering / Systems Complexity

Engineering / Technology

Product Management / Standups

Exits / Burnout

Sep 28, 2020

Recruitment / Negotiation

Cognitive Tools / Collections

Career / Presentations

Health / Burnout

Sep 22, 2020

Roles / Engineers

Engineering / Technology

Communication / Presentations

Compensation / Salary

Politics / Equity

Exits / Burnout

Sep 21, 2020

Roles / Executives

Recruitment / Job Boards

Recruitment / Hiring Process

Recruitment / Interview

Recruitment / Coding Challenge

Onboarding / Negotiation

Motivation / Negotiation

Motivation / Happiness

Team Dynamics / Behavioral

Project Management / Estimations

Communication / Presentations

Career / Presentations

Career / Promotion

Politics / Equity

Health / Burnout

Sep 19, 2020

Roles / Executives

Sep 14, 2020

Remote Work / Technical Debt

Aug 25, 2020

Career / Presentations

Career / Promotion

Career / Performance Reviews

Aug 04, 2020

Engineering to Management Transition

Aug 03, 2020

Engineering / Technology

Compensation / Salary

Jul 31, 2020

Engineering to Management Transition

Jul 10, 2020

Roles / Engineering Managers

Project Management / Tickets

Jun 10, 2020

Engineering to Management Transition

Jun 02, 2020

Culture / Procrastination

Engineering / Engineering Practices

May 28, 2020

Cognitive Tools / Collections

Cognitive Tools / Problem Solving

Cognitive Tools / Brainstorming

Cognitive Tools / Behavioral

Product Management / Product Strategy

May 25, 2020

Facilities / Standups

Product Management / User-Centered Design

Product Management / Product Marketing

May 16, 2020

Culture / Procrastination

Project Management / Estimations

May 13, 2020

Cognitive Tools / Behavioral

May 10, 2020

Politics / Equity

Apr 29, 2020

Engineering to Management Transition

Building Teams

Roles / Executives

Roles / CTO & VP of Engineering

Roles / Engineering Managers

Roles / Engineers

Roles / Consultants

Recruitment / Hiring Process

Recruitment / Coding Challenge

Recruitment / Negotiation

Motivation / Negotiation

Motivation / Procrastination

Culture / Procrastination

Cognitive Tools / Explaining

Cognitive Tools / Systems

Cognitive Tools / Behavioral

Team Dynamics / Behavioral

Engineering / Systems Complexity

Engineering / Technology

Engineering / Engineering Practices

Engineering / Technical Debt

Remote Work / Technical Debt

Meetings / 1 on 1

Facilities / Standups

Product Management / Standups

Product Management / Product-Market Fit

Product Management / Product Strategy

Project Management / Specifications

Agile / Tickets

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) / Tickets

Training / Tickets

Communication / Knowledge

Communication / Writing

Communication / Style

Compensation / Equity

Politics / Equity

Re-organizations / Team-level

Re-organizations / Company-level

Health / Stress

Health / Burnout

Setbacks and Failures / Burnout

Exits / Burnout

Mar 24, 2020

Communication / Writing

Mar 11, 2020

Culture / Procrastination

Cognitive Tools / Behavioral

Remote Work / Technical Debt

Agile / Tickets

Communication / Writing

Mar 05, 2020

Roles / CTO & VP of Engineering

Mar 01, 2020

Roles / Engineering Managers

Feb 28, 2020

Recruitment / Job Boards

Recruitment / Interview

Recruitment / Coding Challenge

Meetings / 1 on 1

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) / Tickets

Feb 23, 2020

Engineering / Technical Debt

Product Management / Standups

Compensation / Equity

Feb 20, 2020

Product Management / Product-Market Fit

Product Management / Product Strategy

Feb 19, 2020

Communication / Style

Feb 18, 2020

Communication / Style

Feb 16, 2020

Meetings / 1 on 1

Feb 15, 2020

Engineering to Management Transition

Building Teams

Roles / Executives

Roles / Engineering Managers

Recruitment / Interview

Motivation / Negotiation

Culture / Procrastination

Cognitive Tools / Collections

Cognitive Tools / Explaining

Team Dynamics / Behavioral

Remote Work / Technical Debt

Product Management / Standups

Product Management / Hiring PMs

Product Management / Product Strategy

Project Management / Product Marketing

Project Management / Estimations

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) / Tickets

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) / Tickets

Training / Tickets

Communication / Documentation

Communication / Writing

Communication / Style

Career / Presentations

Career / Promotion

Compensation / Salary

Politics / Equity

Re-organizations / Team-level

Health / Stress

Setbacks and Failures / Burnout