Awesome List Updates on Aug 26, 2016
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Service Workers
Related Technologies
2. Vertx Awesome
- Vert.x Async (⭐12) - Portage of caolan/async nodejs module to Vert.x framework that provides helpers methods for common async patterns.
3. Awesome Redux
- redux-orm (⭐3k) - Small, simple and immutable ORM to manage relational data in your Redux store.
- redux-modifiers (⭐159) - Collection of generic functions for writing Redux reducers to operate on various data structures.
- redux-bug-reporter (⭐689) - Bug reporter and bug playback tool for Redux.
Utilities / Side Effects
- redux-saga (⭐22k) - Alternative side effect model for Redux apps.
- redux-effects (⭐492) - You write pure functions, redux-effects handles the rest.
- redux-loop (⭐2k) - Port of elm-effects and the Elm Architecture to Redux that allows you to sequence your effects naturally and purely by returning them from your reducers.
Code Style / Side Effects
- redux-act (⭐1.5k) - Opinionated lib to create actions and reducers for Redux.
- redux-crud (⭐632) - Set of standard actions and reducers for Redux CRUD Applications.
Dev tools / Inspection tools / Side Effects
- redux-devtools-chart-monitor (⭐294) - Chart monitor for Redux DevTools.
- redux-devtools-dispatch (⭐145) - Dispatch your actions manually to test if your app Reacts well.
- redux-devtools-dock-monitor (⭐403) - Resizable and movable dock for Redux DevTools monitors.
React Integration / Side Effects
- redux-test-recorder (⭐492) - Redux middleware to automatically generate tests for reducers through ui interaction.
- redux-form-material-ui (⭐834) - Set of wrapper components to facilitate using Material UI with Redux Form.
React Integration / Routing
- redux-async-connect (⭐650) - It allows you to request async data, store them in Redux state and connect them to your React component.
- redux-tiny-router (⭐130) - Router made for Redux and made for universal apps. Stop using the router as a controller, it's just state.
React Integration / Forms
- redux-form (⭐13k) - Higher Order Component using react-redux to keep form state in a Redux store.
React Integration / Component State
- redux-ui (⭐640) - Easy UI state management for React Redux.
Other Integrations / RxJS
- rx-redux (⭐421) - Reimplementation of Redux using RxJS.
- redux-rx (⭐1k) - RxJS utilities for Redux.
Other Integrations / Electron
- redux-electron-store (⭐375) - Redux store enhancer that allows automatic synchronization between electron processes.
Other Integrations / Other
- kasia (⭐218) - React Redux toolset for the WordPress API.
Boilerplate / Other
- redux-cli (⭐890) - Opinionated CLI for building Redux/React apps quicker.
- universal-redux (⭐462) - Npm package that lets you jump right into coding React and Redux with universal (isomorphic) rendering. Only manage Express setups or Webpack configurations if you want to.
- generator-react-aspnet-boilerplate (⭐284) - Starting point for building isomorphic React applications with ASP.NET Core 1, leveraging existing techniques.
- socrates (⭐579) - Small (8kb), batteries-included Redux store to reduce boilerplate and promote good habits.
Miscellaneous / Other
- redux-core (⭐42) - Minimal Redux.
4. Awesome Elixir
Third Party APIs
- honeywell (⭐0) - A client for the Honeywell Lyric, Round and Water Leak & Freeze Detector APIs.
- particle (⭐6) - An Elixir client for the Particle IoT platform's HTTP API.
Translations and Internationalizations
- trans (⭐231) - A Elixir library to manage embedded translations into models leveraging PostgreSQL JSONB datatype.
5. Tips
Alias: git undo
git config --global alias.undo '!f() { git reset --hard $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)@{${1-1}}; }; f'
6. Awesome Sre
7. Awesome Chatops
- So, What is ChatOps? And How do I Get Started? – ChatOps concepts and tools.
- What is ChatOps? A guide to its evolution, adoption, and significance – ChatOps and its adoption by HipChat Evangelist.
- How ChatOps can revolutionize your business – Benefits of using ChatOps, tools, current trend and the future.
- ChatOps at GitHub + slides – The first public talk on the subject by Jesse Newland.
- The Rise of ChatOps + slides – From the first ChatOps San Francisco meetup by Jimmy Cuadra.
- ChatOps: Augmented Reality for Ops – How Github use chat to improve situational awareness during incidents, to share knowledge, to coordinate activities, and much more.
- Living in the Future with ChatOps + slides – A quick summary of PagerDuty's ChatOps journey by Eric Sigler.
- Incident Management from the Future + slides – How Michael Ansel manages incidents via chat at Box.
- ChatOps San Francisco YouTube Channel – More videos from each meetup.
- ChatOps For Dummies – A high-level guide to understanding the origins of the practice, the benefits and tools needed to get started.
- ChatOps – Managing Operations in Group Chat – The key ChatOps concepts and technologies by Jason Hand.
- ChatOps San Francisco – Discussion and collaboration on all aspects of ChatOps including tools, security, and methodology.
- ChatOps Extravaganza With Jason Hand, Sasha Rosenbaum, And Peter Burkholder – An episode about best practices of ChatOps.
- /r/chatops – Subreddit with articles and discussion.
8. Awesome Appium
- Appium Desktop (⭐4.3k) - Appium Server and Inspector in Desktop GUIs for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
- WebDriverAgent Inspector (⭐4k) - A WebDriver server for iOS that runs inside the Simulator.
- Selendroid Inspector - The web app which is embedded inside your selendroid test server.
- Appium iOS Inspector (⭐143) - The tool for iOS elements location based on the original source of Selendroid Inspector.
- app-inspector (⭐370) - Macacajs App Inspector.
- TOOLSQA - Appium tutorial for beginners (Android & iOS).
- GURU99 - Appium tutorial for beginners.
- QTPSELENIUM - Appium tutorials.
- Appium Bootcamp - Appium Bootcamp by Sauce.
- Appium Mobile Grid Setup - The Mobile Grid – Getting Started for Android & iOS.
- Selenium Camp 2016 - Selenium Camp 2016.
- Appium Architecture - Architecture of Appium.
- All about Appium - All about Appium in Wordpress.
- Appium with Image Recognition - Appium with Image Recognition - Simon Kaz.
- Automate Android Actions using Appium - Automate Android Actions using Appium - kkashyap1707.
- Network Connection in Appium - How to deal with Network Connection from Appium 4.0.0 - Elias Nogueira.
- How to change language in Appium - Appium Tips — Changing the app Language - Elias Nogueira.
- Automated UI testing of a UWP app using Appium - Windows Application driver makes UWP Apps compatible using Appium - Yassine benabbas.
- Context Switching in Appium Switching to a Dynamically Named Context Handle with Appium and Java - Kevin Berg.
- A Robot Should Be Running Your Appium Tests - How to run Appium Tests using Robots. - Dan Cuellar.
- Appium Tests on Buddybuild - Automates building, deploying and gathering feedback for mobile apps - Stipe Kolovrat.
- Appium Workshop Selnium Conf 2016 (⭐27) - Repo for Appium Workshop at the 2016 Selenium Conference - Justin Ison.
Cloud and Docker Solutions
- Appium Tests in AWS Device Farm (⭐83) - Sample Appium tests runs on AWS Device Farm.
- Appium Tests in OpenSTF Device Farm (⭐106) - Sample Appium tests runs on STF Device Farm.
- Appium Docker File (⭐7) - DockerFile for Appium Android.
- Appium Docker File (⭐8) - DockerFile for Appium Android.
Git Books
- Appium Essentials - Explore mobile automation with Appium and discover new ways to test native, web, and hybrid applications - Manoj Hans.
- Appium for Android - A quick reference book on how to use Appium for automating Android Application using Java - Nishant Verma.
9. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Haroen Viaene (⭐0) - Student mostly doing JS, open source everything, creating stuff at bullgit.
10. Awesome Dotnet Core
Community / Workflow
11. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Continuous Integration
- CircleCI - A continuous integration platform.
- Prev: Aug 27, 2016
- Next: Aug 25, 2016