Awesome List Updates on Jun 19, 2020

13 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Diversity


2. Awesome Wardley Maps

Maps in the Wild

3. Awesome Crystal

CLI Utils

Database Drivers/Clients

4. Awesome Powershell

SQL Server

5. Awesome Eslint

Plugins / Code Quality

Plugins / Compatibility

Plugins / Deprecation

Plugins / Embedded

Plugins / Frameworks

Plugins / Languages and Environments

Plugins / Libraries

Plugins / Misc

Plugins / Practices and Specific ES Features

Plugins / Performance

Plugins / Testing Tools

6. Awesome Building Blocks for Web Apps


7. Awesome Wpo

CDN / Meetups

8. Awesome Swift

UI / Barcode

9. Free for Dev

Issue Tracking and Project Management

10. Awesome Embedded Rust

Driver crates / Other

11. Awesome Web Security


Backend (core of Browser implementation, and often refers to C or C++ part)

Miscellaneous / Server-Side Request Forgery

12. Awesome Discord Communities

C and C++

Server Icon

#include Homepage URL
Notable Channels: #assembly, #c-language, #gpu, #audio, #build-systems, #cpp, #embedded, #learning, #security #conferences, #tooling, #2d-graphics, #clion, #catch2, #qt
Language: English

Server Icon

C++ Help Git Repository
Notable Channels: #cpp-questions, #help, #advanced, #gamedev, #project-showcase
Language: English \

Server Icon

Together C & C++ Git Repository
Notable Channels: #c_general, #cpp_general, #assembly, #code_review, #gamedev, #graphics, #audio, #programming_environment, #collaboration, #unix, #other_langs_help, #math
Language: English

13. Awesome Quantified Self

Applications and Platforms / Media Consumption

Devices and Wearables / Wealth