Awesome List Updates on Feb 21, 2023

16 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Cl



Others / Third-party APIs

CSV / Third-party APIs

2. Awesome Ruby


3. Awesome Lowcode


4. Awesome Playwright


5. Awesome Embedded Rust

Driver crates / Other

Driver crates / WIP

6. Awesome Ada

Entry Point

Online Books


News and Resources

Graphical User Interface / Apache License

Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License

Sound / Apache License

Utilities / Apache License

Bindings to Other Languages / Apache License

Automation / Apache License

7. Awesome Crystal


Official Documentation Translations

8. Awesome Swift

Layout / Barcode

9. Awesome Eslint

Configs / Other Configs

10. Awesome Nix

Command-Line Tools / Discovery

Programming Languages / PureScript

11. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Analytics

Software / Database Management

12. Awesome Product Management

Books / Obsidian

13. Awesome Plotters

Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Manuals

14. Awesome Blazor

Articles / Others

15. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Themes / superconsole - Windows-only

16. Awesome Developer First

Authentication & Identity