Awesome List Updates on Aug 08, 2022
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Public Data Resources / Equity and Environmental Justice
- Justice40 - The purpose of the tool is to help Federal agencies identify disadvantaged communities that are marginalized, underserved, and overburdened by pollution. Combines multiple data sources at the census tract level across eight categories of criteria.
2. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In German
- Bits und so - Weekly talk radio aout Apple, Mac, Ipod+Iphone and other gadgets.
- Methodisch inkorrekt - humoristic reviews of scientific papers. Releasing roughly all two weeks.
- Omega tau science & engineering podcast - A science and engineering podcast. Bilingual podcast, some episodes are english.
3. Awesome Gatling
Community / Video Tutorials
4. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Bookmarks and Link Sharing
- Buku (⭐6.4k) - A powerful bookmark manager and a personal textual mini-web.
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- Databag (⭐831) - Federated, end-to-end encrypted messaging service for the web, iOS, and Android, supporting text, photos, video, and WebRTC video and audio calls. (Demo)
Software / Communication - SIP
- openSIPS - OpenSIPS is an Open Source SIP proxy/server for voice, video, IM, presence and any other SIP extensions. (Source Code (⭐1.2k))
Software / Feed Readers
- Yarr (⭐2.9k) - Yarr (yet another rss reader) is a web-based feed aggregator which can be used both as a desktop application and a personal self-hosted server.
Software / Miscellaneous
- DOMJudge - A system for running a programming contest, like the ICPC regional and world championship programming contests. (Demo, Source Code (⭐710))
Software / Photo and Video Galleries
- This week in past (⭐62) - Aggregates images taken this week, from previous years and presents them on a web page with a simple slideshow.
- Thumbor - A smart imaging service and enables on-demand cropping, resizing, applying filters and optimizing images. (Source Code (⭐10k))
Software / Search Engines
- Manticore Search (⭐8.8k) - Full-text search and data analytics, with fast response time for small, medium and big data (alternative to Elasticsearch).
Software / Software Development - Project Management
- Traq - Project management and issue tracking system written in PHP. (Source Code (⭐180))
Software / Status / Uptime pages
- - An easy to use Status Page for your websites and applications. Statping will automatically fetch the application and render a beautiful status page with tons of features for you to build an even better status page. (Source Code (⭐1.4k))
5. Awesome Elixir
- mix.nvim (⭐26) - Mix wrapper plugin for Neovim.
6. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- vite-mern-template (⭐68) - React 18 + TypeScript + Vite + Redux Toolkit + ESLint + React Router DOM + Axios + React Icons + React Toastify + Express + Mongoose.
7. Awesome Graphql
Python / React
- graphql-core (⭐505) - GraphQL implementation for Python based on GraphQL.js v16.3.0 reference implementation
8. Awesome K6
- k6-junit (⭐11) - k6 JUnit summary exporter libray.
- k6-expect (⭐2) - k6 library that simplifies writing tests in a functional way by providing a jest-like syntax for expectations.
9. Free for Dev
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- Quidlo Timesheets - A simple timesheet and time tracking app for teams. The free plan has time tracking and generating reports features for up to 10 users.
- Prev: Aug 09, 2022
- Next: Aug 07, 2022