Awesome List Updates on Feb 02, 2021
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Devsecops
Static Analysis / Multi-Language Support
- SonarLint - SonarSource - An IDE plugin that highlights potential security security issues, code quality issues and bugs.
2. Awesome Pagespeed Metrics
Concepts / Lab Data (Synthetic Measurements)
- AwesomeTechStack - Website awesomeness monitoring Tool.
3. Awesome Discord Communities
Web Frameworks

Notable Channels: #docusaurus-users
, #docusaurus-dev
, #docusaurus-2-dogfooding
, #docusaurus-2-dev
, #docusaurus-zeit
, #docusaurus-algolia
, #docusaurus-1-to-2-migration
Language: English

Notable Channels: #ember-jobs
, #help
, #ember-clie
, #ember-data
, #topic-a11y
, #topic-addon-development
, #topic-backend
, #dev-meta
, #dev-ember-learning
, #ember-addons
, so much more
Language: English, français, Deutsch, português, pусский, español

Notable Channels: #discussion
, #documentation
, #advanced-questions
, #articles-videos-podcasts
, #showcase
Language: English, español, 中文, русский, português, italiano, Türkçe, Українська \

Notable Channels: #general
, #discussion
, #need-help
, #bugs
, #feature-request
Language: English \

Pallets Project
Notable Channels: #watercooler
, #get-help
, #sprint
, #flask
, #jinja
, #click
, #werkzeug
, #flask-sqlalchemy
, #flask-rebar
, #wtforms
Language: English

Notable Channels: #svelte
, #support
, #sapper
, #examples
, #updates
, #meetups
, #future
, #showcase
, #nativedev
, #internals
, #gl
, #jobs
, #language-tools
, #sveltesocietyday2020
Language: English

Notable Channels: #general
, #i-made-this
, #ideas
, #uikit-4
, #development
, #html-css
, #less
, #js
, #documentation
Language: English

Notable Channels: #vapor
, #leaf
, #fluent
, #auth
, #async
, #security
, #meetups
, #showcase
, #today-i-learned
, #apple-events
, #deployment
, #red
, #cloud
, #aws
, swift
, so much more
Language: English, čeština, español, русский, Deutsch, 中文频道, Nederlands, 日本語, français, italiano, українська, 한국어
4. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Task scheduling
- delay-timer (⭐321) - Time-manager of delayed tasks. Like crontab, but asynchronous tasks are possible.
5. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- nvim-lua/lsp-status.nvim (⭐636) - This is a plugin/library for generating statusline components from the built-in LSP client.
- RishabhRD/nvim-lsputils (⭐462) - Better defaults for nvim-lsp actions.
- kosayoda/nvim-lightbulb (⭐831) - The plugin shows a lightbulb in the sign column whenever a
is available at the current cursor position.
(requires Neovim 0.5) / LSP Installer
- anott03/nvim-lspinstall (⭐88) - Easy to install language servers.
- alexaandru/nvim-lspupdate (⭐92) - Updates installed (or auto installs if missing) LSP servers.
Fuzzy Finder / Diagnostics
- vijaymarupudi/nvim-fzf (⭐345) - A Lua API for using FZF (Neovim >= 0.5). Allows for full asynchronicity for UI speed and usability.
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- windwp/nvim-autopairs (⭐3.4k) - A minimalist autopairs written by Lua.
- monaqa/dial.nvim (⭐851) - Extended increment/decrement.
6. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Shopping
- Yumniastic Food Shop App (⭐35) - Online food delivery service app and Django API by 1hanzla100.
7. Awesome Microservices
Frontend / UI / Scala
- Electrode - Universal React/Node.js application platform.
- MiniApp White Paper - MiniApp standardization white paper.
8. Awesome Rest
Documentation / Symfony2
- Optic (⭐1.4k) - Maintain an accurate API specification without writing OpenAPI/Swagger. Works with any Stack
9. Awesome Bigdata
Business Intelligence
- Count - notebook-based anlytics and visualisation platform using SQL or drag-and-drop.
10. Awesome Postgres
Contents / GUI
- Count - Web-based analytics platform with a notebook interface which connects to PostgreSQL (Commercial Software).
11. Awesome Love2d
- g3d (⭐590) - Simple and easy 3D engine for LÖVE.
- input (⭐4) - Simple and powerful input library. support check operation time, sequence.
12. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- vite-svg-loader (⭐616) - Vite plugin to load SVG files as Vue components
13. Awesome React Components
- react-headings (⭐72) - Auto-increment your HTML headings (h1, h2, etc.) for improved accessibility and SEO, no matter your component structure, while you keep full control of what's rendered.
Miscellaneous / Lazy Load
- Plasmic - Powerful design tool for building your React components visually.
- Prev: Feb 03, 2021
- Next: Feb 01, 2021