Track Awesome Arcgis Developers Updates Weekly
A curated list of resources to help you with ArcGIS development, APIs, SDKs, tools, and location services
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Apr 15 - Apr 21, 2024
- reducegeojson (⭐0) - A tool to reduce the file size of GeoJSON files for web optimisation.
Dec 25 - Dec 31, 2023
ArcGIS location services
- Basemap styles service (v1) - Access streets, satellite, and other basemap styles for maps and scenes.
- Basemap styles service (v2) - Access multiples map styles, add places of interest, set labels languages, word views and more.
- Places service - Search for businesses and geographic locations around the world with detailed information about each place.
- snippets client side raster functions - The client-side raster functions are operations that apply processing directly to the source image pixels.
Jun 19 - Jun 25, 2023
- ArcGIS JS API Module Butler - VSCode extension for quickly adding ES import statements for the @arcgis/core package without leaving your current code context.
May 22 - May 28, 2023
- bboxfinder - Simple web application to get the coordinates of a bounding box drawn on the map.
Mar 13 - Mar 19, 2023
ArcGIS location services
- ArcGIS location services Postman Workspace - Postman collections to facilitate work with many of the location services.
- Postman workspaces - Postman collections to experiment with location services and authentication.
Feb 06 - Feb 12, 2023
Data conversion tools
- gpxstudio (⭐550) - Online and open source GPX file editor.
- img2geojson (⭐14) - Drag an image onto a map, trace the paths you need, and export as GeoJSON.
- arcgis-geometry-calculations (⭐1) - Web application to create and grab ArcGIS geometry calculations.
- - Website to discover and transform coordinate systems from all over the world.
- geojson-random-generator (⭐5) - Generate and download random GeoJSON quickly for testing.
- histogrand (⭐1) - Random value generator according to customized histograms.
- mercator-geographic-converter (⭐3) - Simple coordinate converter between Geographic units (latitude, longitude) and Mercator units (x, y).
Map and data exploration
- Geo Data Viewer - VSCode extension for Geo Data Analytics. Support to generate and view maps.
- VSCode Map Preview - Extension for visually previewing geospatial file content (GeoJSON, KML, etc) on a map.
Jan 30 - Feb 05, 2023
Code samples and snippets
- EsriDevEvents - Supplemental source code, example projects, and resources supporting Esri Developer Summits, Developer Day at Esri UC, FedGIS, #GeoDev webinars, meetups, etc.
Dec 12 - Dec 18, 2022
APIs and SDKs
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET - Guides, sample codes and API reference to build desktop and mobile apps using .Net.
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java - Guides, sample codes and API reference to build desktop apps.
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript - Guides, sample code, API references and showcase to build 2D and 3D interactive web apps unlocking geospatial data.
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for Kotlin - Guides, sample codes and API reference to build mobile apps using Kotlin.
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt - Guides, sample codes and API reference to build mobile and desktop apps.
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for Swift - Guides, sample codes and API reference to build mobile apps using Swift.
Oct 24 - Oct 30, 2022
APIs and SDKs
- ArcGIS CityEngine SDKs (C++) (⭐197) - C++ APIs, documentation and examples for the Procedural Runtime (PRT).
- ArcGIS CityEngine SDKs (Python) (⭐59) - Python bindings for the "Procedural Runtime" (PRT) of CityEngine.
- MapLibre GL JS - Guide and tutorials to help you start building web apps with MapLibre and ArcGIS location services.
Code samples and snippets
- Esri/pyprt-examples (⭐26) - Example for PyPRT (Python Bindings for the CityEngine SDK).
Sep 26 - Oct 02, 2022
APIs and SDKs
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unity - Guides, API reference and sample code to use ArcGIS data and services to develop for Unity.
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unreal Engine - Guides, API reference and sample code to use ArcGIS data and services to develop for Unreal Engine.
Code samples and snippets
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unity samples - Esri's official ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unity product team samples.
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unreal Engine samples - Esri's official ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unreal Engine product team samples.
Mar 21 - Mar 27, 2022
Starter apps and CLIs
- awesome-arcgis (⭐25) - Awesome list with a wiki flavor with resources about Esri and ArcGIS organized by: products, industries, file formats, content providers, etc.
- awesome-earthobservation-code (⭐1.1k) - Tools, tutorials, code, helpful projects and links about Earth Observation and Geospatial stuff.
- awesome-geojson (⭐2.1k) - GeoJSON utilities: operations,editors & viewers, validation, services, conversion, etc.
- awesome-geospatial (⭐3.8k) - Databases, radar, lidar, web map development, etc.
- awesome-gis (⭐4.1k) - GIS, remote sensing, 3D apps, Web Map Servers, Geospatial libraries, Open Standards, data, etc.
- awesome-json-datasets (⭐3.2k) - JSON datasets that don't require authentication about: climate, crime, goverment, NASA, travel, etc.
- awesome-open-geoscience (⭐1.3k) - Curated from repositories that make our lives as geoscientists, hackers, and data wranglers easier or just more awesome.
- awesome-public-datasets (⭐58k) - A topic-centric list of high-quality open datasets.
- awesome-remote-sensing-change-detection (⭐1.5k) - List of datasets, codes, and contests related to remote sensing change detection.
- awesome-satellite-imagery-datasets (⭐3.5k) - List of satellite image training datasets with annotations for computer vision and deep learning.
- awesome-semantic-segmentation (⭐10k) - Networks by architecture (semantic segmentation, instance aware segmentation, etc.), RNN, GANS, datasets, and more.
- awesome-vector-tiles (⭐2.2k) - Implementations of the Mapbox Vector Tile specification: parsers & generators, clients, apps and command line tools, CLI utilities, servers, etc.
Aug 30 - Sep 05, 2021
APIs and SDKs
- ArcGIS API for Python - Guides, sample notebooks and API reference to do mapping, spatial analysis, data science, geospatial AI and automation using Python.
- ArcGIS Earth Automation API - Guide, API reference and samples to communicate with ArcGIS Earth.
- ArcGIS Enterprise SDK - Guides, API reference and sample code to extent ArcGIS Enterprise.
- ArcGIS Pro SDK for Microsoft .NET - Documentation, tutorials, API reference, FAQ, etc. to extend ArcGIS Pro Desktop.
- ArcGIS REST APIs - General documentation about ArcGIS REST APIs: location services, content management, portal administration, and more.
- ArcGIS REST APIs collections (⭐71) - Postman collections to work with some of the REST APIs: location services, hosted feature layers, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Hub, etc.
- ArcGIS REST JS - Key concepts, tutorials and API reference of a collection of JavaScript modules for accessing location services, ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS Enterprise REST APIs.
- ArcGIS Urban API - Public GraphQL web service that can be used to interact with ArcGIS Urban data directly.
- ArcObjects SDK for .Net - Documentation about the .Net SDK for the library of Component Object Model (COM) components that make up the foundation of ArcGIS.
- ArcObjects SDK for Java - Documentation about the Java SDK for the library of Component Object Model (COM) components that make up the foundation of ArcGIS.
- ArcPy - Documentation about the python package to perform geographic data analysis, data conversion, data management, and map automation in ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Enterprise environments.
- Esri Leaflet - Key concepts, tutorials, API reference, plugins, sample code to help you build web apps using Leaflet with ArcGIS Location services.
- OpenLayers - Guide and tutorials to help you start building web apps with OpenLayers and ArcGIS location services.
ArcGIS location services
- Elevation and hydrology services - Generate elevation profiles and viewsheds, but also can trace water flow and generate watersheds.
- Geocoding service - Search for addresses, businesses, and places around the world.
- GeoEnrichment service - Find facts and demographic information about a location or area.
- Routing service - Get turn-by-turn directions and solve advanced routing problems.
- Printing tools service - Generate static maps (png, jpg, pdf, etc.) from advance web maps.
- Offline packaging service - Create and manage preplanned map areas for generating offline maps.
Spatial Analysis
- Spatial analysis service - Process spatial datasets to discover relationships and patterns.
- Esri/gis-tools-for-hadoop (⭐513) - Collection of GIS tools for spatial analysis of big data.
- Esri/spatial-framework-for-hadoop (⭐361) - Allows developers and data scientists to use the Hadoop data processing system for spatial data analysis.
- Turf.js - Geospatial analysis for browsers and Node.js.
Code samples and snippets
- application-base-js (⭐18) - Core class for creating a configurable application using JavaScript/TypeScript.
- ArcGIS API for JavaScript Sample Code - Esri's official JavaScript API product team samples.
- ArcGIS API for Python Sample Notebooks - Esri's official Python API product team samples.
- ArcGIS Arcade Expression Templates (⭐247) - Collection of reusable Arcade expressions across all supported profiles.
- ArcGIS Code Sharing - Search, browse, and use code, scripts, models, add-ins, widgets, and more.
- ArcGIS REST JS demos (⭐334) - Demo apps built by Esri's REST JS maintainers.
- ArcGIS Runtime API for .NET Android samples - Esri's official ArcGIS Runtime Android product team samples.
- ArcGIS Runtime API for .NET iOS samples - Esri's official ArcGIS Runtime .NET product team samples.
- ArcGIS Runtime API for Java samples - Esri's official ArcGIS Runtime Java product team samples.
- ArcGIS Runtime API for .NET UWP samples - Esri's official ArcGIS Runtime .NET product team samples.
- ArcGIS Runtime API for .NET WPF samples - Esri's official ArcGIS Runtime .NET product team samples.
- ArcGIS Runtime API for Android Java samples - Esri's official ArcGIS Runtime Android product team samples for Java.
- ArcGIS Runtime API for Android Kotlin samples - Esri's official ArcGIS Runtime Android product team samples for Kotlin.
- ArcGIS Runtime API for iOS sample code - Esri's official ArcGIS Runtime iOS product team samples.
- ArcGIS Runtime API for Qt C++ sample code - Esri's official ArcGIS Runtime Qt product team samples for C++.
- ArcGIS Runtime API for Qt QML sample code - Esri's official ArcGIS Runtime Qt product team samples for QML.
- arcgis-js-api-starter-apps (⭐7) - Collection of boilerplates to get started with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x.
- Esri/arcgis-js-vscode-snippets (⭐25) - Collection of Visual Studio Code snippets for common code patterns for the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
- Esri/developer-support (⭐262) - Community samples to help be successful with all ArcGIS developer products (Python, NET, JavaScript, Android…).
- Esri/jsapi-resources (⭐687) - A collection of resources for developers using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
- esri-loader Examples (⭐452) - Examples of how to use the ArcGIS API for JavaScript via esri-loader in applications built with React, Angular, Vue, and other frameworks.
- esrinederland/CoolMaps (⭐17) - Shows cool example maps you can use.
- esrinederland/CoolScripts (⭐21) - Esri Netherlands scripts and snippets for reuse.
- RalucaNicola/code-snippets-arcgis-api-js (⭐16) - A collection of code snippets for ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
Data conversion tools
- arcgis-json-to-geojson (⭐36) - Convert layer in ArcGIS JSON spec to GeoJSON spec.
- csv2geojson - Convert points from CSV format to GeoJSON.
- Distillery - Web application to simplify and project TopoJSON.
- Feature Service Layer - Use the
parameter to return generalized geometries with thequery
- Generalize method - GeometryEngine can produce a geometry with fewer vertices programatically. Several APIs supports it: JavaScript, iOS, Android, .NET, Qt and Java.
- gdal (⭐4.5k) - Translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats.
- geojson2svg (⭐62) - Render GeoJSON into SVG using inline or external stylesheet.
- geojsonio (⭐149) - Convert many data formats to and from GeoJSON and TopoJSON.
- gtfs2geojson (⭐25) - Convert GTFS data into GeoJSON.
- Koop - JavaScript toolkit for connecting spatial APIs. Transform geospatial data on the fly and serve as GeoJSON, vector tiles, feature services and more.
- loam (⭐212) - JavaScript wrapper for GDAL in the browser.
- PostGIS ST_Simplify - This operation returns a "simplified" version of the given geometry using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm.
- terraformer (⭐159) - Convert ArcGIS JSON to and from GeoJSON, convert WKT geometries to and from GeoJSON geometries, and other formats.
- togeojson - Convert KML and GPX to GeoJSON, without the fuss.
- tokml (⭐179) - Convert GeoJSON to KML.
Data integration tools
- ArcGIS Data Interoperability Extension - Desktop tool to transform +400 data formats.
- FME Server - ETL allowing to easily transform almost any dataset into an ArcGIS compatible format and vice-versa. Support for 500+ formats and technologies.
- Integromat - iPaaS to automate repetitive tasks involved in using Survey123 and make your work easier.
- node-red-contrib-arcgis-rest - Query, delete, update or insert data with low-code programming for event-driven applications of the JS Foundation.
- Zapier for ArcGIS - iPaaS to automate integrations without writing any code.
- - Manual, scheduled and webhook triggers to apply edits, get features, layers, etc. using Tray Platform's ArcGIS connector.
Debugging tools
- Fiddler Classic - Windows tool that logs HTTP(s) network traffic.
- GeoJSONLint - Validate and view your GeoJSON.
- - Vocabulary that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents (include multiple validators).
- mapbox/geojson-vt/debug - Validate GeoJSON or TopoJSON.
- Postman interceptor - Interceptor enables you to sync cookies from your browser and capture network requests directly from Chrome.
- - App to test CORS requests. You can either send the CORS request to a remote server (to test if CORS is supported), or send the CORS request to a test server (to explore certain features of CORS).
- - Windows application for local network traffic control and monitoring.
Design and styling
- Best practices, books, videos and training:
- Cartography and Making Stunning Maps - Short video showing some examples on what can be achieved using different blend modes effects.
- How to style using ArcGIS Online - Playlist with a collection of short videos showcasing some ArcGIS styling capabilities.
- Photoshop-style Graphics Effects for Your Layers and Data - Video explaining how to use blend modes as well as layer and feature effects to create unique and stunning web maps using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x.
- MapUIPatterns - Best practices & design principles. UI Patterns describe solutions to observed and recurring design problems.
- Developer tools:
- Calcite Design System - Collection of mapping icons, web components, and good practices.
- GUIs:
- ArcGIS Vector Tile Style Editor - Style vector tile basemap layers for applications.
- arcgis-vectortile-style-editor (⭐88) - Minimalistic tool to update the styles of Esri Vector Basemaps through JSON.
- EsriUK mapstyler (⭐22) - Quickly style an Esri vector tile layer using an image.
Developer guides
- Content management - Store, manage, and access private and public content.
- Data hosting - Store, manage, and access your data as data services.
- Demographics - Discover local facts and demographic information with the GeoEnrichment service.
- Maps - Display 2D maps and 3D scenes using the basemap layer service and data services.
- Offline - Display, analyze, and edit data while disconnected.
- Routing - Find routes and directions with the routing service.
- Search - Search for addresses, businesses, and places of interest (POIs) with the geocoding service.
- Security and authentication - Access services and content using API keys and OAuth 2.0.
- Visualization - Style layers to visualize data in 2D and 3D.
- arcgis-js-api-camera-helper - Web application to get the camera position JSON object for 3D web apps in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x.
- arcgis-js-api-extent-helper - Web application to get the map extent JSON object for web apps in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x.
- esri-loader (⭐452) - A tiny library to help you lazy-load the ArcGIS API for JavaScript (i.e. from the CDN) in applications built with popular JavaScript frameworks and bundlers.
- esri-loader-hooks (⭐28) - Custom React hooks for using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript with esri-loader.
- react-sceneview (⭐11) - A simple Esri SceneView react component that builds on the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
Map and data exploration
- ArcGIS Map Viewer - Web application to create, explore, and share web maps for 2D applications.
- ArcGIS Map Viewer (classic version) - Web application to create, explore, and share web maps for 2D applications.
- ArcGIS Scene Viewer - Web application to create, explore, and share web maps for 3D applications.
- (⭐1.8k) - Web application to visualize, generate and edit geospatial vector data. Supports GeoJSON, TopoJSON, CSV, KML, WKT, and shapefile.
- Mapshaper (⭐3.6k) - Web application to simplify shapes, edit attribute data, clipp, erase, dissolve, filter, etc. Supported file formats: Shapefile, GeoJSON, TopoJSON and CSV files.
- Smart Mapping - It is built-in in the Map and Scene viewer, but some APIs like JavaScript and Python also provide utilities to help building data explorations tools.
- arcgis-arcade-playground - Try the portable scripting language for creating ArcGIS custom visualizations and labeling expressions.
- cim-symbol-builder (⭐10) - Generate CIM symbols to work with ArcGIS client APIs and feature services.
- geometry-inspector - Quickly show EsriJSON, GeoJSON, or WKT on a map, or draw on a map to get EsriJSON, GeoJSON, or WKT.
- js-symbol-playground 3.x - Generate symbols to work with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3.x.
- js-symbol-playground 4.x - Generate symbols to work with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x.
- Cartographic Information Model spec (⭐72) - Map content specification used to persist and transfer cartographic descriptions of GIS datasets represented in JSON.
- Common data types - JSON formats of the geometry and spatial reference objects as returned by ArcGIS REST API: Point, Multipoint, Polyline, Polygon and Envelope.
- GeoServices spec (⭐101) - Open Web Foundation REST-based API that provides a complete access to structured geospatial data used by Esri.
- Indexed 3D Scene Layers (⭐311) - Service and package standard of containers for arbitrarily large amounts of geographic data.
- Shapefile Format - Spec for the geospatial vector data format for GIS software.
- Spatial reference specifications - List of Well-Known ID (WKID) integer value or a text string definition referred to as Well-Known Text (WKT) to define a spatial reference.
- Tile Package Specification (⭐18) - Compressed file containing a set of tiles and a tiling scheme, which can be used as a basemap in ArcGIS applications.
- Web Map spec - Sharable 2D maps. It describes the JSON object which defines a web map.
- Web Scene spec - A JSON structure that defines the contents (viewpoint, camera, basemap layer, layers, styles, etc.) for a shareable 3D scene.
Starter apps and CLIs
- @arcgis/cli (⭐138) - Quickly scaffold various applications for the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
- generator-esri-appbuilder-js (⭐178) - Yeoman generator to help customize Esri's Web AppBuilder.
- koop-cli (⭐11) - Tool to scaffold Koop applications and plugins.
- Check the contributing guidelines for this repo (⭐197).
Aug 23 - Aug 29, 2021
Spatial Analysis
- Client-side Geometry Engine - Allows you to test spatial relationships, calculate new geometries, and measure lengths, areas, distances, etc.
- ArcGIS API for JavaScript
- Works for browsers and Node.js. - ArcGIS API for Python
- ArcGIS Runtime API for .NET
- ArcGIS Runtime API for Android
- ArcGIS Runtime API for iOS
- ArcGIS Runtime API for Java
- ArcGIS Runtime API for Qt
- ArcGIS API for JavaScript
Starter apps and CLIs
- Take a look at previously logged issues (⭐198).