Awesome List Updates on Jan 27, 2021

19 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Discord Communities


Server Icon

Ärorust Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #resources, #drones, #space, #general-aviation, #rtos, #osal, #splice, #godwit, #ideas, #books, #conferences
Language: English

Server Icon

Rust Programming Language Community Server Git Repository
Notable Channels: #beginners, #code-review, #dev-tools, #black-magic, #macros, #async, #crypto-and-security, #games-and-graphics, #lang-dev, #net-and-web, #os-dev
Language: English

Server Icon

Tauri Apps Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #webview, #didathing, #help, #gamedevs, #app-devs, #vue-cli-plugin, #testing-core, #documentation, #community-projects, #working-groups, #cli-node, #core-rust
Language: English

Server Icon

The Rust Programming Language Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #beginners, #contribute, #community-team, #rustbridge, #design, #compiler, #wg-grammar, #wg-async-foundation, #type-theory, #wg-wasm, #wg-gamedev, so much more
Language: English

Server Icon

Tokio Official Badge Homepage URL Git Repository
Notable Channels: #tokio-users, #tokio-dev, #tokio-docs, #ecosystem, #butte, #hyper, #h3, #kube, #mio, #prost, #reqwest, #tonic, #tower, #tracing, #warp, #loom, #rdbc, #metrics
Language: English

2. Awesome Geek Podcasts

In English

3. Awesome Dos

Development tools






Video / CGA

Video / VGA

Video / SVGA

Sound / PC Speaker

Sound / AdLib/OPL2

Sound / Sound Blaster/OPL3

Other / Sound Blaster/OPL3

Free / Sound Blaster/OPL3

Paid / Sound Blaster/OPL3

Videos / Sound Blaster/OPL3

Open source DOS libraries / Sound Blaster/OPL3

Open source DOS games / Homebrew games with source code

Open source DOS games / Freeware games with source code

Open source DOS games / Commercial games with published source code

4. Awesome Cassandra

Integrating with Cassandra / Spark

5. Awesome Newsletters

Python / Svelte

Awesome news / Svelte

Miscellaneous / Svelte

6. Awesome Analytics

General analytics

Privacy focused analytics

Developer analytics

7. Awesome Bitcoin Payment Processors

Hosted Bitcoin Payment Processors / Custodial

8. Awesome Remote Job

Companies with "remote DNA"

Tools / Communication

9. Awesome Plotters

Hardware / Plotters

10. Awesome Creative Coding

Articles • Tutorials / Shaders • OpenGL • WebGL

11. Awesome Machine Learning

Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning

12. Free for Dev

APIs, Data, and ML


13. Awesome Diversity


14. Awesome Robotic Tooling

Frameworks and Stacks

Data Visualization and Mission Control / Command Line Interface

15. Awesome Vue

Components & Libraries / UI Components

Components & Libraries / Scaffold

16. Awesome Lockpicking

Contests, conferences, and events

17. AwesomeCSV

Data / CSV <-> JSON

18. Public Apis

Art & Design

Games & Comics

19. Awesome Godot

Plugins and scripts / Godot 3.2+