Awesome List Updates on Jul 07, 2017
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Security
- AdRoll/hologram 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐783) - Easy, painless credentials on developer laptops.
2. Awesome Android Ui
Name: Konfetti (⭐2.6k)
License: ISC
3. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Hasan Bayat (⭐1) - Awesome developer. Loves open source.
4. Vertx Awesome
- Crabzilla (⭐73) - Yet another Event Sourcing experiment. A project exploring Vert.x to develop Event Sourcing / CQRS applications.
5. Awesome Cl
Plotting / Third-party APIs
- vgplot (⭐51) - an interface to the gnuplot plotting utility with the intention to resemble some of the plot commands of octave or matlab. GPL3.
6. Awesome Jvm
- async-profiler (⭐5.5k) - Sampling CPU profiler for Java featuring AsyncGetCallTrace + perf_events.
7. Machine Learning with Ruby
Community / Vector search
8. Awesome Smart Tv
Google Chromecast / Official resources
- Google Cast SDK - Official Google Cast SDK documentation and tutorials.
- TVs with Chromecast built-in - List of vendors supporting built-in Chromecast and advantages over traditional TV remote controller.
Cross-platform frameworks / Official resources
- Smartbox (⭐241) - Smart TV universal library for Samsung, LG, Philips, SmartTV Aliance, STB Mag app development.
Remote control protocols / Official resources
- DLNA - Industry-wide standard for sharing data over a home network. Depending on the DLNA-compatible devices you own, you might be able to stream films from your laptop to your TV, play an MP3 stored on your phone over your hi-fi system, or print a photo from your tablet on your home printer.
- DIAL - Developed by Netflix and Google, this protocol alows client devices (like smartphone, tablet, or computer) to discover apps on server devices (like a smart TV or streaming box) and launch content on them.
- Wi-Fi Direct - Standard enabling devices to easily connect with each other without requiring a wireless access point.
- Miracast - Standard for wireless connections from devices (such as laptops, tablets, or smartphones) to displays (such as TVs, monitors or projectors). Works over Wi-Fi Direct.
9. Awesome Tensorflow
10. Awesome Neuroscience
Resources / Communities
- Quora - Neuroscience topic on Quora contains answers, often by experts, to questions ranging from basic to advanced.
- Reddit - List of neuroscience, psychology and cognitive science subreddits.
- Prev: Jul 08, 2017
- Next: Jul 06, 2017