Awesome List Updates on Feb 22, 2016
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Text Editing
Rich-text editors using contenteditable
- Draft.js - a rich text editor framework for React
2. Awesome Alfred Workflows
- LastPass Vault Manager (⭐121) - A workflow to interact with a LastPass vault.
3. Awesome Mongodb
Resources / Articles
Resources / Talks
Resources / More
Libraries / C
- mongo-c-driver (⭐823) - Official C driver
Libraries / C++
- mongo-cxx-driver (⭐1.1k) - Official C++ driver
Libraries / C#/.NET
- mongo-csharp-driver (⭐3.2k) - Official C# driver
- MongoDB Messaging (⭐58) - Lightweight queue pub/sub processing library
- MongoRepository (⭐307) - Repository abstraction layer on top of the C# driver
Libraries / Erlang
- mongodb-erlang (⭐344) - Community Erlang driver
Libraries / Haskell
- mongodb (⭐172) - Community Haskell driver
Libraries / Java
- Jongo (⭐585) - Query in Java as in Mongo shell
- Hibernate OGM (⭐321) - The power and simplicity of JPA for NoSQL datastores
- mongo-java-driver (⭐2.6k) - Official Java driver
- Mongojack (⭐267) - Based on Jackson, allows you to easily handle your mongo objects as POJOs
- Morphium (⭐55) - Java ODM and caching layer
- Mungbean (⭐18) - Community driver for languages running on the JVM
Libraries / JavaScript
- Mongoose (⭐27k) - Node.js asynchronous ODM
- Moonridge (⭐66) - Framework with live querying on top of Mongoose and
- node-mongodb-native (⭐10k) - Official Node.js driver
Libraries / Lisp
- cl-mongo (⭐143) - Community Common Lisp interface
- mongo-cl-driver (⭐35) Community Common Lisp driver
Libraries / Python
- PyMongo (⭐4.2k) - Official Python driver
Libraries / Ruby
- mongo-ruby-driver (⭐1.4k) - Official Ruby driver
Libraries / Scala
- ReactiveMongo (⭐850) - Non-blocking Scala driver
Tools / Administration
- mongoctl (⭐178) - Manage MongoDB servers and replica sets using JSON configurations
Tools / Deployment
- ansible-role-mongodb (⭐344) - Ansible role
- chef-mongodb (⭐363) - Chef cookbook
Tools / Monitoring
- mongo-munin (⭐144) - Collection of Munin plugins
- mongomon (⭐23) - More Munin plugins
4. Awesome Dotnet
Database Drivers
- Firebird.NET - The .NET Data provider is written in C# and provides a high-performance, native implementation of the Firebird API
Markdown Processors
- MarkdownSharp - Open source C# implementation of Markdown processor, as featured on Stack Overflow.
State machines
- Stateless (⭐5.7k) - Create state machines and lightweight state machine-based workflows directly in .NET code
5. Tips
Marks your commit as a fix of a previous commit.
git commit --fixup <SHA-1>
Squash fixup commits normal commits.
git rebase -i --autosquash
6. Awesome Dataviz
JavaScript tools / Charting libraries
- Plotly.js (⭐15k) - Powerful declarative library with support for 20 chart types.
R tools / Misc
- plotly (⭐2.3k) - Interactive charts (including adding interactivity to ggplot2 output), cartograms and simple network diagrams
7. Awesome Fuse
- Interview with Anders Lassen from Fuse - Written by Abduzeedo.
8. Awesome Purescript
Build Tooling
- purescript-psa (⭐85) - A pretty, flexible error/warning reporting frontend for
9. Awesome Vulkan
- The Talos Principle - by Croteam.
10. Awesome Elixir
- Hydra (⭐66) - A multi-headed beast: API gateway, request cache, and data transformations.
Files and Directories
- fwatch (⭐4) - A callback-based file watcher based on fs.
- artifact (⭐44) - File upload and on-the-fly processing for Elixir.
- onetime (⭐4) - An onetime key-value store for Elixir.
- Prev: Feb 23, 2016
- Next: Feb 21, 2016