Awesome List Updates on Mar 29 - Apr 04, 2021

65 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Alternative Front Ends

Overview / YouTube

2. Awesome Tensorflow Js

Learn / Books

3. Awesome Cakephp

Development Environment

4. Awesome Rust

Applications / Video

5. Awesome Free Software

Software / File Sharing

6. Awesome Libgdx

Resources / Editors

Tutorials / Getting Started

7. Awesome Ansible


8. Awesome V


9. Awesome List


10. Awesome Meteor


11. Awesome Network Analysis

Software / Python

12. Awesome Seed Rs

Projects Using Seed

13. Awesome Bitcoin

Full nodes

14. Awesome Storybook


15. Awesome Jamstack

Jamstack Sites Showcase

Tutorials / Articles / Automation

16. Awesome Amazon Seller

Software and Tools

17. Awesome Vue

Resources / Books

Components & Libraries / UI Components

18. Awesome Swift


Images / Barcode

Network / Barcode

Alert / Barcode

Button / Barcode

Permissions / Barcode

Transition / Barcode

19. Awesome R Learning Resources

Topic Areas / Web Scraping

Topic Areas / Uncategorized

20. Awesome Cl


Statistics / Third-party APIs

Apps / Third-party APIs

21. Awesome Flask

Conferences / Testing

22. Awesome Biological Visualizations


23. Awesome Swift Playgrounds

WWDC Students Submissions

24. Awesome Deep Learning

Researchers / Tools

25. Awesome Streaming

Table of Contents / Streaming SQL

26. Awesome Dart


27. Awesome Tmux

Status Bar

28. Awesome Circuitpython


29. Awesome Wpo

Bundle Analyzer / Meetups

30. Awesome Yew

Crates / Component Libraries

31. Awesome Digital History

Archives and primary sources / Germany

More Awesome / Switzerland

32. Android Security Awesome

Tools / Online Analyzers

33. Awesome Devsecops

Infrastructure as Code Analysis / Terraform

34. Awesome Shell

Multimedia and File Formats / Directory Navigation

Applications / Directory Navigation

35. Nlp with Ruby

Language Aware String Manipulation / Constituency Parsing

36. Awesome Deno

Modules / CLI utils

Tools / XML

37. Awesome Nix

Deployment Tools / Discovery

Development / Discovery

Programming Languages / Arduino

Programming Languages / Crystal

38. Awesome Transit

Web Apps (closed source)

Web Apps (open source)

39. Awesome WSL

WSL Tools / Miscellaneous Tools

40. Awesome Arch

AUR Helpers / Other

41. Awesome Ios

Machine Learning

42. Awesome Ocaml

Developer Tools

43. Open Source Flutter Apps

Contents / Entertainment

Contents / Finance

Contents / Health and Fitness

Contents / Productivity

Contents / Tools

44. Awesome Bioinformatics

Sequence Alignment / Clustering

Variant Calling / Clustering

45. Awesome Micro Npm Packages

Modules / String

46. Awesome Ipfs

Services & Platforms

47. Awesome Mac

Developer Tools / Developer Utilities

Developer Tools / Command Line Tools

Utilities / Menu Bar Tools

48. Awesome Osint

Social Media Tools / Reddit

49. Awesome Nosql Guides

Overview of NoSQL

50. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)



ASP.NET Core / Blazor

JavaScript / Wicket

.NET Core / PicoLisp

51. Awesome Humane Tech

Privacy / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Awareness / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Related awesomeness / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

52. Awesome Bash

Shell Script Development

53. Awesome Keycloak

Community Extensions

54. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam

Cloud platform security / Distributed monitoring

Cloud platform security / Kubernetes

Cloud platform security / Service meshes

Network perimeter defenses / Firewall appliances or distributions

55. Awesome Sitecore



Content Search

NET Core Headless


56. Alternative Internet


57. Awesome Elixir

Artificial Intelligence


58. Free for Dev

Source Code Repos

APIs, Data, and ML

Issue Tracking and Project Management

IDE and Code Editing

Analytics, Events and Statistics

Other Free Resources

59. Awesome Jupyter


60. Awesome Cdk

Tools / Multi-accounts setup

61. Public Apis




Science & Math

Test Data

Text Analysis



62. Awesome Geek Podcasts

In English

In Russian

In Arabic / Tooling

63. Awesome Java

Miscellaneous / Text-Based User Interfaces

64. Awesome Quantified Self

Applications and Platforms / Diet

65. Awesome Angular

HTTP / Google Developer Experts

DOM / Google Developer Experts

Misc Components / Google Developer Experts