Awesome List Updates on Feb 11, 2022

14 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Gdpr


2. Awesome Snmp

Libraries / Go

Libraries / Python

Libraries / Ruby

Libraries / Rust

Tools / CLIs

Tools / GUIs

3. Awesome Bitcoin Payment Processors

Hosted Bitcoin Payment Processors / Custodial

4. Awesome Pentest

Web Exploitation / Web shells and C2 frameworks

5. Awesome Dos

Development tools

6. Awesome Tmux


7. Awesome Seml


8. Awesome Vue

Components & Libraries / UI Components

9. Awesome Neovim

Formatting / Diagnostics

10. Awesome Eslint

Plugins / Languages and Environments

Tools / Testing Tools

11. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science

Quantum Complexity / Lecture Videos Playlists

Quantum Complexity / Lecture Notes

12. Awesome Jax

Libraries / New Libraries

13. Awesome Ruby

Authentication and OAuth


Business logic

Core Extensions



Event Sourcing

Services and Apps

View components

View helpers

Web Frameworks


14. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Abduction / Applications in AI