Awesome List Updates on May 23, 2020

16 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Tmux

Status Bar

2. Awesome Embedded Rust

no-std crates / WIP

3. Free for Dev

APIs, Data, and ML

4. Awesome Web Monetization

About Web Monetization

5. Awesome Powershell

Interactive Learning

Module Development Templates

Package Managers


SQL Server

6. Open Source Flutter Apps

Contents / Games

7. Awesome Wardley Maps

Maps in the Wild

8. Awesome Robotic Tooling

Datasets / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces

9. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Task Management & To-do Lists

10. Awesome Deno

Modules / Utils

Tools / XML

Resources in Other Languages / Spanish

11. Awesome Java

Configuration / Text-Based User Interfaces

Database / Text-Based User Interfaces

Game Development / Text-Based User Interfaces

Job Scheduling / Text-Based User Interfaces

12. Awesome Micropython

Communications / CAN

Communications / DNS

Communications / IoT

Communications / NTP

Communications / Radio

Communications / REPL

Communications / Web

Display / LCD TFT

Display / LED Segment

Display / LEDs



IO / Rotary Encoder

Mathematics / Waveform Generator

Sensors / Air Quality

Sensors / Gaseous

Sensors / Load Cell

Scheduling / Touch Resistive

Storage / Database

Code Generation / SRAM

Shells / On Device

Shells / On Host

13. Webcomponents the Right Way


14. Awesome Hacking



15. Awesome Webgl


Others / Particles

16. ALL About RSS

TestFlight / Early Access / Outline Processor Markup Language

Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language

Other Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language

Tech or IT / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264

😣 Services that have stopped supporting RSS / Crypto or Blockchain relevant

Podcast Feed Validator / Crypto or Blockchain relevant