Awesome List Updates on Jan 12, 2022

11 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Quant

JavaScript / FrameWorks

Golang / Data Visualization

2. Magictools

Board Games / Voxel Editors

3. Awesome Security

Terminal / Development

4. Awesome Engineering Team Management

Roles / Engineering Managers

Product Management / Product Strategy

5. Awesome Billing


6. Awesome Macos Screensavers

Apple Inspired


Displays the time (and animations) using 24 individual clocks

7. Awesome Blazor

Videos / Others

8. Awesome Preact

Contents / Components

9. Awesome Python Data Science

Machine Learning / General Purpose Machine Learning

10. Awesome Vue

Components & Libraries / Frameworks

11. Awesome Vite

Rollup Plugins / Compatible with Vite