Awesome List Updates on Sep 30, 2020
28 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Social Enterprise
News 📰 / Finding Articles
- Pioneers Post - The Social Enterprise Magazine.
- Impact Boom - Social impact blog and podcast.
- Harvard Business Review - Articles tagged "social enterprise" are infrequent but high quality.
- Stanford Social Innovation Review - Great publication with many articles tagged social enterprise.
- The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship - Content about the foundation's activities and opportunities.
- Medium - Content from all around about social enterprise and social entrepreneurship.
- Journal of Social Entrepreneurship - The academic journal for the topic.
Papers 📃 / Articles
- (1998) The Meaning of "Social Entrepreneurship" by J. Gregory Dees
- A short history of social entrepreneurship (and why the definition isn't agreed upon).
- (2004) The Legitimacy of Social Enterprise Raymond Dart
- A pragmatic discussion on why social enterprises, in relation to nonprofits, exist.
- (2008) Evolution of the social enterprise industry by the Institute for Social Entrepreneurs
- Less academic but a detailed history of events related to social enterprises.
- (2010) Conceptions of Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship by Jacques Defourny
- Parallels between US and European Social Enterprises.
- (2014) Social Enterprise – A New Phenomenon in the Field of Economic and Social Welfare? by Leandro Sepulveda
- A history of social enterprises from a UK perspective.
Courses 🎓 / Articles
- Social Enterprise Program
- By Middlesex University Business School & Jindal Centre for Social Innovation + Entrepreneurship program.
- Free, three courses, nine weeks total.
- According to this paper, the courses were quite impactful and helped start many social enterprises.
- Several free courses such as: Introduction to Fundraising, Fundraising Strategies, and Setting Up a Nonprofit Board.
- Disciplined Approach to Social Entrepreneurship - By Curtin University.
- Social Entrepreneurship - By Wharton Business School. One course, approximately nine hours of work.
- Social Entrepreneurship Specialization - By Copenhagen Business School. Three courses to complete over four months.
- Offers free and paid courses to help individuals create social change.
Fellowships / Articles
- Year Here - One year social enterprise fellowship to build an organization based in London.
- Acumen Academy Fellowship - One year fellowship with the goal of equipping individuals with the tools to tackle issues in their communities.
Tools 🔨 / Articles
- GuideStar - Reporting on U.S. nonprofit companies.
- ProPublica Nonprofit Explorer - Easily access any U.S. nonprofit's tax documents.
- Social Bearing - Useful to determine how popular/active any Twitter account is.
Videos 📽 / Articles
- Social Entrepreneurs: Pioneering Social Change - Skoll Foundation video about social entrepreneurs.
- Muhammad Yunus's Nobel Prize Speech - Yunus built Grameen Bank, the poster child for social enterprises.
- Social Enterprise 101 - Quick and easy overview oof social enterprise.
- How social entrepreneurship will change the world - Inspiring TEDx talk by Erica Wenger about social enterprises.
Online / Articles
- Facebook
- Social Entrepreneurs - 2k members many posts each day.
- Quora
- Social Entrepreneurship - 375k followers, great for asking questions.
- United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE).
- Social Entrepreneurship - Focused on social entrepreneurship education.
Conferences / Articles
- Skoll World Forum - Large annual conference for Skull Foundation.
- Harvard Social Enterprise Conference - Student run annual social enterprise conference.
- Indiana University Social Entrepreneurship Conference - Two day conference focused on social entrepreneurship research.
Finding Local Communities / Articles
- SEA Chapters - Groups all over US focused on social enterprises.
- Meetup - Popular group meeting site.
- Eventbrite - Easy site for discovering events near you.
Networks / Articles
- senco (social enterprise network of central ontario) - Canada group promoting social enterprises.
- Social Enterprise Alliance - US social enterprise advocates.
- enactus - Worldwide organization fostering student social entrepreneurs.
- Buy Good. Feel Good. - North American expo dedicated to brands that are changing the world.
- SocialVentures - Ohio nonprofit to advocate for, develop, and fund businesses that solve social problems.
Foundations / Articles
- Skoll Foundation - Large foundation investing in social entrepreneurs.
- Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship - Advocates for social entrepreneurss on a global level.
- The Audacious Project - A TED project funding social entrepreneurs and nonprofits.
Consultants / Articles
- CSED - Canada based nonprofit helping develop, launch, and grow social enterprises.
- Common Good Solutions - Canada based B-corp helping governments, community organizations and entrepreneurs.
Authors / Articles
- Susan Davis - Co-authored books on on social enterprise and highly active in community.
- David Bornstein - Wrote several popular books on social entrepreneurship.
Social Entrepreneurs / Articles
- Muhammad Yunus - Nobel Prize winner, founder of Grameen Bank, considered father of social enterprise.
Twitter Accounts 🐦 / Articles
- Ken Banks - Founder of Kiwanja.
- Tech Jobs for Good - Posts about tech jobs with social impact.
- Centre for Social Innovation Toronto - A coworking space, community, and launchpad for people who are changing the world.
Miscellaneous / Articles
- WorldShapers - An abundance of resources related to social entrepreneurship education.
- Benefit Corporation - A type of for-profit corporate entity, authorized by 35 U.S. states.
- B Corp Certification - Certificate issued for existing for profit organizations demonstrating social responsibility.
2. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Search Engines
- Typesense - Blazing fast, typo-tolerant open source search engine optimized for developer happiness and ease of use. (Source Code (⭐22k))
3. Awesome Substrate
- Twitter - Follow us to stay up-to-date.
4. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / General
- django-filter (⭐4.5k) - Powerful filters based on Django QuerySets.
- django-sql-explorer (⭐2.8k) - Share data via SQL queries.
- django-tables2 (⭐1.9k) - HTML tables with pagination/sorting.
Third-Party Packages / Permissions
- django-guardian (⭐3.7k) - Per object permissions in Django.
5. Awesome H2o
Research Papers
- Stock Market Analysis using Stacked Ensemble Learning Method (⭐0) Malkar Takle. (2020)
6. Awesome Interview Questions
Coding exercises / Windows
Design Patterns / Windows
7. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Reverse Engineering
8. Awesome Appimage
Resources / Articles
- The Background Story of AppImage - Interview with the creator of AppImage, explaining the key ideas and motivations behind the concept.
Resources / Videos
- AppImage: Portable applications for Linux - Official AppImage introduction video by its founder.
9. Awesome Dataviz
JavaScript tools / Charting libraries
- Google Charts - Interactive charts for browsers and mobile devices.
10. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Buefy Shop (⭐261) - Sample shop, open source, built with Nuxt, Stripe, Firebase, Bulma and Serverless Functions.
- Vuemmerce (⭐440) - Free ecommerce template built with Vue.js and Bulma framework 🆕
- Carpoolear (⭐96) - The open source Vue.js frontend (mobile and cordova app) for the argentinian carpooling application: Carpoolear
Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites
- PingBreak - A free and simple website monitoring service using vuejs for real-time dashboard
11. Awesome Mental Health
- How To Move Your Organization From Fear To Fearlessness - By Gustavo Razzetti.
12. Awesome Stock Resources
Photography / CC0-license
- Splashbase - Search & discover free, hi-resolution photos & videos.
- Streetwill - Free hi-resolution vintage photos to use any way you want.
13. Awesome Flutter
Top / Game Engine resources
- Fwitter (⭐4k) - Full Twitter clone using Firebase solution by Sonu Sharma
14. Awesome Scala Native
Web Development
- snunit (⭐86) - Scala Native HTTP server based on NGINX Unit.
15. Awesome Sre
Misc Articles
16. Awesome Billing
Product Catalog / Market Research
- Akeneo PIM (⭐956) - The open-source variant of the commercial Akeneo products.
17. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Roles / Engineers
- The different engineering levels at Google - From L3 to L8: a quick description of what makes an engineer at each level.
18. Awesome Hacking
Binary files examination and editing / Other
- Kaitai Struct (⭐3.7k) - a DSL for creating parsers in a variety of programming languages. The Web IDE is particularly useful for reverse-engineering.
Competition / Other
- prompt(1) to win - XSS Challenges
19. Awesome Ruby
Social Networking
- Thredded (⭐1.6k) - Rails 4.2+ forums/messageboards engine. Its goal is to be as simple and feature rich as possible.
20. Awesome Elixir
- Nova Elixir (⭐9) - Syntax highlighting and code completion for Elixir files (.ex, .exs, .eex) in Nova.
21. Awesome Static Website Services
- Spotify - You can embed any song, album, or playlist with a Spotify Play Button.
- Vimeo - Paid - Embeddable videos with no ads.
22. Awesome Cl
Other DB wrappers
- cl-mango (⭐1) - A minimalist CouchDB 2.x database client. BSD_3Clause.
23. Public Apis
Games & Comics
API: Hytale
Description: Hytale blog posts and jobs
Auth: No
CORS: Unknown
24. Awesome Security
Exploits & Payloads / Development
- PayloadsAllTheThings (⭐57k) - A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF
25. Awesome Devsecops
Secrets Management / Ansible
- Gopass (⭐5.7k) - Gopass - Password manager for teams relying on Git and gpg. Manages secrets in encrypted files and repositories.
Static Analysis / Multi-Language Support
- Hawkeye (⭐358) - Hawkeyesec - Modularised CLI tool for project security, vulnerability and general risk highlighting.
26. Awesome Qr Code
Apps / File Transfer
- qr-filetransfer (⭐969) - Transfer files over Wi-Fi between your computer and your smartphone from the terminal.
27. Awesome Java
Science / Other
- BioJava - Facilitates processing biological data by providing algorithms, file format parsers, sequencing and 3D visualization commonly used in bioinformatics.
28. Awesome Angular
- Angular Expo showcase.
Analytics / Google Developer Experts
- ng2-adsense (⭐138) - Angular Adsense Component.
Authentication / Google Developer Experts
- casl-angular (⭐6.2k) - Module which integrates isomorphic permissions management library CASL (⭐6.2k) with Angular2+.
- ngx-auth-firebaseui (⭐591) - Angular Material UI component for Firebase authentication.
- ngx-permissions (⭐946) - Permission and roles based access control for your angular applications(AOT, lazy modules compatible).
HTTP / Google Developer Experts
- angular2-jwt (⭐2.6k) - Library for sending authenticated HTTP requests and decoding JWTs.
Breadcrumbs / Google Developer Experts
- xng-breadcrumb (⭐242) - Zero config breadcrumb solution. A lightweight, configurable and reactive breadcrumbs for Angular 6 and beyond.
Calendars / Google Developer Experts
- angular-calendar (⭐2.7k) - A flexible calendar component for angular 6.0+ that can display events on a month, week or day view.
- ng-fullcalendar (⭐1.1k) - Fullcalendar module for Angular.
Charts / Google Developer Experts
- ng2-charts (⭐2.4k) - Beautiful charts for Angular2 based on Chart.js.
- ngx-charts (⭐4.3k) - Declarative Charting Framework for Angular2 and beyond!
Data Grids / Google Developer Experts
- ag-grid - The best JavaScript Data Table for building Enterprise Applications. Supports React, Angular, Vue and Plain JavaScript.
Drag and Drop / Google Developer Experts
- ng2-dragula (⭐1.9k) - Drag and Drop so simple it hurts!
Editor Components / Google Developer Experts
- @ctrl/ngx-codemirror (⭐282) - Codemirror Wrapper for Angular.
- @instechnologies/ng-rooster (⭐12) - Angular wrapper of roosterjs, a rich text editor.
- angular2-froala-wysiwyg (⭐735) - Angular 2 wrapper for Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor.
File Upload / Google Developer Experts
- ng2-file-upload (⭐1.9k) - Easy to use file upload directives.
- ngx-awesome-uploader - Angular Library for uploading files. It supports: File Upload and Preview (additionally preview images with lightbox), validation, image cropper, drag and drop with multi language support.
- ngx-flow (⭐62) - Angular7+ wrapper for flow.js (⭐3k) for file upload.
General / Google Developer Experts
- angular-imask (⭐5k) - Angular input mask.
Form Controls / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-color (⭐437) - 🎨 Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Github, X & more.
- angular2-multiselect-dropdown (⭐298) - Angular multiselect dropdown component for web applications.
- ng-select (⭐3.3k) - All in One UI Select, Multiselect and Autocomplete.
Icons / Google Developer Experts
- angular2-fontawesome (⭐87) - Angular2 Components and Directives for FontAwesome.
- ng2-fontawesome (⭐20)- A small directive making font awesome even easier to use.
Layout Components / Google Developer Experts
- angular-split (⭐883) - Angular split component.
- egjs-infinitegrid (⭐2.3k) - Arrange infinite card elements according to various layout types like masonry for Angular.
Loaders / Google Developer Experts
- angular2-promise-buttons (⭐86) - Loading buttons for Angular 2 by @johannesjo.
- ngx-progressbar (⭐1k) - Nanoscopic progress bar, featuring realistic trickle animations.
Maps / Google Developer Experts
- angular-cesium (⭐178) - Creating map based web apps using Cesium and Angular.
- ngx-mapbox-gl (⭐349) - Angular binding of mapbox-gl-js.
Notifications / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-toastr (⭐2.5k) - Notifications/Toastr.
Scroll / Google Developer Experts
- angular-fullpage (⭐174) - Official component for fullPage.js, a fullscreen scrolling library.
- ngx-scrolltop (⭐30) - Lightweight, Material Design inspired button for scroll-to-top of the page. 🔼 No dependencies. Pure Angular! (Compatibility: Angular 9, Ivy, Universal,
ng add
Additional / Google Developer Experts
- universal-model-angular (⭐8) - Store and state management for Angular.
Unspecified / Google Developer Experts
- Nebular (⭐8.1k) - Customizable Angular UI Library based on Eva Design System.
- NG ZORRO MOBILE (⭐797) - An enterprise-class mobile UI components based on Ant Design Mobile and Angular.
- NG ZORRO (⭐8.9k) - An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular.
- ngx-ui (⭐711) - Style and Component Library for Angular2 and beyond!
- Wijmo 5 - Set of UI components for Angular2.
Material Based / Google Developer Experts
- angular-jqwidgets - Advanced Angular Components with Material Design.
Bootstrap Based / Google Developer Experts
- angular-bootstrap-md - Material Design for Bootstrap 5 & Angular 17.
- ng-bootstrap - Angular widgets built from the ground up using only Bootstrap 5 CSS with APIs designed for the Angular ecosystem.
Viewers / Google Developer Experts
- ng2-pdf-viewer (⭐1.3k) - PDF viewer component.
Misc Components / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-countdown (⭐195) - Simple, easy and performant countdown.
Ionic / Google Developer Experts
- Ionic Framework - Official Website for Ionic Framework.
TypeScript / Google Developer Experts
- TypeScript - Official Website for TypeScript.
- REPL - Official TypeScript REPL that runs entirely in your browser.
- Prev: Oct 01, 2020
- Next: Sep 29, 2020