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Apr 08 - Apr 14, 2024
Tutorials / Getting Started
- Development Tutorial Playlist by Phillip Mod Dev - A series of videos going over the basics of libGDX.
Jul 10 - Jul 16, 2023
Resources / Editors
- Mundus (⭐142) - World/level editor for 3D worlds with a runtime for libGDX.
Resources / Setup and Deployment
- libgdx-library-template (⭐9) - A skeleton project for making new libraries, since they need different config.
Resources / User Interface
- TextraTypist (⭐86) - Like TypingLabel (below), but also supports styles, emoji, multiple fonts, clickable links, etc.
Resources / Visual Effects
- colorful-gdx (⭐67) - Expands how tinting can affect colors; also has many pre-written shaders.
Resources / Others
- anim8-gdx (⭐34) - Allows saving (animated) GIFs and PNGs from sequences of Pixmaps, with configurable dithering if needed.
Mar 20 - Mar 26, 2023
Resources / Visual Effects
- HackLights (⭐22) - Lightweight framebuffer based lighting engine for libGDX.
Dec 05 - Dec 11, 2022
Resources / Audio
- TuningFork (⭐27) - Advanced 3D audio features for libGDX desktop users.
- gdx-miniaudio (⭐36) - Advanced Cross Platform Audio Engine for libGDX based on MiniAudio.
- gdx-sfx (⭐17) - Some goodies for better sound effects in libGDX.
- gdx-pd (⭐27) - Pure Data extension for libGDX.
May 23 - May 29, 2022
Resources / Visual Effects
- gdx-graph (⭐39) - Provides a GUI to design your rendering pipeline and shaders, and a library to easily incorporate them into your games.
Apr 25 - May 01, 2022
Tutorials / Getting Started
- Scene2D.UI From the Ground Up (⭐414) - Covers the basics of UI design in Scene2D, libGDX's premiere scene graph and layout toolkit.
Tutorials / Advanced
- Introduction to 3D Series - A tutorial series on libGDX 3D using gdx-gltf.
Jan 17 - Jan 23, 2022
Resources / Physics
- Box2D - One of the most popular physics libraries for 2D games.
- Bullet - 3D Collision Detection and Rigid Body Dynamics Library.
Resources / User Interface
- Freetype - Generate BitmapFonts of your desired size on the fly from lightweight .ttf font files.
Tutorials / Getting Started
- Official libGDX Wiki - Official libGDX wiki that contains a huge amount of information.
- libGDX External Tutorials - Big list of official unofficial tutorials.
Oct 04 - Oct 10, 2021
Resources / Controllers
- gdx-controllers (⭐65) - Adds support to gamepads and joysticks.
Resources / Others
- gdx-jnigen (⭐55) - Small library that allows C/C++ code to be written inline with Java source code.
Sep 27 - Oct 03, 2021
Resources / Setup and Deployment
- gdx-liftoff (⭐478) - A modern setup tool for libGDX that supports more backends and allows adding libraries with one click.
Apr 19 - Apr 25, 2021
Tutorials / Getting Started
- Tann's Hello libGDX - An excellent guide for beginners on how to create a game from scratch.
Mar 29 - Apr 04, 2021
Resources / Editors
- HyperLap2D (⭐344) - Visual editor for complex 2D worlds and scenes with a runtime for libGDX.
- Spine - Skeleton-based animation tool that focuses specifically on 2D animation for games.
Tutorials / Getting Started
- Brandon Grasley's Space Shooter Game - Video tutorial series on making a complete Android game from scratch.
Oct 19 - Oct 25, 2020
Resources / Visual Effects
- libgdx-screenmanager (⭐97) - A screen manager for libGDX supporting various transition effects
Aug 31 - Sep 06, 2020
Resources / Algorithms and AI
- Simple Graphs (⭐42) - A java library for graph data structures and algorithms (including fast pathfinding).
Resources / Physics
- jbump (⭐28) - Easy to implement AABB collision detection useful for platformers and other simple 2D games.
May 18 - May 24, 2020
Resources / Visual Effects
- gdx-gltf (⭐198) - GLTF 3D file format support (import/export), PBR shaders, and others advanced rendering.
Feb 17 - Feb 23, 2020
Resources / Visual Effects
- gdx-vfx (⭐181) - Flexible post-processing shader visual effects based on libgdx-contribs-postprocessing.
Resources / Others
- gdx-dbgagent (⭐30) - Java Agent for debugging common issues, like objects not being disposed and constants such as Color.WHITE being modified.
- KTX (⭐1.3k) - Kotlin extensions and utilities for libGDX.
Jan 20 - Jan 26, 2020
Resources / User Interface
- PieMenu (⭐74) - Radial menus for Scene2D that are highly flexible and easy to customize.
Nov 04 - Nov 10, 2019
Resources / User Interface
- msdf-gdx (⭐33) - Provides lightweight utilities to draw high-quality MSDF (multi-channel signed distance field) text on libGDX.
Aug 19 - Aug 25, 2019
Resources / Services
- gdx-gameanalytics (⭐31) - Game Analytics REST API client implementation for libGDX. Works on all backends.
Resources / User Interface
- Skin Composer (⭐414) - Create skins for libGDX scene2d.ui with a graphical interface.
- TenPatch (⭐47) - An alternative to libGDX's 9patch implementation that implements multiple stretch regions.
- TypingLabel (⭐148) - A libGDX Label that appears as if it was being typed in real time.
- VisUI (⭐694) - Allows to create nice looking UI in libGDX using scene2d.ui. Note this is not a UI editor.
Resources / Others
- Texture Packer GUI (⭐569) - A simple way to pack and manage texture atlases for libGDX game framework.
Tutorials / Getting Started
- Creating a Launcher - Video tutorial on using libGDX to make a game launcher.
- Deploying with JPackage (⭐414) - A tutorial on deploying libGDX games with JPackage via Gradle commands.
Tutorials / Advanced
- Code Hotswapping - Video tutorial on enabling code hotswapping for libGDX projects to increase productivity.
Community / Advanced
- Reddit - Unofficial subreddit for libGDX. Not a lot of activity.
Other Lists / Advanced
- Game Accessibility Guidelines - A straightforward reference for inclusive game design, to ensure that games are just as fun for as wide a range of people as possible. Recommended
Aug 12 - Aug 18, 2019
Resources / Controllers
- sdl2gdx (⭐71) - Powerful gamepad implementation using SDL. Supports hundreds of controllers under the same mapping, rumble, and hotplugging.
Resources / Setup and Deployment
- Packr (⭐2.5k) - Packages your JAR, assets and a JVM for distribution on Windows, Linux and macOS.
Resources / Visual Effects
- Shape Drawer (⭐180) - A performant alternative to ShapeRenderer that avoids Batch flushing.
Jun 10 - Jun 16, 2019
Tutorials / Advanced
- Dynamic Textures with Pixmap - Details how to create a mask using Pixmaps.
- iOS Deployment Tutorial - Deploying to iOS in 2019 using RoboVM.
- Sub-pixel Perfect Smooth Scrolling - Pixel-perfect smooth scrolling.
Assets / Advanced
- Kenney Assets - High quality assets for your game, from 2D and 3D art to sound effects.
- - Repository offering a variety of open content assets.
- - Repository containing heaps of cool game related graphics.
- - Quickly create unique sound effects by pressing a few buttons, excellent for prototyping.
- - Huge collaborative database of audio snippets, samples, recordings, bleeps.
Jun 03 - Jun 09, 2019
Resources / Algorithms and AI
- gdx-ai (⭐1.2k) - Artificial Intelligence framework featuring Steering Behaviors, Formation Motion, Pathfinding, Behavior Trees and Finite State Machines.
Resources / Controllers
- gdx-controllerutils (⭐55) - Adds Scene2D button input support, user configurable button mappings and hotplugging for LWJGL2.
Resources / Services
- steamworks4j (⭐449) - A thin wrapper which allows Java applications to access the Steamworks C++ API.
Resources / User Interface
- gdx-dialogs (⭐77) - Provides cross-platform support for native dialogs.
- InGameConsole (⭐129) - Allows a developer to add a console (similar to how it is featured in Source games) to their game.
Resources / Visual Effects
- Box2DLights (⭐250) - 2D lighting framework that uses Box2D for raycasting and OpenGL ES 2.0 for rendering.
- Particle Park (⭐66) - A showcase of downloadable particle effects with live previews.
Resources / Others
- gdxGifRecorder (⭐37) - A utility class that records a GIF and saves it automatically.
- noise4j (⭐95) - Simple map generators based on various procedural content generation tutorials.
May 27 - Jun 02, 2019
Resources / Entity Component System (ECS)
- Artemis-odb (⭐758) - High performance java based Entity-Component-System framework.
- Ashley (⭐840) - A Java entity system inspired by Ash & Artemis.
Resources / Services
- gdx-facebook (⭐60) - Provides cross-platform support for Facebook Graph API.
- gdx-fireapp (⭐63) - Cross-platform API for Firebase.
- gdx-firebase (⭐35) - Cross-platform (only Desktop/Android) API for Firebase.
- gdx-gamesvcs (⭐112) - Easy integration of gameservices, such as Google Play Games, Apple Game Center, and more.
- gdx-pay (⭐220) - Provides a cross-platform API for InApp purchasing.
Resources / User Interface
- gdx-skins (⭐490) - Free Scene2D GUI skins.
- Ray3K Skins - Free Scene2D.UI skins with example code, custom drawables, and experimental features.
Tutorials / Getting Started
- JSON in Game Dev - General tutorial on using JSON for storing data.
- Progress Bar Design (⭐414) - Discusses the pros and cons of different progress bar design techniques with examples.
Community / Advanced
- Discord - An active chat with various leaders from the community available every day. Recommended
Other Lists / Advanced
- Game Networking (⭐6.7k) - A Curated List of Game Network Programming Resources.
- Game Talks (⭐1k) - A curated list of gaming talks (development, design, etc).
- Java (⭐40k) - A curated list of awesome Java frameworks, libraries and software.
- Kotlin (⭐11k) - A curated list of awesome Kotlin related stuff.
- Magic Tools (⭐13k) - A list of Game Development resources to make magic happen.